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Kim Shook

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Posts posted by Kim Shook

  1. Underfoot - Man, I love risotto - since I had a gastric bypass, I can't eat but maybe one bite of rice and I miss it so much. That is some lovely stuff!

    Shelby - the salmon cakes look wonderful. With you and suzilightening making the salmon lately, I am thinking I need to do some soon!

    Bruce - those ribs are amazing! I am doing ribs tonight, but I know that they won't look that good! Congrats!!

    David - are those onion rings on top of your chicken??? They are gorgeous! How do you do them?

    jayejo - Welcome - great first post! The sea bass looks perfect. I went to the linked recipe and printed that out. I does sound easy and we love sea bass!

    Thank you for all the kind remarks about my pot pie - I don't feel so bad about cheating now :wink: !

    We were supposed to finish them up Friday night, but Mr. Kim arrived home from work that night and abducted me! He walked in the door and said grab your toothbrush and clean drawers and come with me :shock: ! We got in the car and he had me pick from 4 different pieces of folder paper. The one I picked was East, so we took the slow road to Williamsburg, ate subs and good fries and bad Greek salad at a dive near Willam & Mary. We stayed overnight, had a terrible breakfast (the biscuits were microwaved so long you couldn't bite through them :blink: ), drove home on a different slow road and I was back in Richmond in time for an 11:30 massage! Whew - it was a whirlwind trip, completely spontaneous and wonderful! So Mr. Kim had the last of the pot pies for lunch yesterday and dinner was fresh food :laugh: Yay!!!! I cooked an almost-all-Marlene meal! We had her bleu cheese dressing on iceberg wedges, Ground Round w/ Red Wine Sauce and Crispy Smashed Potatoes. I also made butter beans. Everything was wonderful. Even though I messed up a little. I didn't realize until the patties were cooking that I was supposed to make 1 large patty and not 4 small ones. Still great. The potatoes were a giant hit w/ Jessica (the child), especially - those will become a regular thing around this house:



  2. Bruce - that bass looks so good! Breading stuff is the best :wub::laugh: !

    suzilightning - the salmon burger are so beautiful. I wouldn't have ever thought about Green Goddess and it is a perfect choice. That would be a great summer meal with some sweet corn and ripe tomatoes!

    Dr. J - the rice is so pretty. What form did you use to get the little ridges? And in the second picture - that plate is gorgeous! Where'd you get that???

    Last night and tonight will finally finish the lamb. We ate the hell out of it, though :raz: ! Grilled, panini'd and pot pie:



    I totally cheated it! We had theatre tickets and I had to get this on the table in 1 hour - including baking time. I used microwave thawed frozen veg, prepared pie crust, soup and canned gravy :shock: . I fixed it up with some with Worcestershire, though :wink: . It tasted good. Actually it tasted so good that I want to do it again soon the right way. I served the feta salsa on the side to smear on the bread. And thought of Bruce with my cucumber side :biggrin: !

    After tonight the lamb is gone. I cannot wait to eat something else.

  3. My husband has always said he didn't like cauliflower. He didn't think it had any flavor. Well, it shouldn't suprise anyone here that after eating roasted cauliflower, he has become a convert. "Wow, this has so much flavor," he said.  :wub:

    This has got to be my number one, too! I have converted a LOT of people to cauliflower this way.

    Brussels spouts are another one. My husband hated them until he tasted mine. I learned from my English dad, Ted Fairhead. Steamed until almost tender, cut in half and sauteed in butter. Mr. Kim's mom had always boiled them to death. Now she cooks them like us!

  4. Shelby - that is one gorgeous bird!!!

    We are still eating lamb leftovers :wacko: . I am very, very tired of it. Tonight I am making lamb pot pie. Whatever we don't finish is done. Gone!!

  5. Kim,  Thanks for the link to the chicken recipe. Your website is amazing. How long has it taken you to post 842 recipes?

    I've been putting them on that site for about 6 years. The first few months I spent large amounts of time on the computer adding recipes that I had been collecting for years, but the last few years I just add them as I 'test' them. I like having a record and it's a good resource for friends and family. Almost without exception they are recipies that I have actually cooked - not just ones that look interesting.

  6. Thanks again everyone for your help with my pairings. The dinner went so well and everyone was pleased with the wines and we didn't have to order any pizza (always a possibility with my experiemental meals :raz: ). My report of the meal is on the dinner thread but here is what I served with the meal:


    the sherry - not sure how good it was since most of my experience with sherry until now was communion :laugh: , but we liked it a lot and it sipped really nicely with the dates and cheese and ham.


    the Rioja. Again, no expert me, but this tasted pretty darn 'big' to me. As a matter of fact, I don't think I would have liked it (being a mealy mouthed little white wine sissy :wink: ), if the flavors of the lamb and salsa hadn't been so assertive.


