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Posts posted by BeeZee

  1. Had to cut back on things for a couple of days since DH sent his blood sugar through the roof with his gorging on sweets and carbs all week (he's type 2 diabetic and does fine...if there is no temptation). Modified fast on Friday. Saturday was baked orangy roughy with nut crust, asparagus, and Right Rice (faux rice made from lentil flour, it's marginally edible). Sunday was Asian coleslaw salad with chopped up grilled chicken and toasted pepitas (actually very tasty - a recipe not to be repeated since it was a "mix in the bowl" kind of thing).

    • Like 3
  2. 30 minutes ago, Katie Meadow said:

    The worst ones involve raw protein. I simply detest touching raw chicken. I can't stand cleaning and deveining shrimp.

    THIS! I have a box of latex gloves that are put to use when I make ground meat balls/patties/loaves. And some of those shrimp, what did they eat, yuck! I've started buying "EZ Peel" shrimp sometimes just so I don't have to deal with deveining. I love my kitchen shears for trimming raw chicken, I can hold it with a utensil or gloved hand and "snip snip" with the other.

  3. I have a dishwasher and rarely use it, I find hand washing dishes meditative and the noise as it runs for an hour or two just annoys me. As a two person household, we wouldn’t have enough dishes to justify running it most days, I can’t stand the idea of leaving dirty dishes for multiple days…so it generally gets used when we have guests for dinner. Which is to say, rarely these days.

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  4. It's the most important meal of the day! This time of the year...Christmas cookies at the office. The chocolate one has melted mint/chocolate candy as frosting (guessing Andes).



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  5. As @heidih noted, in my area produce prices are staying relatively stable, but I have seen increases in dairy (around 10%) and dry goods (10-20%). Don’t buy meat often enough to have perspective. Did notice that even Trader Joe’s took some increases.

  6. Last year I bought some mesh reusable bags for produce, in part because of the plastic bag frustration. I still use the plastic bags for wet items like lettuce/greens since the supermarket insists on "misting" the greens to keep them fresh. Or packaged meat which may leak. We are going to "bring your own bag" later next year, the system that @Tropicalsenior uses is very smart. I separate items as I put them on the belt, but bagging does tend to become random if not monitored. I also "prioritize" grocery items for putting away, this makes it dead simple.

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  7. Photos by DH, components of our Thanksgiving meal: turkey breast, mushroom dressing/stuffing, jellied cranberry sauce (by demand) sprouts, carrot salad. Not shown: gravy and twice-baked potatoes. And wine.





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  8. I was talking to my Admin yesterday about Thanksgiving snacks and she mentioned a fig spread and crackers that she liked from Wegmans...found these on my desk this morning.

    I'll probably save this for when my step daughter comes to visit in December, since she loves brie baked with preserves, she'll like these with cheese.



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  9. I am hosting 9 people, all vax’d (some boosted). I have turkey wings in the freezer to use for “make ahead” gravy. Two cans of jellied cranberry sauce, because I’ve given up making fresh that nobody but me eats. Loaf of bread in the freezer to be used for mushroom stuffing. Sides will be contributions from Mom (twice baked potatoes) and Sis (some veg), might make a 2nd veg like braised carrots (because I like veg), dessert by stepson’s fiance (guessing a pie or cobbler) plus I will have ice cream and cookies. I am leaning towards skipping the appetizer course, since ther will be snacks before the meal. I usually wait a bit longer, but I am nervous about turkey availability so I plan to purchase two frozen bone-in breasts this weekend.

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  10. I had purchased Lidl's house brand version of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia and finally tried it today. Pretty good (sweet, of course), particularly at half the cost of the name brand.

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  11. I needed to make something hearty, but couldn’t spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Baked risotto (yes, I acknowledge it’s not “real” risotto if not cooked stovetop and the texture isn’t as nice) with bay scallops and julienned endive salad. Wound up being kind of a beige dinner, but tasty.

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  12. Could not resist stopping in the Asian supermarket on my way to the office this morning, picked up a case of 16 Ataulfo mangoes for $16.99, gave a bunch away to co-workers (one person took 5 to make fruit leather). They are from Ecuador and a little more tart.



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  13. 4 hours ago, heidih said:

    I asked the butcher at Ralphs/Kroger about the turkey supply this year. He said their first load is due in this week - we shall see. Have you guys seen the turkey promos yet this year. You know buy X$ and pay only Y/lb

    Local supermarket, Shop Rite, has the promo again this year, $400 accumulated purchases during the month before gets you the free bird - whole turkey or bone-in breast.

  14. Freezer dive to make space for Thanksgiving. Ratatouille really is better as a reheat, this was leftover from May. Oven roasted (frozen, defrosted) shrimp with garlic. Baked potato (yes, singular, it was massive, so we shared).

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