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Everything posted by johnsmith45678

  1. Here's a related study: Role of Fatty Acid Composition in the Development of Metabolic Disorders in Sucrose-Induced Obese Rats
  2. Interesting chart. But I've used several condiments listed quite a while past what's shown - like soy sauce and worchestershire sauce (both one year).
  3. What's supposed to be the problem with high fructose corn syrup?
  4. I think it'd get mind-numbingly boring to be a chef at a place where the same thing was cooked day after day. But I think customers expect to see certain regular menu items that persist.
  5. Oh yeah...same thing happens in the US. From what I know, saturated fats are turned into cholesterol in the body. I have no idea what cholesterol is in food, but I think it's also on the label. As for reading labels, I usually don't look at much more than fats and salt. Every once in a while I look at calories. Just about anything that's processed has long, chemical-sounding names - I don't worry much about them, but do try to avoid them and make things from scratch which tastes better.
  6. Looks like pumpkin leaves. I'm curious how they're used...
  7. For a straight, no-nonsense, dry, uptight, humorless cooking show, I recommend Martha Stewart.
  8. Favorite: Anthony Bourdain Alton Brown Gordon Ramsay Okay: Mario Batali (loved Malto Mario though) Bobby Flay Ming Tsai Emeril Bob Blumer (Surreal Gourmet) Food Jammer dudes Jamie Oliver (I'm indifferent to him) Don't Like: Rachael Ray Martha Stewart Al Roker
  9. I love Good Eats. Some of the recipes suck though - on his power bar show the recipe recommends using UNSHELLED sunflower seeds. I deferred to his better judgement, despite my thinking otherwise, and made the first batch that way. They were unbearable to eat. One of his pizza recipes also took forever to get the dough to "window pane." But the great majority of the other recipes I've tried have been satisfactory. I dig Alton's and the show's sense of humor. I still laugh when I think of Paul's toaster that "goes to eleven" on the snowed-in special, and many many other moments. Good Eats sure cut through the typical cooking shows where the chefs acted like cooking is mystical alchemy.
  10. but you can mill so many things in the miller ← Such as? Serious question - I have no idea and no experience with milling. I'd bet that milling machine aint cheap. The meat tenderizer is $22 on Amazon. I'd bet one of those pizza dough perforators could do the same thing.
  11. There seems to be no official Good Eats thread (but many exist with various topics), so I'll dig this one up... Alton seems to be violating his "unitasker" rule lately - first the milling machine in the barley episode, then the "48 Blade Meat Tenderizer" in the "Cubing the Round" episode.
  12. Looks like a different guy. ← Here is the guy that won last year and what he is up to.......Hells Kitchen 1 ← Yep. Here's what someone wrote at Wikipedia: So, Michael DID go work under GR - I hadn't heard that.
  13. Looks like a different guy.
  14. I can't stand to eat more than a few of those vinegar chips. Yuck. Let's see...recently I've used vinegar to mix with baking soda (wasn't anything spectacular), clean my coffee maker, and I think I used apple cider vinegar for some recipes I don't recall. And yep, vinegar cleans windows pretty good - helps reduce streaks too I think.
  15. Anybody familiar with Mary Ann's school, or places she's worked? I've never heard of any (which doesn't discount them any).
  16. Mary Ann threw the cake after Sara called Rachael a bitch. Big deal - the room was still a mess anyway. I thought it was funny - and Sara was the only one to have a sense of humor about the whole crap job. The restaurant biz is full of shit jobs and taking others' abuse. I can think of plenty of times people threw stuff and made a mess, and we had to clean it up. And it's part of Mary Ann's and Scott's jobs to help GR dish it out . As for HK, I watched the first new episode of The F Word last week and though it's similar in format to HK, it's like HK is a really dumbed down version stripped of any informative content with the drama amped up. TFW explains the dishes being served, there's intelligent conversation with the guests (as opposed to HK's who mostly just whine and mug for the camera), and other informative bits. HK is like the version of the show shown to screw-ups in detention. Is American TV really that dumb compared to shows in Canada, Europe, and elsewhere (probably not Japan - their shows seem REALLY goofy)? I find myself watching more and more shows from those countries, and fewer and fewer from the US. At any rate, I still enjoy seeing GR kick ass in the kitchen .
  17. Everybody talks about what a nasty guy Gordon Ramsay is in the kitchen. So, I'm curious what you may know about the temperaments of other well known chefs/food personalities? Here's what I'd guess (never having worked with any): Gordon Ramsay: Will kick your ass verbally. Extremely demanding. But he's really good, and if you can hack it, he will be good for your career. Marco Pierre White: Probably (obviously) who GR takes after . Rick Bayless: Seems like a really nice guy. Thomas Keller: Seems quiet and somewhat distant. You know he's unhappy with you if he speaks sternly. Alice Water: Don't know - seems like she'd be nice. Mario Batali: Seems to love joking around and going all out, but he's the boss and won't let you forget it. Wolfgang Puck: Seems like a nice guy. Bobby Flay: He seems to love having the shit-talking, sarcasm, and joking flowing when he's cooking. Many don't like him - I'd guess his cockiness, mild belittling, ego, ...? Eric Ripert: Seems nice. And somewhat quiet. Emeril: Jokes around, somewhat aloof. MIA in his restaurants, from what I hear. Kerry Simon: Seems like a really layed back guy. Seems like he'd be cool. Can you expound? Or any others? Any others famous for having a GR temperament?
  18. After reading this, I think the following is probably true: ...it matters whether your martinis are shaken vs. stirred.
  19. ...you take your own martini glass to the bar.
  20. ...you're a sommelier, or aspire to be one! (OK, not cocktails per se, but I've never known either of these types of people who weren't at least somewhat snobby.)
  21. I know some cocktail snobs who... ...brag about all the different (single malt!) scotches they have and have drank. ...are obsessed with martinis.
  22. Gumbo filé powder is the essential flavoring and thickening ingredient of gumbo. Yeah, I couldn't find file powder anywhere either, except from that link (it's local to me). If there are any spice shops in your area, or I'm sure Penzey's and others carry it.
  23. Just curious, why deep fry herbs?
  24. Agreed! What all is in it? Looks like corn, for one.
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