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Posts posted by hollywood

  1. Marmite/Vegemite.  Chocolate-covered cherries.


    chocolate covered cherries come second only to yuke in my book! :biggrin:

    Perhaps there's a distinction to be made between cherry cordials and mere chocolate covered cherries.

    Kill 'em all.

    Odd because chocolate and raspberry go so well together. Perhaps it's never been done properly.

  2. Yes, the success of these mediocre chains is quite a phenomenon--  I guess my tastes of smaller portions of complex, flavorful food is contrary to the American taste.  The Red Lobster lines are particularly perplexing-- I ate there 5 years ago because a friend insisted and it was one of the most awful experiences ever. 

    Fried clams to me are a "snack" or bar food, some great ones at the stands down on the shore-- (Howard Johnsons, where are you?)  As far as serious seafood, I always go to Original Oyster in Highlands--  Astoundingly, only a couple of dollars more for a meal here than in Legal Seafoods-- and you get real tablecloths and wonderfully prepared seafood, less noise, and no lines!!

    If lemmings didn't exist, we would have invented them.

  3. Tony's, Red Baron, and DiGiorno are all in my opinion better than Freschetta.

    Can't speak to Tony's or Red Baron, but the Freschetta Supreme is clearly superior to Di Giorno. Way better--both going down and in terms of after effects.

  4. Cheez Whiz:  Normally yes, but it is an essential ingredient of a Cheese Steak.  There's something about pairing the grease from the steak and the fried onions with the chemicals from the Whiz that approachs gourmand nirvanna.

    You can also microwave it right in the jar to make quick nachos.

  5. See, the main problem I have with green is this: I went to a private high school; our colors were green and white; therefore, I was forced to wear hideous green wool jumpers (the US version) in the winter and hideous green-and-white-striped seersucker jumpers in the spring and fall.  Then we got green kilts, and we could have green sweaters, and green socks, and....  :biggrin:

    I'll take a look at that page in the FAQ.  I've read about half of it so far, but I must've missed that thar part.

    So you must enjoy going to Williams Sonoma....

  6. I'm with you. I think their special combo or whatever it's called is the best of it's kind. The pepperoni ain't bad either. However, you can't do this too often given the fat and calorie content. Otherwise, you'll be forced to eat Morningstar Farm's veggie pizza (which has veggie pepperoni,etc.) Not the same thing but much lower in fat and cals. And you can microwave it.

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