    :wub::wub: my favorite. This was soooo good! I kept tasting a little bit of chocolate and a little bit of wine. I wasn't 2 sips in before I was starting to plan what desserts I wanted to make in the future to serve this with. I will say that it was a LOT more popular with the ladies than the gentlemen.

    Thank you again - I truly couldn't have done it without you!

  7. tupac - welcome back and those mussels look and sound amazing!

    Bruce - those riblets :shock: ! I love sticky porky stuff!!!

    Chris - the 'mu shu' looks great. I will have to search out that issue at the library - I'd love a good homemade recipe for that

    Brigid Mary - I want some of that lavosh stuff!!! That is amazing looking!

    I am decidedly not a leftover fan. Once I've planned, fussed over and tasted something all day, I barely want it once, much less twice :biggrin:! But these were good:


    Leftovers from Friday night's dinner. Lamb, feta salsa and crusty bread panini with couscous and roast green beans. I went and got more bread and roasted red peppers after work today and we are having these again tonight! :laugh:

  8. Kim, could you please post the link that you talked about that has the Goat Cheese and Fig Stuffed Chicken Breasts with Marsala Sauce that you made? I make a similar chicken dish which we really like.  http://www.leitesculinaria.com/recipes/coo...icken_figs.html

    Instead of using fresh figs, I cut up dried Mission figs and put them in port that I warmed up. The port plumps the figs and infuses them. Very nice.

    I would like to try the variation  that you made. I have been on a real chicken kick lately. I don't know if there is anything else that is as versatile as chicken. There are just scads and scads of things to do with it. I am so often torn between making a favorite or trying something new. Lately, trying something new has won.

      By the way, the web site that I linked to above has really wonderful recipes. The section that that recipe came from is the Cookbook Recipes section, but they have 4 other sections as well. I really reccommend looking through it.

    Here you go! That will link you directly to the recipe. Its a recipe on my online webpage. The link under my signature here will link you to the table of contents of the webpage. Hope you like it - it was so good and stayed moist through 2 reheatings!

  9. Kim - how was that Rosa Regale?  i've seen it but never tried it.  try blue cheese with those dates though we paired them with with Cahill's Original Irish Porter Cheese last night.

    leftover chicken became a chicken tetrazzini


    ready for the ovengallery_403_5742_509752.jpg

    there is no pretty way to photograph the final product.

    while waiting for the tetrazzini to finish cooking a snack of Cahill's Original Irish Porter Cheese with johnnybird's beloved Ritz crackers and fresh figs


    I will try that. We love bleu and have it around all the time. The Regale was fantastic. Really fragrant. The ladies liked it more than the gentlemen did. I make a chocolate truffle loaf dessert that it will be crazy with!

    I love tetrazzini and yours looks perfect. I need to have that soon!

  10. Those dates look SO good!  Where do you find those????

    I got them at The Fresh Market - since I work there I know that they just get them from the basic organic source that all the good stores order from - nothing out of the ordinary. They are always good and moist, though. I got them already seeded to save time and effort and I think I might as well have gotten them with the seeds still in them. It was such a fiddly job cutting the cheese in little bitty strips to stick in the hole :wacko: !! I think I would have been better off seeding them myself and having a big slit in the side of each date to stuff with cheese!

  11. Pierogi - I have been drooling over your dinners lately - I would hate to have to choose between the braised pork and roasted apple dish and your wonderful brisket and creamed spinach! Your breads have been great, too! Congratulations on your successes!!!

    MiFi - oooooh! I <heart> your pupu!!! :raz: And those cheeses make me feel slightly faint :wub::wub: .

    Bruce - "Returning from basketball practice, elder son complained that “his shirt smelled like dinner.” " - this cracked me up. And I've got to have some scallops soon! BTW - I bought the dreaded cabbage Thursday and I think I'll be making it this weekend. Wish me luck and I'll let everyone know if a miracle happened and I actually end up liking <shudder> cabbage <shudder> :laugh: !

    Ce'nedra - your 'fat little buddy' is delicious looking!

    To say thank you to Mr. Kim for taking such good care of me when I was sick last week I made his favorite - spaghetti and meatballs. He could eat this twice a week for dinner and a few more times for lunch and I don't make it very often (no excitement :biggrin: ). It was good, though - sometimes I have a tendency to forget how good basic food is and want to do only the fun stuff. He chose long fusilli as the pasta - we liked that:


    Last night was the first time I really out and out cooked in a long time. It was fun :biggrin: !!! We had some friends over for dinner - they are the kind that don't mind experiementation, so they knew that they could end up eating take out pizza for dinner :wink: - but it all turned out really well.

