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Kim Shook

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Everything posted by Kim Shook

  1. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2008

    I am just enjoying all the food here. I declared that I was going to cut down on all the elaborate cooking, but I have hardly cooked at all recently. Lots of pizza, cereal and foldover cheese sandwiches at the Shook house lately. We have been dealing with Mr. Otis, who's vet says he may be getting a bit senile and is getting up at 3am wanting attention and breakfast . We are the walking dead just now. Bruce - the ribs are just gorgeous!!! I have some crock pots ones in the fridge that we are going to eat tomorrow night and they looked pretty good until I saw YOURS ! David - the razor clams look so good. What is the flavor like? And I had Mr. Kim drooling over my shoulder at your steak. Thanks for the damp arm! Daniel - Happy Birthday! The pizza looks great - top and bottom!! (I love the bottom especially - no one ever gets the bottom done enough for me!). Mr. Underbite is some sweetstuff !!! Shelby - I wish I'd been at your house for the 4th!! Smoked chicken and pork, sausages, mac n cheese and those dear little parfaits <faint>. Well, we did have devilled eggs, at least !
  2. Ted - that is lovely! I wish y'all were coming to dinner with us tonight. I think I picked a good one! Pille - I want some Eton Mess !!! If I could find any decent strawberries, I'd be having that for every meal for the next week !!! Just gorgeous!!
  3. Rob - even a faux attack can be serious. Please take care of yourself - you have lots of imaginary friends (what a relative calls online pals) out here who care about you!!! I am very, very excited to hear this news. From here, you look ready and I can't wait to follow the journey. Best, best, best wishes and I wish I could be there to actually see it!
  4. Thank you all for your help! I am rinsing, but just using straight mayo (with a little Ranch), so I think it is just too dry. I'll try some vinegar or a little sweet pickle juice. The recipe doesn't call for pickles, so I didn't think to use the juice like I usually do !
  5. I love brunch! I love to go to brunch and I even like good brunch buffets. But I really love to serve a brunch. Breakfast-type foods are some of my favorites to make, but no one wants to come for breakfast and honestly, I don't care to start cooking quite that early anyway! I like making quiches, egg casseroles, pastries and, here in the South, at least, brunches usually include a savory casserole or two, green and fruit salads and some kind of juice cocktail. What's not to like?
  6. I need some help with macaroni salad. Not fancy PASTA salad, just plain old American macaroni salad. The kind that I like has a creamy, mild dressing. The kind I always make (mayo-based) is clumpy and the elbows stick together. The kind I want to make pours out of a spoon individually, just barely clinging together. Mine thunks out of a serving spoon in one big 'splot!'. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and how to get what I want? Thanks!!
  7. I promise you absolutely cannot do any better than our own Marlene's Panko Coated Onion Rings. They are among the best I've ever tasted! The link is to the recipe on my webpage, but you can also find it at her site, Cooks Korner. You can find pictures of them in this post.
  8. Tri2Cook - thank you so much for the ice cream recipe. I've got Mr. Kim's fantasy football draft to cater in August and I'm thinking ice cream sandwiches! I'm sure the guys will love them! David - the raspberry tartlet is just simple perfection! Joe - gorgeous cheesecake bars! I am so jealous of your nice straight lines - not just the edges but between they layers!! Lovely job! Also, your blog is great! Yet another blog to add to my 'must read' list <sigh> ! Mary Elizabeth - just lovely pastries! Welcome and let's see more!!!
  9. I'm back....I fell off my chair in a dead faint just trying to imagine toasted marshmallow ice cream ! Could you, would you possibly part with the recipe? Please, please?? I promise I won't go into business with it and become a multimillionare !
  10. That would be great for the seniors!! ← That's so funny, Randi, because I thought about you and your folks when I was making this and even mentioned your thread to my friend!
  11. Kim, I looked in your Cookbook, but could find the instructions for assembly of this beauty. Help, Please! I can see the folks I volunteer for going nuts for this at a party. They love stuff like this... ← Here you go! It's a hard one to find on the webpage, because the name doesn't have anything about ice cream sandwiches - which is weird because they are the most fantastic thing about this monstrosity !
  12. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2008

