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Everything posted by nikkib

  1. any recommendations on mexican food in San Francisco?
  2. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fo...lad-824042.html although this has a lot of ingredients it is pretty straightforward and delicious, not sure that it has many calories but it is nutritious
  3. nikkib

    Rice Salad

    http://uktv.co.uk/food/recipe/aid/512683 i make this quite a bit - similar sort of ingredients to the ratatouille so might be a good match
  4. where abouts are you? We have used a couple in hertfordshire, both of whom i would recommend, let me know if they might suit and i will get the details for you
  5. slightly flabbergatsed they have a vegetarian dish with QUORN in it on the menu for £19.50 - i'm not even veggie but WOW is that lazy!
  6. I chose mine based on what cocktails i would drink most at home and what could be the most flexible so similar to yours i think Matt - negronis/white ladys/corpse reviver no2/side cars/south sides/margaritas/daiquiris etc
  7. I had a very good meal at The Carpenters Arms 89-91 Black Lion Lane, London - 020 8741 8386 a couple of weekends ago. Theres a pretty decently priced winelist and they offer wines in carafes as well as bottles which i alsways enjoy. I started with a good Potted Crab, others went for oysters, labneh and flat bread and a really delicious snail, white bean and merguez stew topped with afried egg and baked.I would have liked the egg yolk a little runnier but thats a minor complaint for what was a great dish. Mains were a huge wild boar steak with walnuts, black cherries and broad beans, a good rib eye steak and i had plaice with samphire and brown shrimps. All were a success, the wild boar i thought was particularly good and all the ingredients looked so vibrant - they obviously source their ingredients well. Portions were very generous, i would have been happy with 1/2 the plaice and i don't have a small appetite. We didn't have dessert as we were too full but i didn't think any of them looked particularly attention grabbing (and i can't remember what any of them even were which kind of proves it i suppose) Service was friendly and food was pretty well timed too. I would definitely head back if i was in the area as it was a pretty fairly priced (starters £7/£8 ish mains £15-£17) for the standard of cooking and ingredients and i had a very enjoyable afternoon there. Anglesea Arms is next on my list of West London Gastros.
  8. nikkib

    Dinner! 2009

    that looks amazing!
  9. Beefeater gin Campari Carpano Antica formula luxardo maraschino absinthe Cointreu Lillet Blanc Cognac Arrete reposado tequila havana club 5yr
  10. http://www.easylivingmagazine.com/Food/Rec...te/default.aspx this is one of my favourites - pan con tomate, delicious and simple
  11. amazing - thanks, can't wait to give it a go. I usually do a variation on huevos rancheros when i feel like a mexican brekkie, tortillas topped with refried beans, melted cheese, tomato and avocado salsas, tinned chipotles and fried eggs on top but this looks great! We don't get too many good mexicans in the UK, especially not ones that are open at breakfast time so this is something i am having to learn by myself!
  12. nikkib

