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Bill Miller

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Everything posted by Bill Miller

  1. I take the 20mg Lipitor dose at bedtime. My bloodwork is done every 6 months and has shown no liver problems (I do avoid Tylenol). my doctor and pharmacist tell me unless something changes I do not have to change my lifestyle. My cholesterol is so low my doctor said if there was an indication of a problem we would go back to the 10mg dose.
  2. ← Anybody ever visit Winetalk--I believe it is Serge Birbier (sp?) who hosts it.
  3. I happen to love red grapefruit but can not have it since I am currently taking a statin drug. Why is it good for others but not for people who take these medications? Anyone have some ideas as to when, or even if, I can ever enjoy a red, luscious grapefruit again? Thanks for any and all advice, Grapefruit-less Gifted Gourmet ← I take Lipitor at bedtime because my doctor says it works better at night controlling the liver when it produces the most cholesterol. I believe it is mostly gone from the bloodstream by morning. I drink my Rio Star grapefruit juice in the morning and don't worry about it. Have for years. Check with your doctor.
  4. As a young man he inspired me to cook---I made his paella--my first gourmet dish and went from there. He used good stuff and was fun. Cooking with him was fun!! Alas he was so much more fun before he quit drinking-- he uses more charts than USA TODAY. I miss him
  5. I believe Project also created Semi Home Cooking W/ Sandi Lee, but he won't take credit for it. Such humility.
  6. Several years ago when I had an electric stove my All Clad saute pan was sitting on a burner with it's side against a plastic cutting board. Somehow the burner was turned on---the pan melted the cutting board and some plastic stuck to the pan when it was super hot--I knew it was ruined. I cut the plastic off after it cooled and the pan was fine. That was about 12 years ago--I plan to leave that wonderful pan to my kids when I'm gone. Best cookware on the face of the earth.
  7. You forget Hanable. Fava beans.
  8. I keep it for friends. I usually drink wine or a cocktail but enjoy a Beck's dark with my occasional Rueben.
  9. Yes--it also freezes well.
  10. Try some turmeric in the yellow to help the color. They darken when roasted.
  11. Hunters chicken takes on ledgendary status when made with pancetta---I use it like bacon in Italian dishes.
  12. I am a chemist and salt is NaCl. The differences are what is in sea salt after evaporation in addition to the NaCl. Fleur de sel is appealling for its texture on say good tomatoes or a good steak. It is a waste to use it in soup. I use kosher salt most of the time for its ease of use and mildness.
  13. I'm sorry--I don't plan to stop eating veal either--where are we on the food chain?
  14. Got a recipe? (I enjoyed reading your blog--good luck my friend)
  15. They didn't have it this weekend--I'll look again when I'm back in Houston.
  16. I've been to Specs and Central Market looking for tasso--we will make a stuffed mushroom with tasso as an ingredient, but neither had tasso. Do you guys know where I can order some? I can't believe there is none in Houston.
  17. I didn't notice--do you have enough time to dry age it? You would really have a fine piece of meat.
  18. I think Spec's is the largest liquor/wine/beer store in the world. Their ham selection is unbelievable--Central Markets best competition---I could spend a couple of hours shopping there.
  19. malaria must be pretty prevalent in my neck of the woods... ← Paroxisims of chills and fever???---stops it every time.
  20. I love it in martinis. I had it in a gin gimlet over the weekend---best I ever tasted.
  21. Bill Miller

    Omaha steaks

    I don't think they are worth the money--I never buy prime tenderloin--very little fat anyway and tender enough. Angus strips and ribeyes (super market) are at the top of the choice catagory and have always pleased me at half the price.
  22. Do you never want a 10-15 year old Cab or Barolo? I can't find those in a store and probably couldn't afford them if I could.
  23. In a Rick Bayless segment he says Mexican food should modify every cuisine thru fusion as it has done in Texas, New Mexico, and California. The original remains but an offshoot is created. This is going to be interesting---the creole and cajun won't go away, but oh what new creations do we expect. Don't mess with my turtle soup though. Thinking of you guys-- see you soon.
  24. Anybody here do this---we love it. The idea is if you have a bottle of wine you have been saving but afraid to open---have a party (or an intimate dinner) and open that puppy up! Lots of fun and great stories in the paper afterward--like the guy coming up his cellar steps with an '05 Lafite and dropping it. H e said it was wonderful squeezed out of a towel (I'm not sure about the date but that is close). We are having three couples over and all of us will furnish a bottle--main course will be veal rib chops Milanase (sp?). Be fun to get reports from anybody who participates. Regards, Bill
  25. Bill Miller


    I can't believe nobody has posted my method----mustard greens or if you can find them, tender greens-washed several times--drain but do not dry--leave some water on the leaves. Fry some salt pork (fatback) in a large pot until crisp --remove and leave the grease and salt in the pot- Add the greens to the pot and cover--cook until wilted but still with a little crispness. Sprinkle with crumbled salt pork and hot pepper vinegar--- serve with cornbread and blackeye peas. Happy New Year (or any other time)!!
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