    David - oyster empanadas!!! That sounds like fun! I would love those, I know! monavano - I think that is the only reason to use the shredded stuff - the stretch. I use both - one for flavor and the other for the authentic 'streeeeetch' . Bruce - that is a beautiful steak salad - so much better looking than any I've ever seen in any restaurant! We had company for the weekend, so I got to indulge myself and do a lot of cooking! Dinner Saturday was proscuitto-fontina lavosh roll and fruit salad. We also had pickles and chips and tabbouleh. This was supposed to be lunch, but breakfast was so late that we didn't get hungry until dinner time (this happens a lot at my house): Sunday dinner started with the panzanella I learned to make at my lesson with Chef Roberto Donna last summer: It was delicious! Everyone looked askance at it, but loved it once they tasted it! I also did a pan sauteed flank steak with a red wine sauce, corn, Dana's boursin potatoes & roasted asparagus: The steak was supposed to be 'Light', except that the sauce seemed a little thin to me, so I swirled a little butter in at the last minute. That helped a lot ! Our guest just loved the potatoes especially! Thanks, again, Dana!! Dessert was this trashy delicious thing: It is a 'torte' made from ice cream sandwiches. More about it on the dessert thread.
  13. Kim Shook

    Lunch! (2003-2012)

    We had company this weekend. I planned two lunches, but we ended up eating breakfast so late on Saturday that Sunday was the only lunch we had: Ham, turkey and Swiss panini on raisin bread with Dijon and fig preserves (and pickles and chips and tabbouleh).
  14. Pille - I went to your blog (dern, another blog to capture me) and got the recipe for the Grilled Swiss Toast with Egg and Cheese - it looks so simple and wonderful! No problem, Floppy - I've never quite understood why breakfast and dinner threads entries are what you cooked, but lunch can be what you bought. Personally, I'd love seeing people's restaurant meals, too, but maybe those should be on the regional boards? We had company this weekend, so I ended up making breakfast both days. Breakfast on Saturday was baked eggs with ham and Cheddar and Giada's hazelnut cinnamon rolls: Breakfast Sunday was toasted coconut waffles w/ homemade strawberry syrup , fruit salad, Benton's bacon, local sage sausage and some local tomatoes: The tomatoes aren't really 'there' yet, but they were pretty darn good!
  15. schneich - that gateau is just gorgeous! The shine, the little raspberries, the little flutters of gold foil. Sigh..... This is what I made for dessert for our company this weekend: It is a big mess of a faux torte made from ice cream sandwiches, hot fudge sauce, bananas, caramel sauce, toffee bits, maraschino cherries and COOL WHIP !! Our company was of the almost family sort that I can experiment on. They aren't the type to be insulted at ice cream sandwiches and Cool Whip, but wouldn't mind telling me that it just didn't work and we'd could go out for ice cream! We did love this, though. Great combination of flavors and pretty to look at!
  16. Was it the Fine Cooking one you used or a different one? ← I actually used the Cake Love one that I've done before, because I was rushed and knew that I could do it with no problems. I'm thinking that I'm going to use the Fine Cooking one on July 4th. I think I'm going to do chocolate cupcakes with either strawberry or raspberry buttercream and sprinkles!
  17. Thanks so much for all your help. I used the cooled, whisked ganache and it looks fine: alanamoana - thanks for the advice for the carrot cake bars. I will keep it in mind next year - I do those almost every Easter!
  18. I'll trade you the answer for your mixer! (Mine has been dead for 2 weeks and counting) Simply rolled them like a cinnamon roll, plopped them in muffin tins and let them proof. Thanks ← Thanks, Rob! Poor baby - I'd be a sad puppy without my KA! And that is a gorgeous cake - I just love the ladyfingers and ribbon - I'll have to try that on the next cheesecake I do. It's such a nice effect! Yes, it does. I usually make the black magic in either a 9x 13 or a bundt. ← Thanks, Randi - how about cupcakes? Does the batter do well for them? Some batters just don't - I haven't ever been able to manage angel food cupcakes, though I've tried and tried. I was thinking these for cupcakes topped with a strawberry or raspberry buttercream for July 4th. monavano - that tart is exquisite! Here's a cake that I made last night for a girl who is leaving work today to go back to college: I have more room at the bottom than the top, but it looks ok for a beginner, I think! I only found out that they wanted me to make the cake at 5pm last night and we have out of town guests arriving today at lunch time while I'm still at work, so my evening was a little rushed . I admit that I resorted to cake mix for the layers . There is a layer of devil's food, then a ganache filling, a layer of white cake and it's frosted with chocolate Italian meringue buttercream. The lettering is more ganache. There were lots of scraps and leftovers, so we got to taste it - it's really good! That buttercream is just wonderful! Here's my messy edge work: I need a remedial Wilton class ! Here's a shot of the cake before frosting and after trimming:
  19. I get the shivers just thinking about someone actually doing this ! And I adore snails.
  20. I am icing a cake with Italian meringue buttercream and would like to use ganache to pipe a message with on top of the cake. Will this work? Or will my ganache get all messy and gooey? I had this happen one Easter: But that was royal icing over cream cheese frosting. Does anyone know if the ganache might do the same thing over the Italian buttercream. It's for other people, so I really don't want to mess up! Thanks!
  21. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2008

