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Everything posted by BeeZee

  1. BeeZee

    Lunch 2024

    Available, but certainly not low in salt https://www.pacificfoods.com/products/pacific-foods/organic-mushroom-broth/
  2. Miso, if you use a clean utensil to scoop it out of the package, lasts a VERY long time in the refrigerator. Commercially packaged stuff is fine for a year.
  3. My first instinct was to say cinnamon, and black pepper is probably a staple, so I'll agree with chili (with so many varieties, you can really fine tune the flavor/type of heat).
  4. Last year I gifted a 3 pack of local artisanal fruit jams/preserves, which was well received. I like getting food items that I don’t need to eat all at once, with the deluge of food around the holidays, it gives me a treat to enjoy later in the winter.
  5. I challenge myself ala “Chopped” and dig into the pantry or freezer to find some odd bits I squirreled away and figure out some way to use them. When grocery shopping, I try to buy something that will enable me to use something I have on hand - for example, saw a nice little spaghetti squash at the market, and remembered I had pesto in the freezer and a little red bell pepper getting old in the crisper drawer, so there’s the veg for the evening’s dinner. Sometimes I just go to an ethnic market and browse the aisles like “window shopping” to imagine what I could use items for, and find inspiration.
  6. What is everyone making, “tried and true” or anything new? I am probably only having 6 people this year, possibly 8 (sister is a last minute call, and BIL doesn’t eat turkey if he comes) so I decided to make the roast turkey breast with fig-olive tapenade that was a big hit last year. Nobody cares if we don’t have a bird to carve. I use a recipe for make-ahead turkey gravy that doesn’t rely on drippings. Starting with curried coconut and carrot soup. Veg will probably be simple roasted green beans with toasted almonds. Mom is bringing stuffing and twice baked potatoes. Stepson bringing dessert, and I will have ice cream on hand.
  7. BeeZee


    Grew up on Long Island, NY and bluefish was a local catch. As noted, it has to be fresh or it tastes really strong. Last time I had it was at a local Greek-owned diner that always prepared fish well, “special of the day”.
  8. BeeZee

    Dinner 2024

    I am in the same boat, Smithy, I love salads but as the weather turns cooler, they don't hit the spot in the same way. I try to keep some soup on hand to have alongside for the "warming factor".
  9. BeeZee

    Dinner 2024

    Watching Ina Garten this morning inspired a riff on Charlie Bird Salad. I had leftover cooked farro and sweet potatoes, added some cooked shrimp, used a bit of goat cheese instead of parmesan. Very simple and will make it again (in some form!).
  10. BeeZee

    Lunch 2024

    Straight out of the tin, with a plastic fork. The fish was in small chunks, rather than fillets (the little veg cubes were underneath), but the flavor was really good.
  11. BeeZee

    Breakfast 2024

    Whole wheat bagel (perfect slightly well done crust) and Fuyu persimmon.
  12. BeeZee

    Lunch 2024

    Focaccia sandwich from a local place (https://crumbsandwichjoint.com/haddonfield/menu/) called Fabolousa (crispy breaded eggplant, creamed kale gratinee, shaved parm + some extra cheese at my request). Very tasty.
  13. BeeZee

    Breakfast 2024

    Homemade banana bread, included some flax and chia seeds in the batter, and used half Allulose/half sugar. The bananas weren't quite over-ripe enough, which affected the flavor, but it is still tasty.
  14. BeeZee

    Food recalls

    There were more items listed on the email I received from TJ’s, but it is also varying by location, since only certain affected items may have gone to certain regional distribution centers. Someone told me the School District of Philadelphia had received some of the potentially affected meat.
  15. BeeZee

    Food recalls

    I got an email today from TJ’s listing all of their affected products, there are many. Wraps, salads, etc.
  16. BeeZee

    Lunch 2024

    I did not prepare these, but since they were consumed close to lunch time, I'm calling it lunch. Local baker only open Friday and Saturday 10am-2pm (or until sold out), you can check her out on Instagram @piegirlnj. She makes some more unusual combinations of flavors, but not too "out there", sweets and savories. Some photos attached from the shop along with my take out box. I got a slice of pear/frangipane pie; cranberry maple scone; Italian plum torte (the Marion Burros type). The scone had outrageous crust, it was verging on well-done, which I love. The plum torte was delish. The pie crust was slightly tough, if I'm being nit-picky. But for $6 a pop, I'm entitled to say it.
  17. BeeZee

    Breakfast 2024

    Desk breakfast...Whole Foods protein waffles, mashed up 1/2 a banana and mixed in a bit of almond butter and cinnamon to use as a topping.
  18. Leftover noodle kugel (pineapple)
  19. King Arthur Flour has 3lb bags of rye flour online.
  20. BeeZee

    Breakfast 2024

    No photo, but I made some Bob's Red Mill multigrain hot cereal and added chopped up canned apricots (cleaning out the pantry), nutmeg, and cinnamon. Sprinkle of toasted almonds when done, it was really good with the apricots heated up, like eating a cobbler/crumble. If I had any milk it would have been nice to add a drizzle.
  21. Picked up my first mystery bag from a local bagel place. Not my usual shop, but figured they’d be going in the freezer and worth a try. Got 15 bagels for $6. They were from earlier today, in plastic bags, and a random mix of flavors. Thankfully they didn’t put the onion bagels in the same bag as the sweet varieties😊. Too many bagels for us, I am giving a bunch to my hairdresser for her to stock for her always-hungry boys. Considering bagels are running around $1 each, it was a good value.
  22. BeeZee

    Dinner 2024

    @liamsaunt, I like your total parm coverage on that chicken! Would enjoy that fish curry, also (sadly my husband isn't a fan).
  23. BeeZee

    Dinner 2024

    Fridge leftovers…I was working from home and DH had eaten earlier and left some things for me in the fridge, which was perfect since I emerged from my office like a hungry bear!
  24. Probably for around 5 years if I had to guess. I tend to eat a larger lunch (main meal) during the week, later in the day, and found that I wasn't hungry later in the day, so it wasn't a stretch. Aside from bone broth (something warm feels nice on an empty stomach, herbal tea is also good), coconut water (nice when chilled) has electrolytes.
  25. I agree with Alex, bone broth is very nice when you are in "fasting" mode if it is allowed. It provides a small amount of protein and salt, which is important if you otherwise are just drinking water. I occasionally fast for 18 hours from 2pm to 8am and find that to be easier since half of the time is spent asleep! Are you fasting for an entire day, or for certain periods of time? Generally the more often you fast, the easier it will become as your body stops thinking that it has to go in to "low power mode".
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