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Everything posted by Eatmywords

  1. I have some venison heart as well that would go perfectly in a pho. (We all have that in our freezers too, no?)
  2. Thanks, curious what they taste like. I'll have father in-law grab some w I imagine is no less than a case next time he passes by. I have some frozen venison loin I can slice real thin and lots of other stuff I can throw in.
  3. Hmm, what makes it 'gold'? Organic msg? 😁
  4. Love the condiment graphics and foldable spork!
  5. Love that this thread exists. Takes me back to the small towns we visited many years ago, the nicest people in the world and many many pies sampled from traditional steak and onion to curry lamb. Thank you!
  6. Ha, I was about to say the same.......https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/17/dining/blue-hill-chef-in-residence-program.html
  7. My question w center more around the chef's presence i.e will Dan Barber be in house? Otherwise you don't need to know more than the menu w consist of organic veg and pork raised steps away. 🤪 Actually, it doesn't matter, they're booked through Sep.
  8. Was there a budget? BH is in the same cat as Bernardin and JG. The cost of celebrating sometimes knows no boundaries.
  9. Back in 05, I was briefly on chowhound when my real life friend, Nathan (eventual frequent poster and antagonizer) found Eg and declared it superior (as well he was kicked off of chowhound and I was not far behind as the mods were silly). He encouraged me to 'apply' for membership. I lurked more than posted and was more interested in meeting others. We were very fortunate to be in NYC where it was easy to have big meetups at places like Shriraphai (a famous Queens thai that set the bar over 20yrs ago) and in cook for each other in our homes. I befriended posters like Steve, BKeats, Sneakeater, Jessica and many others. The NYC restaurant boards were on fire back then.
  10. Road trip? https://www.bluehillfarm.com/dine/stone-barns
  11. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    I have not added shrimp paste but I'll certainly keep it mind. I have included a tbl or 2 of fish sc as salt sub. Duly noted on the panang too. They are just awesome pastes.
  12. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    I hear that but it oddly doesn't taste overwhelmingly of avocado. Less rich and more acid and cilantro. I've put it over stuff w avocado. It's nothing like I thought it would be.
  13. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Maesri green curry w chicken, string beans*, cubanelle*, kale*, chives*, thai basil*, onion, garlic, lemon grass, ginger, coco milk and lime over jasmine. *Du jardin. I love all the Maesri pastes; red, massaman, yellow, panang, etc. The green is my fave and I find closest to a decent resto version. Maybe the spiciest too. I used a bit more than half the can (~2.5oz) for a large dish and it had real heat. I'd put the pastes in my top 10 'cheater' products.
  14. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    I like the Herdez stuff too. Doesn't taste of preservatives. If by the goofy one you are referring to the guacamole salsa, it's more a topping/condiment than one you'd cook with. I love it actually. Great on anything mexican or latin influenced and has a nice kick.
  15. Yep, we took those uber long trains in 07' (36, 24hrs). Ramen in just about every seat and for every meal. Those aromas. Takes me right back to my seat. I do love the creative packaging. Wish I could display the better ones in the kitchen. Don't think wife w approve.
  16. That's awesome! I bet an experience you'll never forget! I'm guessing (instead of googling) the corn and butter are a Russian influence? I'll google later.
  17. How about the butter and corn in the ramen? Haven't seen that before.
  18. Thanks for sharing, love this stuff, anything to do w Japanese culture a food traditions. Bourdain did a Hokkaido episode many years ago with an Ainu segment you might enjoy (min 25) https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5wyvwjnd . I'm re-watching it now and sad again that he's gone. Pretty cool he used to post on eGullet. Anyway, very interesting the rich history of the Ainu.
  19. I've never worked with it but if it's anything like powdered creamer vs half n half i'm making that spl trip for the real thing. How does it compare? Wonder how the chemistry w go if you combined w the dressing ingredients all at once? I'm guessing not good. Curdle city? I don't know these things because my wife skeeves much dairy. Witnessing this concoction would turn her greener than the goddess dressing.
  20. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Toaster oven baked Sabrett skinny on a potato roll topped w mustard, ketchup (oh the horror!) and 7 day pickled serrano. The magic that pepper adds is inexplicable. I could (and have) eaten 4 of them.
  21. Lovem both but if a knife were to the gullet(e) I'd go goddess for practicality. I usually have most of those ingredients but not buttermilk. What to do with the extra? Fried chicken? Pancakes? I can't be up all night thinking about it and that's what'll happen.
  22. Oooh, that's so cool! Didn't know that was an option. I feel like any I've left too long (didn't know existed) shriveled and rotted.
  23. Tomato fallout ongoing......love the purple peppers......not yielding much but so pretty. And there's always that one sneaky giant hiding under the leaves
  24. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    They did a 3 part cross country road trip that I found very entertaining too. I could listen to her wax all day in that uber judgey, opinionated and charming Italian way.
  25. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Did you watch it? "Que Skivo!"........hubby - "don't throw that out, people are starving in China" - she "Eez better they starve den eat dis".......haha
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