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Posts posted by hollywood

  1. also what amazes me is that everyone had enough money on them to pay in cash but would normally pay by credit card.  why are all these people carrying quite a bit of cash on them and then choosing to pay by card?

    Had they all just returned from Iraq?

  2. By the way, I just bought a Polder dual-sensor thermometer.  The probe has a sensor on the pointy end, for registering meat temp, and another sensor on the top of the probe (where the lead is attached) to measure oven temp.  Assuming it works, it seems like a solution to many problems.

    Thanks. Hope the probe works. Let's hear about it.

  3. FWIW, I purchased an automotive drip pan (not an oil pan!) & put my WSM on that.  In particular, it was very useful for protecting the driveway when I needed to light additional chimney starters whilst cooking.

    Here's a pic of the type of drip pan that I purchased.  It was $7 at the local hardware.

    Good tip. Thanks. Looks like it's time for a trip to see Manny, Moe and Jack.

  4. I still recall Gallo Pink Chablis as my favorite.  Slightly frizzante and relatively weak, I could knock back a bottle before a high school dance and change fron nerd boy to dancing fool in about 20 minutes.

    Do they still make Cold Duck? Probably so. What a headache!

  5. Is there any problem using the WSM on a wood deck? How about if I put ceramic tiles under it? What I'm wondering about is the warning that it shouldn't be used within 5 feet of any combustibles. Is this overkill? Thanks.

  6. There are food experiences on many levels: if I enjoy the CduM experience and want to talk about it, it's OK ....so while you're mulling that over, have a cup of coffee and a beignet.

    CdM is a great mulling over spot. And I've enjoyed coffee and beignets there sober.

  7. Turns out that "Number 9" is the name of the bar at the Evening Star Cafe in Alexandria.  Sadly, I may have to give it a skip, as my Freshman roommate insisted on playing the Beatles' Revolution #9 several times daily.  Hollywood's post alone nearly sent me over the edge.

    I think a lot of us had that same roommate.

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