    I've heard such people exist, but have never seen any proof before now..... ← Yes! We find it decidedly suspicious, especially for a child born in the capital of the confederacy and wonder if she isn't some Yankee changling !
  22. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2008

    Shelby - the texture of that bread is gorgeous! I really have to try the no-knead method! And I would dive into every dish in your next post! I adore lamb ribs and just the idea of strawberry cheesecake ice cream makes me slightly faint ! MiFi - the sausage and beans are lovely. What all is in that? Sounds like something that we would love in our house. Dinner last night was grilled ham, gratin dauphinois, roasted asparagus, fried green tomatoes and sweet potato rolls: I used cheddar instead of gryere, because it's what I had - it was very good! Jessica is not a ham fan, so she had filet: This steak was from the Belmont Butchery - grass fed, pasture raised with more flavor and marbling than I've ever seen in a filet. Mr. Kim did a fantastic job grilling it - it was a perfect medium rare. Rolls:
  23. CanadianBakin' - Would you mind PM'ing me with the buttercream recipe. You did need a membership to read it at the link that you posted and I don't need another membership to anything ! Thanks! Rachel - your Martha story cracked me up and reminded me of why, despite the perfectionism that sets my teeth on edge, I love Martha - that slight goofiness and the almost Monty Python-esque "No, I'm fine, just fine, no problem here" attitude in the middle of chaos! Rob - I loved the blueberry brioche! How did you form those? I assume that there is more brioche under those lovely little curled up berry huggers on top? Momshobby - your cake is adorable! I am very impressed. Love the pup! And the pegboard is the perfect background for a Father's day cake! Kate - lovely tarts. If I ever find good strawberries again, I'd love to make them . Randi - thanks for the tip - does the Hershey's recipe make enough batter for the 13x9" pan? Inspired by the 'Treats' conversation on Father's day when I made the Lucky Charms treats, I made these: Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter Crunch w/ PB and chocolate swirl chips Froot Loops The Froot Loops ones tasted just like Froot Loops, so if you don't like the faux fruit flavor, you won't like them. They are very, very sweet. But the Cap'n crunch ones were wonderful. They kind of transcended the ingredients and became something all new and delicious! Jessica was the one who came up with the idea of putting in the swirl chips and that was genius! Such silly things, but making them is addicting - all the possible variations. And people just scarf them up!
  24. We had Saturday breakfast at one of our habitual joints. As much as I love a homemade breakfast, I adore eating the meal out. Even when it's just eggs and bacon, it feels like a vacation. I don't know why that is, but it's a great way to get that holiday feeling on the cheap! Sunday breakfast was scrambled eggs with mozzarella cheese and chives, sage sausage from a local farm, hash browns and snowflake rolls: The sausages tasted wonderful, but were so skinny and LONG (that's a very large plate) - I've never seen such long breakfast sausages!
  25. Not that I can detect. We used all Splenda last year and they were fine. Interesting. I make the quick pickle but start anew every time they are finished. Sounds like you are keeping the original liquid and "topping up" with vinegar and seasonings? Every type of cucumber was present in magnificent abundance at my farmer's market this morning and I indulged. ← Yep, I just top up as needed. I've never done it any other way.
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