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Everything posted by Cadbury

  1. I prefer my Nutella with peanut butter on bread. The peanut butter helps with the sickly sweetness of the Nutella. Also not bad in a sandwich with a slab of vanilla ice-cream inside :0
  2. That would be kani "mustard".
  3. Cadbury


    My goodness many of these recipes seem to use enormous amounts of butter/crisco/shortening/flora/marg/whatever. My recipe uses 2 teaspoons of butter into about 2 cups of Self Raising/rising flour (Australian 250ml cups). Sometimes I add an egg, sometimes sugar if adding dried fruit (dates or sultanas etc) and then enough milk to make it very sticky, almost too hard to handle. I then tip it onto a well floured surface, add more flour on top and form into a neat shape. I flour my round cutter as well. The scones are sat together on a round cake tin (to encourage height) and cooked at about 200-210 C for about 12 minutes. I dont usually measure anything for scones so I can't be more precise - I might have to take notes next time I make these. Also, I don't add sugar for plain scones as they are eaten with jam. The cream and lemonade scones mentioned upthread work very well although they do not stay fresh for long.
  4. I have two recipes for ontbijtkoek and both only have almonds and sucade as flavourings, aside from the spices. Here is the easiest to follow: 250g flour, 200g dark brown sugar, 4 eggs, 50g sucade (finely chopped), 50g almonds (peeled and roughly chopped) 2 small teaspoons (tsp) baking powder, 2 tsp cinnamon, 1 small tsp ground cloves, 1/2 tsp nutmeg, 5g salt. Butter and flour a loaf tin. Sift flour and baking powder. Beat eggs and sugar until thick. Mix together all other ingredients, fold into egg mixture. Spoon into tin and bake in a moderate oven approx 1 1/4 hours, until brown. Hope this works for you.
  5. 200F is 93C
  6. I made hopjesvla this morning to have after dinner tonight as it is my Dad's birthday. I only made one change as I don't have any "real" coffee in the house at the moment. I used 2 heaped teaspoons of instant coffee in 40ml (2 Australian tablespoons) of water. I had a little taste now that the vla has cooled and it seems very close to what I was expecting (I have some hopjes hiding in the pantry ). I also let the caramel become fairly dark. Yum.
  7. In a previous life (BC before children) I was a housekeeper/cook. This was done for 3 or 4 weeks at a time, during the grain harvesting period. By definition this work was for single farmers (why else would they need a cook?) who would be away from home from 7am to 8pm at least. I would take my own box of tea towels, knives, bowls, small mixer, yeast, spices, cook books etc. There was no way of knowing what I would find on arrival and I usually had to shop on the way (prior to finding out like, dislikes etc.) as these farms were usually a round trip of an hour or two from the nearest (VERY SMALL) town. I certainly did a lot of improvisation when it came to cooking a roast when no roasting dish was to be found, or when several people turned up to stay when there was literally nothing edible in the house and the farmer had cancelled the food order I had made without telling me . (We've only got two more days of harvest left) Yes, but what am I supposed to feed 6 people in the mean time?? Edited to add that this particular kitchen involved working with a slow combustion (wood) stove which had to remain alight all day, every day through the middle of summer as it was also the hot water heating system.
  8. Cadbury

    Tomato Jam

    Good sharp cheese.
  9. Here is a fairly typical recipe. Many Australian recipes for cheesecake would fit your criteria.
  10. Would you mind giving a few examples of ingredients and their quantities? All of my books are in grams, metric cups or ml but I have no trouble converting back and forth.
  11. I'm sure I've posted this elsewhere, but this is one our favourite salads: a warm chicken salad. I marinaded the chicken with ginger, garlic and a little chilli from memory.
  12. Thank you for letting us know. Take care.
  13. Your dinner looks just great. I think the seasoning for the lamb would probably work on some of stronger flavoured hogget or mutton from our own sheep, but would be too strong for lamb from the butcher. Mind you, lamb has been a little expensive lately so we'd probably eat beef!
  14. Sticky date pudding is very heavy and more a winter dessert. What about a fresh fruit salad (strawberry, banana, melons, grapes etc) with cream? Or perhaps a trifle. I put cake at the bottom of mine, a splash of something alcoholic, jelly (jello), peaches (tinned or fresh), vanilla custard, cream and grated chocolate. Usually I do several layers of everything but the cream and chocolate, as that goes on top. Or of course you could make some meringue nests and serve with a blob of whipped cream and fresh berries or stone fruit.
  15. Hi Abra, Bearing in mind that I am a "country" girl and not up with the current food scene: I would have the lamb burgers with lettuce and cheese in the bun/toast perhaps with a good chutney. Suitable salads include coleslaw, potato or watermelon and onion. Since there are regional differences, I will outline what I would put in each. Coleslaw: finely shredded cabbage, carrot and cheese, onion, currants or finely chopped apple or crushed tinned pineapple. Dressing should be a mayonnaise style. Potato: cooked cubed potato (sprinkle with finely chopped mint while it cools in a colander), chopped boiled egg, crispy bacon bits, chopped green/spring onion, mayonnaise. Watermelon: diced watermelon (1 inch cube), sliced white onion, shredded mint. HTH
  16. I noticed the link in Member News this morning. I was able to read some of it, when I have more time I will get my trusty dictionary out . Reading through all 24 pages is certainly an effort, but writing it is much more impressive. Congratulations.
  17. Yes, but you would not call the resulting sauce a liaison, right? I´m just curious about this word ragout. When I google english ragout recipes, I get lots of stews and braises, but most of them are not roux-thickened, whereas here, ragout always means a sauce with a roux base and then a liaison. ´sauce´somehow does not seem to be quite the right word. ← I know this is ann old post but I was having a look around Klary's blog and thought I'd add my 2 cents worth. I would call Klary's sauce a ragout. We ate ragout of x (insert left-over meat) as kids. I have found several roux-thickened ragout recipes in my Australian cookbooks so I am presuming the word I am using is not just because of Mum's dutch background.
  18. I've had a packet of sucade in my cupboard since New Years when I didn't get around to making oliebollen. I make Apple pie frequently but this time the addition of sucade was lovely. I have enough left over to make some gingerbread.
  19. Someone else asked a similar question not so long ago. I will try to find a link for you. Here it is. It may or may not be useful in your situation. Edited to add link.
  20. Unless you make it like my MIL does. She says hers is the New Zealand version. ← I wonder whether it fits in with the hard crunchy meringue inside vs soft squishy inside debate. We prefer the hard meringue that much that we've taken to making individual circles of meringue to top with cream and fruit instead of a large pav.
  21. We usually serve pavlova with strawberries in season or banana or passionfruit (love the flavour, hate the seeds). Some people use frozen berries but that's because we have little access to fresh berries where I live.
  22. The lovely crunchy outside certainly goes soft if kept overnight. Of course, we don't usually have leftover pav. Another thing to note is that it is usual to bake a pav on a flat tray in a circle shape as opposed to a pyrex dish or the like. This gives maximum crunch.
  23. The only difference I can see between the recipe you linked to and pavlova, is that it says to cover with cream and store for at least four hours in the fridge. Pavlova on the otherhand is decorated with cream and fruit immediately prior to serving. The recipe certainly seems very similar. I wonder whether "The Old Foodie" has any ideas as to origin?
  24. I have found these people very easy to deal with and reliable. They stock Chef Inox and many other brands. I will not comment on prices as I live too far from anywhere to do anything but shop online.
  25. That's a mighty fine gold sculpture you've started there at the back
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