    We started with Jambon Serrano Ham, Marcona Almonds, Hot Dates stuffed w/ Manchego and Crusty Bread. I got a lot of advice on the Wine board (especially from Katie Loeb) on my pairings and ended up serving Amontillado sherry with this course:




    It was all very good. Everyone just loved the dates, but I think I'll try something 'meltier' and more assertive next time for the cheese - any one have any ideas?

    Main course was Grilled Leg of Lamb w/ Feta & Herb Salsa, Couscous w/ Pine Nuts,

    Roast Green Beans w/ Shallots & Filberts and a Butter Lettuce salad w/ Marinated Red Onions & Vinaigrette:



    The lamb was just perfect. And the method of cooking was really easy, but one I hadn't thought of before. You take a boned leg of lamb, smear it up with the tasty stuff (herbs, oil, garlic) and then grill it flat. You don't roll it and tie it back up into a roast. It takes like 20 minutes total to grill it and you end up with maximum outer crunch and a good assortment of rare to med well cooked meat since it is so uneven in size! It's fantastic! The salsa was amazing. We were spreading it on everything in sight!




    As Katie suggested with the mains we served Montecillo Crianza Rioja 2003 - everyone thought this was the perfect pairing:


    Dessert was Mini Strawberry Shakes w/ Strawberry Mascarpone Paninis, Belgian chocolates (another Katie suggestion - to make her wine suggestion really sing - it worked :wub: ) and to drink, Banfi Rosa Regale.




  12. Kim:

    Don't forget to serve a little chocolate with the strawberry shakes.  The raspberry flavors of the Rosa Regale will be closely echoed in the strawberry shake, but the Brachetto really needs just a bit of chocolate to make everyone have that "A-ha!" wine pairing moment.  There's nothing more delicious than Brachetto with chocolate.  A small but sinfully rich truffle on the side of each shake ought to do it.

    Report back on your preferences after you've had the opportunity to try everything.

    I didn't forget you said that - I got a lovely little box of Belgian chocolates! Dinner is tomorrow, so I'll report back on Saturday. Thanks, again! The scary wine lady at my store approved of all my purchases and was obviously surprised by me :smile: ! She knows I am a ninny. :laugh:

  13. Last weekend in Roslyn we drove by Tom Sarris' - the fixtures were for sale. I know it wasn't all that great - especially the last few years, but I was sad. As a kid, I spent lots of dinners there with my Father. I'll miss knowing its there, even if I wouldn't have ever gone again.

  14. Pierogi  everything looks so good.  I'm glad your bread didn't suck  :laugh: 

    I, too, made creamed spinach the other night.  I thought it was SO good.  I used a recipe from RecipeGullet.  I was so proud---and then my husband informed me that he doesn't like frozen spinach  :hmmm:   We've been together 14-15 years and I NEVER knew that.  I've even frozen ours out of the garden and he's never said a word.

    So, I have a whole tub of leftover creamed spinach  :rolleyes:

    Shelby - maybe try cutting up some roasted frozen artichoke hearts and adding some parmesan cheese, smear it on some baked/roasted chicken and bake for a few minutes. I have known this cheesy, gloopy mess to reform serious cooked spinach haters.

    That's a good idea! Oddly, he loves fresh spinach and CANNED spinach! Isn't that weird??

    I have a brother in law like that. Honestly do not get the canned love! Makes me heave to think of that stuff :laugh: !

  15. Pierogi  everything looks so good.  I'm glad your bread didn't suck  :laugh: 

    I, too, made creamed spinach the other night.  I thought it was SO good.  I used a recipe from RecipeGullet.  I was so proud---and then my husband informed me that he doesn't like frozen spinach  :hmmm:  We've been together 14-15 years and I NEVER knew that.  I've even frozen ours out of the garden and he's never said a word.

    So, I have a whole tub of leftover creamed spinach  :rolleyes:

    Shelby - maybe try cutting up some roasted frozen artichoke hearts and adding some parmesan cheese, smear it on some baked/roasted chicken and bake for a few minutes. I have known this cheesy, gloopy mess to reform serious cooked spinach haters.

  16. Thanks so much everyone! I think I've got this straight now. I got the Amontillado sherry which I will serve with the apps. I got the Crianza Rioja which I'll serve with the lamb and I got the Banfi Rosa Regale which I'll serve with dessert. Thank you so much. I am a wine ninny and now I can serve my (your) pairings with some confidence!

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