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Bill Miller

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Everything posted by Bill Miller

  1. Sure. PM me when you are in town or a few days before and we can -hopefully- do just that. ← Did anyone see "whine and dine" today? Someone complained of rude service. Anyone else experience that?
  2. Make a tomatillo salsa with the same ingredients you use for a red one--just leave out the tomatos and see if you need to add a little sugar. You can also make a green sauce to go with enchilades. Boiled and chopped they add a twist to guacamole--always be sure the tart is not too strong, if it is add a little sugar.
  3. Thanks to everyone--this presents quite a dilemma, but such a delightful one!!
  4. My computer geek has insisted on opening that bottle and sharing it with my wife and I after work next week. We are to bring canapes. I need suggestions. Thanks.
  5. Where is this place? Someone tried to auction a reservation on e Bay starting at $1000.
  6. I just told my daughter in Plano to stay out of Premier Wines and to tell all her friends. These guys don't quit-- they should partner up with Jimmy Swaggart.
  7. Sandra Lee is in a class by herself. Pepin is in a different class.
  8. Bill Miller

    Marrow Bones

    I have my very own marrow spoons--great--no sucking required.
  9. I like Sambuca.
  10. I'm sorry, it just sounds repulsive to me. Is it worth taking a chance on?
  11. Bill Miller

    Homemade Pesto

    I think curley parley is almost tasteless--best used as a filler in a chicken salad. If you used Italian parsley it is very flavorfull and could make the pesto taste different. Nix the parsley altogether and use pine nuts.
  12. Bill Miller


    I don't use stock--I use tomato juice because I love the tomato flavor. I also add celery (strings removed). I chop everything very small and puree about 1/3 of the vegis in the tomato juice and then stir in the rest of them. No bread. The next morning I add fresh lime juice and top with a drizzle of good extra virgin olive oil. Top with crutons. Everything else is like yours Dave. I like a lot of chunks.
  13. Crabs are going too. Lobsters are closely related to the cockroach and have a similar nervous system. Do you remember the bad alien in "Men In Black"? Similar animal. Whole Foods is political correctess gone wild with no regard to logic--some body kills the lobster and the crab before they sell it--somebody is inhumane to these little folks at some time. It is kind of like marriage--at some point in a fulfilled relationship between partners some body takes a chance on sexual harrasment. Whole Foods preaches "organic" with no concept that if we only grew "organic" the "Whole World" would starve. Sad.
  14. Oysters on the half shell with red sauce--saltines to keep the little devils from squirting out from between your molars, and so fresh that you hear them say eek, eek as you bite down. My wife says my eyes glaze over as I eat them. I can eat dozens--the first with a crisp cold dry martini and then with a NZ sauvignon blanc.
  15. Best meal I had was at La Haye in Sonoma--small and excellent!! Beringer is great and I loved Silver Oak. I'd spend more time in the valleys. Overall the food is better.
  16. Kent, I've been there--great fun. I understsand they charge a fee now. I like cookies and cream and cherry vanilla.
  17. Great Job--Congratulations---wish I could have been there!!!
  18. Not to gum up the plans--There is a Maryland "Stuffed Ham" that I have had many times. It's a fresh ham,braised in cheesecloth and stuffed with a kale seasoning (seasoned) and featured in Bon Appetit in the early '80s. I've stuffed it with many other things, but I understand this is classic Maryland. Some town does it every year, maybe for a festival. Just a thought to complicate matters.
  19. Bill Miller

    Six egg yolks

    OK, Bill. Garlic custard is one of my favorite things. Do you have a tried and true recipe? I had it at a restaurant one time with lobster meat and a butter sauce and it was amazing. ← Go to http://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/lamb-chops-garlic-custard. Looks good to me and it's a web exclusive--not in their book.Based on dish Cindy Wolf serves at Charleston in Baltimore.
  20. Does anybody know why they closed?
  21. Bill Miller

    Six egg yolks

    A garlic custard would be fabulous!!
  22. Just to let eveybody know--I got the meat from Louisiana Foods in Houston and after I ordered it the PR lady at Brennans emailed me that they would sell it for $16/lb (about what I paid for it). The soup turned out beautifully--their recipe is the real thing--we served 26 very happy guests. The book is a keeper.
  23. Sea Bear is shipping mine week of June 12.
  24. I watched the "Galloping Gourmet" make paella and I was hooked!!
  25. Bill Miller


    I think Dave is right. Real grits are cheap polenta. Price of the dish depends on what you call it.
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