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Everything posted by Ann_T

  1. I'm just seeing this now. Makes me sad. David was always so kind in his comments. I'll miss him.
  2. Ann_T

    Dinner 2021

    I saw your wonderful looking soup on the CF. Looks delicious. Moe said I hadn't made Halibut fish and chips recently so I made them for dinner last night. Light and crispy tempura style beer batter. Twice fried fries. Easy work night dinner.
  3. Ann_T

    Dinner 2021

    @Duvel, a lovely feast. Last night's dinner. Prawn Etouffee. BC Spot Prawns.
  4. Ann_T

    Lunch 2021

    Moe wanted a tomato sandwich for lunch. Sliced one of the boules baked this morning.
  5. Baked 8 baguettes and 8 small boules this morning. Last boule out of the oven before 8:30 this morning. Started two Bigas yesterday morning. Each the same. 220g of flour, 220g of water and 1g of yeast. Last night, I made two batches of dough. Each with a Biga and 1000g of flour, 650g of water and 30g of salt. The baguette batch had the addition of 1g of yeast and the boule batch was just the Biga. Both left out overnight for a slow rise. Interesting, the batch with just the Biga was a slightly faster rise. I put that bucket outside around midnight to slow down the rise. Brought it in after the baguettes were all shaped and almost ready for the oven. By the time the baguettes were out of the oven, the boules were almost ready to bake.
  6. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2021

    This was suppose to be Wednesday's dinner. BUT instead it became Thursday's breakfast. I offered Moe the option of hot chicken sandwiches for breakfast or dinner and he choose breakfast. I had the chicken breasts in the oven before 4:30 AM. While they were roasting I cut the potatoes for fries and let them soak in cold water for awhile. While the chicken rested, I used the pan drippings to make gravy and double fried the fries. I had the same for lunch, took everything in separate containers to heat up at work.
  7. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2021

    @blue_dolphinI would love your breakfast. I'm not a fan of maple syrup on my French toast either. I had half a slice of Moe's before he drenched it in maple syrup. I just buttered mine and sprinkled with salt and pepper. Moe's breakfast. Made French Toast from the homestyle white bread baked yesterday.
  8. Ann_T

    Dinner 2021

    Didn't know what I was going to cook for dinner tonight. Offered Moe a couple of options, of which green peppercorn steak was one. So that is what we had.
  9. Decided this morning to make Homestyle White. Three different sizes. I don't make this often but Matt loves it for sandwiches and French toast. Sliced one of the loaves while still warm and buttered it for Moe.
  10. Ann_T

    Dinner 2021

    Pulled my favourite Italian Sausage and Rosemary sauce out of the freezer and we had pasta for dinner.
  11. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2021

    Toasted baguette with back bacon and sliced tomato. Tomatoes out of our garden.
  12. @Anna N I'm always amazed at how quickly the starter bounces back. Just seems to lay dormant until it is fed again. Today's early morning bake. Started a Biga yesterday morning before leaving for work. 220g of flour, 220g of water and 1g of yeast. Added it to 1000g of flour last night, along with 680g of water, 1g of yeast and 30g of salt. After the last stretch and fold, I put the dough container out on the porch. I wanted a slower overnight rise and it was the perfect temperature outside. Dough was ready to go at 4:00 AM. Divided into 8 pieces and loosely shaped and left for 50 minutes before the final shaping. Left to proof. Started each baguette in the CSO on the Bread steam setting and after 12 minutes moved the baguette to the main oven to finish baking. Doesn't take long to bake 8 baguettes with this method. Last baguette came out of the oven just before 8:00 AM Sliced for breakfast.
  13. Ann_T

    Dinner 2021

    Neither of us for hungry for a big dinner last night so, I made Stracciatella Soup. Easy and quick and a favourite.
  14. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2021

    @liuzhou great looking BLT. Made Shepherds Pie yesterday morning. Moe had his for breakfast and I took mine to work for lunch.
  15. I've again neglected my sourdough starter. Can't remember the last time I fed it, but I'm thinking it was back in March. So Monday, I took the starters out of the fridge (one fed with organic rye and the other with my bread flour) and fed them both and spun off a third for a friend of Matt's. Left them on the counter over night and by early morning they had more than doubled. I fed them one more time Tuesday morning and used some of the discard to bake a sourdough biga. This time the starters doubled in half the time and last night I used the biga to make a batch of sourdough. Finished the last stretch and fold around 8:30 last night and left it on the counter to rise overnight. Got up at 4:00 AM and shaped 8 baguettes. They were ready to bake before 6:00 AM. It is easier for me to bake in the morning before work than after work. I love my starter. Never fails even after months of neglect.
  16. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2021

    Moe requested Blueberry pancakes for breakfast. I made him giant pancakes using a crepe pan.
  17. Ann_T

    Dinner 2021

    Before leaving for work yesterday I boned out a cornish game hen and stuffed it with a wild rice and mushroom stuffing. Roasted it for dinner and served with a port sauce, roasted potatoes, rutabaga and broccoli. My birthday dinner.
  18. Ann_T

    Dinner 2021

    Grilled Salmon and Spot Prawns in a garlic lemon butter.
  19. Ann_T

    Dinner 2021

    Steak and Frites for dinner tonight. With a wine sauce.
  20. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2021

    I would love your biscuits and gravy. Moe's breakfast. Scrambled eggs with tomato and bacon. Toasted baguette.
  21. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2021

    I made two Tiramisu yesterday, one for our Anniversary dinner and one to take to work today. We didn't have room for dessert last night so I finished piping on the whipped cream this morning and Moe had Tiramisu at 5:00 AM this morning with his cappuccino.
  22. Ann_T

    Dinner 2021

    Moe and I celebrated our 42nd Anniversary today. Started with toasted baguette with goat cheese and roasted garlic. And Osso Bucco for our main course. Served with a lovely Chianti Riserva. I also made Tiramisu but we decided to save it for tomorrow.
  23. Beautiful boule. Love the colour on your crust. I'm not surprise that your wife loves your bread.
  24. Ann_T

    Dinner 2021

    Last night's dinner. My favourite pasta sauce over shells. Been making this sauce for 40 years. Italian sausage and rosemary.
  25. Ann_T

    Dinner 2021

    Last night's dinner. Pan seared halibut finished in the CSO at 450° and served with a Caprese Salad. Tomatoes from our garden.
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