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Kim Shook

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Posts posted by Kim Shook

  1. Nancy - welcome, welcome, welcome! I did the same as you - lurked for years until I felt like I knew these folks and finally got up the courage to dive in!

    When is this shindig? Time of year is important. (And don't tell me next week, because I will faint :wink: ). Mark's ideas sound good to me, too!


  2. Ann T - thanks! It was good.

    Bruce - thanks for pointing me in the right direction - I'll be trying that before the weather changes! That salad is one of the simplest things I've ever done and very good - the fennel is raw - you just toss fennel, pears, salt, pepper, bleu cheese, champagne vinegar and EVOO together. I let it sit a few minutes and then topped with additional bleu cheese. So easy!

    Graphix - that is one beautiful beef stew! Exactly what I want for dinner tonight. Unfortunately, I have a fridge full of meatballs and chicken :sad: !

    Andi Pena - lovely meal and beautiful photos!

    You won't be getting any pictures tonight, folks - leftovers :angry: . I hate leftovers. So why do I cook such large quantities? :rolleyes:


  3. Renka - I am just astounded. I just assumed that you were a pastry chef! Please never stop posting your photos! I can't eat a lot of sweet stuff, so I get my 'fix' here and your sweets are gorgeous. I made La Bête Noire, too and was so pleased with the results! I'll be trying those brownies - brownies are my favorite dessert! Those hazelnut studded chocolate cupcakes really caught my eye!

    gfron - no apologies for your cake! It is beautiful! I'd certainly be proud to be able to do that!

    jumanggy - it really was very much like pound cake - that's really why I thought I'd like it more - poundcake is probably my favorite cake. Well, I'll try a little tonight again - a test :wink: !


  4. David - that pork is incredible! I really have to try this - I found the recipe on line and will make it with your adjustments!

    Shelby - onion soup. MMMMM. Time to make that before the weather changes!

    Ann T - I second Bruce's comment about your pizza and baguette! So beautiful!

    Bruce - that BBQ meal looks amazing! The color of the ribs is particularly impressive. There is some conspiracy at eGullet regarding me and cabbage. Look folks, I don't like cabbage, ok? So posting all these pictures of delicious looking cabbage is not going to make me try it. Really. Honest. Not going to happen. Um...Bruce, could you maybe PM me the recipe? :laugh: Seriously, its wierd - I swear I haven't noticed lots and lots of cabbage postings over the last few years and yet this year they are just jumping out at me!

    Tonight we had a Fennel, Pear and Bleu Cheese salad with EVOO and champagne vinegar:


    And a rerun of that Chicken w/ balsamic vinaigrette, brussels sprouts in browned butter, orzo and store bought brioche:



  5. Renka - once again, I am in awe! Those shortbread cookies are amazing looking. I can just taste them. And like jumanggy, I don't know what Mayan Chocolate cookies are, but I really want them!

    Jumanggy - that Ebéniste is incredible. I am so impressed!

    I made two things today. Neither one of them was particularly impressive to me.

    White chocolate cranberry bread:



    See that dark corner? I tried this in my new toy - an Oster digital toaster oven with convection. It cooked so hot that the outside got very crusty and done looking with 20 minutes left to cook, while the inside was still raw (I didn't use the convection). I fiddled with the temperature and put foil over the top and it came out ok, but I guess I'll have to do some experimenting with it. As far as the flavor goes, it just seems a bit blah to me. Mr. Kim liked it a lot, so maybe its just me.

    I also made Pistachio Cranberry Biscotti:


    Also, blah to my taste and tasty to Mr. Kim, so maybe my meds are just messing up my tastebuds. But I liked dinner :blink: !


  6. OXO does really make some great products... although their measuring cup is poorly designed, and I would never even consider purchasing it. (I have, in fact, used it... my boyfriend's suitemate had one. Neither my boyfriend or I are fans of the design.)

    What don't you like about it? I don't have any myself, but have used them in the kitchen where I teach and like them fine. I have the baby one (2 oz.), which I use for cocktails, and wouldn't be without it. Actually I have 5. I love them.

    I wanna know, too! I have this one and love it. It pours well (doesn't dribble like my glass Corning ones always did), I love the top view measuring lines and like the big separate handle - I can grasp it easily, even on my 'bad hand' days. What issues did you have with the design. Not arguing, just curious :smile: !


  7. Pierogi - Congratulations on posting your first photo. I remember how nervous I was when I posted my first picture! And how relieved I was when I finally figured out how to do it :wink: ! And the meal looks great! I love, love, love Steak Milanese and need to do that soon! Yours looks perfectly crisp!