    Dinner! 2009

    what an amazing looking fruit tart!
  13. well that ones easily rectified - staff briefings can be used to inform staff of menu items, chefs can quiz staff on dishes, type up (or get the manager to do it) descriptions and tehn they have no excuse
  14. A good lunch here in the bar yesterday. Broad bean and Berkswell salad and some very good Potted Beef with pickled red cabbage for me, Old Spot sandwich for my Sister. Finished with a shared Eccles cake and lancashire cheese, 3 glasses of wine, coffe and a couple of cokes for £40. Is it the second best restaurant in the UK? It depends what your criteria are and what you like in my opinion. Is it somewhere serving consistently well sourced and well prepared, simple dishes that make my mouth water so much i am in danger on dribbling over my keyboard when checking the daily menu out on line - absobloomin'lutely. I remain as ever a huge fan.
  15. Also another great find although definitely more gastro than pub (cannot imagine anyone pops in just for a drink) was the Plough and Flail in Mobberley 01565 873537 . A dozen starters/mains and a handful of puds with a good looking specials board menat we had a very enjoyable meal there. The table size (10 of us) didn't cause them any hassle and the staff were friendly and knew their dishes well, something that can be sadly lacking in places like this. Only 4 white/red by the galss though which when the pub is this foody is a shame i think - they were pretty bog standard pub wines but decently enough priced i suppose. I started with Fresh Roasted Figs, Delamere Goats Cheese and Orange and Cardomom dressing which was very good indeed although perhaps a bit on the stingy side for £6.95. other starters for our group included a delicious fish platter (for 2 to share) at £13.95 which incuded crab, potted shrimp, crayfish, smoked salmon, prawn cocktail, smoked mackerel and king prawns and a decent crayfish, smoked chicken and avocado salad @ £6.95. For mains i had the special starter of Crab with Chilli, lime and coriander at around £7.50 which was very good indeed and the others went mostly for either one of the delicious looking pies - Steak/onion with garden peas and chips £11.95 Fish Pie of smoked haddock salmon and prawns £12.95, Alan Jackson's (no me neither) Pork and leek sausages and mash £9.95 or the special of Roast monkfish, patatas bravas with chorizo and some greenery at around £15 i think. Portion sizes (my starter excluded) were generous to a fault, as were the puddings which included some very good (homemade?) ice creams nand the usual suspects like Creme brulee and steamed chocolate pudding. Our bill came to around £250 for pre dinner drinks, 2 bottles of wine, 1/2 the table on 2 courses 1/2 on 3, coffees and about 12 pints of local bitter which i thought was pretty good indeed. Apparently they do a graet sunday lunch too which i would maybe head back for after a good long walk.
  16. Happened upon this place whilst up North recently and thought the name sounded familiar - a great little country pub all round. The menu is large and comprises everything from the "speciality" ploughmans ( we had a cheese one with 5 local cheeses on it £8.25, a huge portion at that - delicious) and sandwiches etc to light bites "Duo of black and white pudding, mustard potatoes, bacon and slow roasted onions" £6.95 or "Pan fried lambs kidneys, cracked black pepper, red wine and toasted crouton" £6.70 to traditional pub mains - "Beer Battered Fish and Chips, mushy peas" £11.50 and "Steak and Ale Pie" £9.95. Specials were a bit more imaginative - "Crab salad with lime and coriander (forget the price but around the £8 i think.) A couple of good bitters/lagers on draught and 4 white/red wines by the glass means i am sure this would be a nice enough drinking pub too. Nice Beer garden out the back, clean and prompt, friendly service - definitely wotrth a visit if you are in the area.
  17. Rather a strange request but we are heading to Burning man in August and will be stopping off in Reno en route to stock up on groceries. How much does walmart charge for bottled water and what amounts do they sell them in - we need to take 20litres a day so the best part of 140 litres of water in total and was wondering what this would set us back? The walmart website doesn't seem to have prices, as these vary store to store. Has anyone been before? What foodstuffs would be good to take to the desert for a week in an RV? This might be a big ask but thanks in advance for any help.....
  18. The Savoy is still closed for refurbishment - would go for browns on albermale street instead
  19. i've been a few times - delicous food - not cheap though and you can easily get carried away if you don't keep an eye on it but truly delicious!
  20. You chose well. Bricklayer’s eggs (huevos al albanil) with shaved parmesan cheese, Mexican oregano, and Cholula hot sauce, served on a toasted multigrain English muffin. Pasilla chiles definitely make my list of favorite things. ← how do you make those?They look delicious!
  21. A late lunch here earlier today. A huge portion of a delicious and incredibly rich duck rillettes was an absolute steal at £5, A salad of Pea, broad bean and peciorino at £6, radishes and salt and some lovely crunchy sour dough breadwashed down with a couple of glasses of wine including a very good Arcese (sp?) one of their wines of the moment. The place was absolutely jam packed which is good to see and i found the service very friendly and they really seemed clued up on the wiens too which is always a plus point.
  22. Complete with singularly charmless barman on the only occasion that I ate at the bar. ← I had impeccable and very friendly service when i ate at the bar a couple of weeks ago - my first time at the bar as opposed to a table, complimented me on my wine matching to my menu etc etc i wouldn't let that stop you returning
  23. the Oyster Bar at Sheekeys, Scotts, Terroirs, Le Caprice. If you dont mind queueing you could try Barrafina or Brindisa both Tapas Bars in Soho (they dont take reservations) There is also Bocca di Lupo a great Italian in Soho with a lovely eating counter. You could also eat in the bar at a table at St John, and both Cafe Anglais and Hereford Road have little booths that seat 2 right by the kitchen where i have dined solo on countless occasions.
  24. nikkib

    Dinner! 2009

    The recipe we used for the tofu was "Pock-Marked Mother Chen's Bean Curd" from Fuchsia Dunlop's "Land of Plenty". This version online is almost identical to the recipe in the book. For the buns, we used a recipe from SheSimmers. ← thanks!
  25. the lunch menu at Marcus wareing is £35 and the room is beautiful - especially for an anniversary. Very reasonably priced winelist too. http://www.theberkeley.co.uk/uploadedFiles..._lunch_menu.pdf
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