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Everything posted by nikkib

  1. Mark Askew eh, really? It looks like G.R definately wants to give Wareing a run for his money then, as well as chuck a few knives into his back!! Im I right in thinking that the 'new' Petrus will be within spiting distance of M.W? I wonder just how much G.R worries about M.W getting three star status? This could turn out to be interesting! ← 1 Kinnerton Street SW1 - by the junction with Motcomb Street Is the new address - couple of hundred yards from The Berkeley
  2. nikkib

    "Brown Crabmeat" ?

    Brown crab meat is the body meat as opposed to the finer white claw meat. It has a richer, meatier flavour which is why it would be in the curry to give a stronger base flavour. Brown crab is also a common variet of crab obver here in the uk and i would imagine that would be thevariety used in Gordon/Jamies recipes.
  3. nikkib

    Dinner Party Menu

    you can buy vegetarian versions too - at least here in the uk you can..
  4. In england it would always be considered a main, pasta would never be seen as a side dish here but i in the carribean they have macaroni pie which is essentially the same thing as mac n cheese and i seem to remember that being served as a side
  5. nikkib

    Dinner! 2009

    ooh could you post the recipes- they look amazing!
  6. what about papaya with a chilli caramel and vanilla icecream, really simple but deliciuous and not too filling after a good old bbq
  7. nikkib

    Barbeque Sauce

    mine is pretty simple too but i love it - sweat down finely chopped onions until completely softened but not browned add 1/2 tsp thyme and 1/2 tsp hot chilli powder,3 parts malt vinegar to 2 parts runny honey and a good squeeze of tomato puree. I leave it to simmer and caramelise for around 45 mins, you can add a little water if it reduces too much. Especially tasty with ribs and pork chops mmmm
  8. tristan was a ramsay chef up until about 18months ago don't forget...
  9. the bar at the modern is lovely as well - would they be able to save a table there for coffees etc for you? I really enjoyed my meal there and think it is definitely worth a visit.
  10. will i be able to find percebes anywhere?
  11. i have been to GQS many times since it opened, i tend to order starters as i find the protions quite generous and often a bit much for lunch although i did have a delicious roast pheasant there back in the autumn. Dishes i have sampled (and can remember) include gaspacho, crab on toast and home cured bresaola and i am yet to be disappointed. If you only eat in one place in Covent garden, this should be it
  12. Great! Thanks for this, i am a huge fan of tapas but have never heard of the ortiguellas before, they sound great!
  13. I will be heading to Seville for the 1st time in a couple of weeks and would love to know where i should eat/what i should eat, what to bring back (foodstuffs in particular) etc etc etc. any advice would be hugely helpful - thanks!
  14. anyone know of anything near chichester?
  15. Unfortunately, that's not possible, as we'll be arriving on a connecting flight. MelissaH ← http://vinovolo.com/ looks klike the best bet from the terminal guide - don't think it had opened last time i flew out of JFK and we ended up in the sports bar drinking beer
  16. nikkib

    Dips, cold or hot

    blue cheese mixed with cream cheese and creme fraiche to get a dipping consistency mmmmmm
  17. eat before you get to the airport
  18. just back from the most amazing lunch at maze grill, The Creekstone usda beef was indeed a revelation. At £40 for a ribeye compared to £23 for the casterbridge hopes were high but truly did not dsappoint. We were compd a couple of aperitifs and starters (as i used to work for GRH) but truly the best steak i have eaten and well worth every penny. The Set lunch menu (which we intended on eating) at £15 for 2 courses looked delicious (sardines on toast/onglet steak etc) too but my thrift filter tends to disappear on nearing places such as grosvenor sq..... Cannot recommend highly enough
  19. i disagree - it is very much a wime bar that serves food not the orther way around in my opinion
  20. ok so finally got around to visiting Terroirs the other week. I went mid afternoon so only tried a couple of the little nibbles tehy have at the top of the menu - Duck Scratchings (which are definitely as good as everyone says) a terrific bagna caulda with carrots, radish and fennel, Cervelle de canut (Sp?)which i have never tried before but thought was very good indeed - very zesty tatsting and some delicious homemade bread. They have some very interesting wines by the glass and teh longer menu looked evry tatsy indeed - they have a plat du jour with a gls of wine available for about a tenner as well - mackerel fillets when i went. I would definitely recommend Terroirs for lunchn if you are in the area and can get a seat and will definitely go back when the full kitchen is open to sample some more dishes.
  21. i thought coffee was discovered accidentally by shepherds in ethiopia - along the same lines as when the chinese emperor discovered tea, the berries/leaves fell into a pan of boiling water and the drinks were then discovered
  22. http://www.spearswms.com/spears-world/salo...-hes-down.thtml heres william sitwells take on it all, sounds rather sensible to me
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