    I am taking it very easy and made something last night that we can reheat without a lot of flavor loss. With the meatballs that I made Friday, we should be set for the week. I did a Giada recipe, Chicken w/ Balsamic Vinaigrette - you are supposed to cut up a whole chicken, but I had a Costco bag-o-boobs in the freezer, so I used them. This is not the frozen breasts that come all in one big bag, but something they have in the regular meat section - it has a couple pieces of chicken in each of 6-8 cryovacced section - you just tear off what you need and they are really good.


    We also had store bought brioche and a cream of cauliflower & cheddar soup that Mr. Kim and I found pretty uninspiring and blah. I thought I might try it one more time with roasted cauliflower instead of steamed and a Gruyere or Swiss.



  8. Wow Kim, you got a nice haul!!

    I have that cupcake book too, although I havent baked anything from it.

    I love all the cupcake papers, are they all from Wilton?

    I bought those disposable cutting boards when we got our new fridge.  I use them to line the shelves of the fridge for easy cleanup.

    ETA:  Apparently, when I was a young child, my nickname was Devil Dog because I just loved them!!  I'm glad I can't find them here or in Michigan.

    Randi, most of the papers were from Wilton, but the two in the front of the picture - the brown ones and white ones with the gold design. Those, I think came from Kitchen Krafts, I have had them on my Amazon wish list forever. They are gorgeous. So pretty, in fact, that I'm afraid I'll be so concerned about using them for just the right cupcake and occasion that I'll never actually use them :laugh: ! I'm like that!

    I never thought about doing that with the 'cutting board' but what a good idea. Now, I'm on the look out for more of them!

    Drakes cakes are my downfall. Thankfully, you can't get them around here. I think that Santa must have gone by Philly to pick them up before he came to Richmond :wink: !

    Best, Kim

  9. Ted - all looks lovely! How were the endive? Were they whole or just leaves?

    Doddie - I had to google Oyakudon. Sounds good and comforting. How did you make yours?

    I am sick (not quite, but almost pnemonia Dr. says) and too tired to do much so we had a salad, sourdough rolls, orzo and cheater meatballs. I made the sauce for this, but used frozen Swedish meatballs. I might try for something a little more ambitious tonight :smile: !


    Meatballs in Plum Sauce


  10. I think that we might go with Vermillion. We are going to Beck for dinner on Saturday and with the market closing at 1pm, there won't be much to do in that area after brunch. If we eat in Old Town there is lots to do for a couple more hours.

    Thanks, all! Kim

  11. So I can't say that I got this recipe from a friend, but I think it's still quite bad. I was playing this cooking game made by Ajinomoto, the huge food company famous for their popular mayonnaise, when I came upon a recipe for fruit salad that consisted of fruit and... mayonnaise. Literally chop up the fruit, add the mayo and presto! Sounds to me like a good way to market their mayo but a terrible way to ruin some fruit!

    Wow - I am really outing myself here, but that's how my grandmother always made her fruit salad. Actually I am the one who does it with cut up fresh fruit, miracle whip and walnuts. We all love it :laugh: ! She made it with canned fruit salad and miracle whip. Not as good, but we all scarfed it down every Christmas.


  12. Speaking of Paula Deen and vile recipes, I'm surprised that no one has mentioned this monstrosity yet.  smiley_vomit.gif

    I can think of a lot better things to do with Krispy Kreme donuts (like eat them, plain) than to bake them up into some mushy diabetic nightmare.

    Well, I don't use this exact recipe, but I make a doughnut bread pudding that everyone who tastes it adores and requests again and again :biggrin: ! Different strokes :wink: !


  13. Mifi - love the idea of beef bourg. w/ spatzle! I've been serving my meaty/gravy stuff lately with polenta and I really like the idea of trying spatzle - thanks for the idea!!

    doctortim - thanks for posting the mac n cheese photo. That recipe has been recommended to me and I am going to try it soon. My folks are not wild about it either, but I'm going to make it anyway. They can eat it or not. Wish we could share :laugh: !

    demiglace - re: the potatoes - the stuffed potatoes are just baked, scooped out and smooshed up with shredded cheese, a little sour cream, a little cream cheese, butter, salt, pepper and chives. Shove it all back in the skins, top with additional cheese and bake until crusty. The basic recipe for the crock pot ones is here. It's actually from Taste of Home magazine :blush:. I added a lot of really good cheddar and froze it. I put it in a crock pot to keep warm for Xmas eve dinner and checked it about an hour before everyone was to arrive. I will come out here and admit that they were like soup :shock: ! I had Mr. Kim run to the store for some potato flakes and dumped them in until it all thickened up. This did not happen when I made them the first time - I think that it was a combo of freezing and crock pot. Anyway - they were the one thing that EVERY single person loved Christmas Eve :laugh: !


