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Kerry Beal

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Everything posted by Kerry Beal

  1. Thanks Andie - lots of good info there.
  2. I don't think it can be done with your 3 different molds. I would instead get 3 of the same mold (something very basic) - bang them out 3 molds at a time with some sort of feature that tells you one ganache from another. There is a chocolatier (that got money from the folks on Dragon's den) in my area that seems to have it figured out. Essentially all his moulded chocolates were made in the same mold. He then added two dots of colour to the top of each to indicate which filling it had.
  3. Thanks for the heads up on the laxation effect.
  4. Not much of anything actually - they were missing that essential sproutiness that I don't really care for.
  5. They tasted nothing like Brussel's sprouts - hence I ate them.
  6. Anna and I were at the gas station the other day - we got talking to the wife of the fellow who owns the station about the market and how we'd just been there and found it pretty sad. She mentioned she had been there last week and most of the vendors said it would be their last week. She also mentioned that one of the vendors had given her the last of her citron melons. This of course got me excited. Apparently she had been given 6 - she had made 3 into jam and the dog had mistaken two for his balls and eaten them (I realize how that sounds - so I just had to post it anyway cause I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my face). She offered us the remaining one. I went to pick it up from her husband Jim today - also included was a bottle of the jam she had made with them. I want to candy this one and will start doing some research into it tonight.
  7. When I'm up here I buy Farquhar's dairy butter - but saw this on special at Giant Tiger for $3.79. Had to buy cause I like the Sterling too - especially on sale!
  8. Tonight - a Pisco Sour.
  9. This many apples in my cider fund so far.
  10. Didn't stay crunchy! I did add a bit of extra moisture.
  11. dbinokc - no sign of oil outside of my pump yet - unless I spill. I tend to drain an ounce or two of watery oil off the pump each run and top up with fresh oil to the middle of the sight glass. Over on the Falling Back on Island Time thread - I've started playing with some of the freeze dried foods I brought up north with me.
  12. Rounds this morning - then off to the clinic. First use of the freeze dried cheese - rather interesting to have crunchy bits in a biscuit! There was a bowl of plums on the counter when we arrived - seemed a good opportunity to make the 'proper' version of the summer torte.
  13. Nah - that's not how I work. Just show people what something can do - they gotta want it themselves!
  14. Waxy potatoes seem to taste different after chilling than starchy potatoes. I'd say it's the starchy ones that develop the off tastes. Strangely once fried - the off flavour seems to disappear from the starchy potatoes.
  15. Two more suggestions Anna and I came up with while out and about today. Sausage rolls (toaster oven) and baked potato soup (known to freeze well).
  16. Want me to check with the NA distributor in Toronto?
  17. Whisky sour. Lacking the appropriate gremolata we added angostura.
  18. They are the green things on the right of the second picture.
  19. Yes it is!
  20. My thought exactly - but the thing I want to make demands Fujis.
  21. Managed to wile away about 5 hours in Espanola while we waited for Hydro to do their thing (improvements of some sort Rotuts - but not quite sure what). It gave us the opportunity to browse more than we usually do - which resulted in a few purchases. There is a frozen duck there that was very reasonable and will provide two meals - as well as a chicken that was less than half the usual price that will go to make stock. Brussel's sprouts and heaven forbid Fuji apples - required for a project. Shallots are available in Espanola - not often in Little Current at this time of year. Cashews were $1.99 a can - checker commented on how many cans he had seen pass his scanner today. Some nice looking lamb chops - reduced, and the star of the show - sour watermelon Peeps! Those will be chocolate dipped. The bags that Anna has wanted since we saw them in the grocery store in the summer - thank god there were still a few there!
  22. Pickin's are pretty slim in Espanola for lunch - so for the first time since 1978 I ate in a KFC. Amazing how one gallbladder episode can put you off a certain food almost indefinitely (don't think I'll ever drink lemon gin again)! 3 piece box for Anna. Chicken bowl for me.
  23. Last time I did it - I forgot the wait at the bottom part too. Remade it twice.
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