  14. Renka - your goodies are just gorgeous! I love the cupcake assortment, especially! And those scones are just perfect. I assume that you used fresh blueberries? I am so impressed with your work!

    And I realized that I forgot to say that the Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies that I posted about were from a recipe given to me by CanadianBakin'. They were so good that I doubt I'll ever bother making regular chocolate chips again!


  15. Well, I now have positive proof that Sandra Lee is insane. I have her dessert cookbook (a gift from Mr. Kim who knows I love to hate her - I pray she never goes off the air - I want to watch and laugh forever) and her directions for popcorn balls call for you to make the caramel (melt Kraft and add 'melk') and then dip each popcorn kernel into the caramel and attach it to the next kernel ! Unfortunately, the recipe on her website is normal or I'd link to it, but if you check in the book at a library or bookstore you'll see it!

  16. [Ok, as requested the Scalloped Tomato recipe is now on RecipeGullet.

    Thanks for posting the recipe....can you describe your cheese potatoes please

    Do you mean the stuffed baked ones that I served with the burgers or the ones with Christmas dinner that were in the crock pot?


  17. Ann T - I got that same camera. I really like it, but it makes me feel like an idiot. I want to take a class now so I can take advantage of all the bells and whistles!

    Ok, as requested the Scalloped Tomato recipe is now on RecipeGullet.

    I'll completely catch up tonight, including this evenings dinner.

    The other night had a romaine and spinach salad with goat cheese, candied pecans and blackberries (found some very good ones at Costco) and a sweet balsamic vinaigrette:


    Swisscheeseburgers (that looks like something Chufi would write :biggrin::wink: ) with Mr. Kim's special mango/jalepeno salsa (I didn't eat the salsa, but it smelled wonderful) and cheese potatoes:



    Another night we had panini. My Momma and Ted Fairhead gave us a panini maker for Christmas and this was our first effort:


    Raisin bread panini with ham, Swiss cheese, turkey, Dijon and fig preserves - it sounds odd, I know, but it was fantastic - the flavor was something akin to a Monte Cristo - sweet and savory. I served it with Alexis oven fries and basically the same salad as above, except with craisins instead of blackberries.

    Tonight was supposed to be:




    Gorgeous, huh? It is keilbasa from John McGinnis and Co., which I think was given to us by parents of a friend. Except they live in Philly and I gather this McGinnis and Co is in P'burgh. Any help, Philly-folk? Sandy? Anyway - beautiful stuff. :shock::shock::shock: - just imagine flames coming out of those little smiley mouths. HOT AS FIRE! I'm sure Mr. Kim will just adore them, but as for me:


    Butter beans, broccoli slaw and the leftover hushpuppies and chicken tender from the grease platter special that Mr. Kim and I shared last night while watching Dallas lose to NY :biggrin: at Red, Hot and Blue (we only go there because we can watch football and smoke cigars (not me) at the bar!). They might be dull, but they were bearable!


  18. Scalloped Tomatoes

    Serves 6 as Side.

    This recipe is from the Word's Worth Eating cookbook – a publication from Ukrops, a local and loved family supermarket in Richmond, VA. Mine is fundamentally the same, except that I have increased some amounts and expanded the directions a little bit – theirs are kind of abrupt and when I’ve given out the recipe before, I’ve noticed a lot of questions.

    These are the tomatoes that have changed many confirmed stewed tomato haters into confirmed scalloped tomato lovers. But be forewarned, they are Southern-style sweet vegetables. They remind you that, after all, tomatoes are fruits!

    • 28 oz canned tomato wedges or small whole tomatoes cut into wedges
    • 1/3 c sugar
    • 1/4 tsp pepper (or to taste)
    • 1/8 tsp salt (or to taste)
    • 1/4 tsp dried basil - fresh would work, too ;-)
    • 1 tsp brown sugar
    • 1 c soft bread cubes
    • 1/4 c soft bread crumbs
    • 2 T butter
    • 2 pieces of toast, crusts trimmed and cut into triangles
    • 2 T freshly grated Parmesan cheese

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 10"x6" glass/ceramic baking dish.

    Melt the butter and toss with the bread crumbs. Set aside.

    Drain the tomatoes slightly – you want some of the juice in there, but not all. Mix the tomato wedges, both sugars, pepper, salt, and basil. Toss with the bread cubes and pour into the prepared dish. Top with the buttered breadcrumbs. Cook for 35 minutes.

    Top with the toast points and sprinkle with the cheese. Bake an additional 15 minutes.

    Keywords: Side, Vegetarian, Easy, Vegetables

    ( RG2086 )

  19. I didn't know if I should tag this onto my other topic or not, since I'm looking for different info. We are going to DC for the weekend of 2/9 & 2/10 and I'm now looking for somewhere for Sunday brunch.

    I was thinking of breakfast at Trio's, and then making our way to either Eastern or DuPont market. But the people we are going with seem to want to sleep late on Sunday and do a brunch rather than a b'fast and a lunch (I really don't get sleeping late and only getting one meal when you could get up early and have two :laugh:).

    We are staying in Crystal City, so anywhere in DC or Arlington or Alexandria would be great. I would still love to go to the markets or wander around Old Town, so those areas would be welcome.

    Ta so much! Kim

  20. I'll be glad to post the recipe - I'll put it on RecipeGullet tonight - I have to play with it a little bit to make it 'legal'. It really is good. Mr. Kim and I decidedly do not like stewed tomatoes, which is what we thought they were when my MIL served them a few years ago. We took a 'polite portion'. When we tasted them, we were floored - they were so good. I've since made other converts. They are Southern vegetable sweet, though!


  21. Well, apparently I am the only one at eGullet who is continuing to rest on their holiday cooking laurels! Some beautiful and delicious looking food, y'all!

    dockhl - that prime rib was beautiful and perfectly cooked!

    Shelby - I love pickle roll ups! They excite me a lot! Matter of fact, that whole meal would bring me running to the table! And I have got to try monkfish! We get it all the time at the store, so there's no excuse. How did you cook it? Do you think you could do the Keller butter poaching with it?

    Shelby & Marlene - loved the juicy, perfectly cooked pork!

    tracey - crab salad...lobster....cue Homer..."MMMMMMMMMMM"

    percyn - gorgeous pots. I truly believe that my le cruset pots make me a better cook! The soup looks fantastic! Love all the floating speckles of seasoning!

    Bruce - your butt is gorgeous :laugh::raz: ! You should be proud of yourself!

    David - your lamb is just perfectly cooked both times! That is how I always hope it will look like on the inside. Do you know what temp you cooked it to? And the stuffed chicken breast is lovely, too!

    HappyLab - your scallops are perfect! How did you get such a great crust on them? I have a ton of them to cook soon and was hoping to get them to look like that!

    purplewiz - is that hot and sour soup recipe available anywhere? We love it and I haven't ever found a recipe that we like.

    Prawncrackers - we just got in from a bar where we stuffed ourselves with fried bar food while we watched football and your photo of the stilton smothered steak still caught Mr. Kim's eye!

    Well, thanks to chrisamirault, I know how to post images finally, so I'll get caught up.

    Starting with Christmas Eve dinner for 40-

    Turkey and Ham:


    Sweet Potatoes:


    I am not apologizing for these, either. They are the only ones I like, I have tried other recipes and they all end up tasting like.....sweet potatoes :laugh: !

    Oyster Dressing:


    I was pretty pleased with this. It was the first time that I tried making oyster dressing instead of stuffing and this was really good!

    Yogurt Cucumbers, Cranberry Sauce and Fruit Salad:


    Some gorgeous sourdough that my sister sent for Christmas:


    My famous gravy (it really is good):


    White Cheddar/Sour cream potatoes:


    They look ugly, but they were actually the thing that people complemented most often that night.

    Desserts are on this thread.

    New Year's Day Dinner -




    Ribs, collards, cornbread, scalloped tomatoes, black eyed peas

    More later - I have a couple of regular meals to post, too!


  22. Well, like Sandy says shopping is it's own reward. That said, I never seem to come home without some new thing.

    Yesterday I was shopping sick - some upper respiratory thing. Achy, grumpy - just wanted to be home, but also wanted to finish shopping. So I treated myself to a Godiva smooth coconut cream truffle and a strawberry cheesecake chocolate covered thing. Well, my blood sugar was dropping and I was shaky and I needed something. Look, folks I am a diabetic - controlled by diet. I don't want to hear it :laugh: !


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