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Everything posted by Ann_T

  1. @PatrickT, I made a pizza with half a batch of dough last night and there was enough left for a rustic boule that I baked in a DO. This dough makes the best pizza crust.
  2. When you say kg boule, do you mean you use a full 1000g of flour in one loaf? Or do you get two loaves from a batch of dough made with 1000g of flour? Both your colour and your crumb are amazing. I would be very pleased with that crumb.
  3. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Tonight's dinner. A pepperoni mushroom pizza baked in the Ooni Koda. Dough had been in the fridge since Saturday.
  4. Are you kidding? That is a wonderful looking crumb.
  5. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2022

    Moe's Breakfast. Hadn't made him poached eggs in a while.
  6. I must confess, the only reason I even keep my sourdough going is because both Moe and Matt like sourdough. I like the fact that I "grew" my own starter and that it really is good. I just don't really care that much for sourdough. Never have. My original starter is always fed with 100% organic rye and bottled water. And the white one gets fed with the same Silver Star flour I use in my breads.
  7. Looking forward to seeing today's bake.
  8. I'm so bad when it comes to looking after my sourdough starters. I let them go for months without feeding. Matt asked me to make a batch because he likes a sourdough pizza crust. I didn't realize it had been more than three months since I fed them last. Thankfully they are very forgiving. My current starters were born February 6th, 2019. Both my starters were "started" with organic rye and once established, I spun off one that gets fed with white flour and I continue to feed the original with organic rye. I fed both yesterday morning before work and by the time I got home from work they had both more than doubled. Last night I fed the rye one again, and used 50gs of the discard in a 500g batch . After the last stretch and fold the dough went into the fridge and Matt will use it tomorrow for pizza. I left the newly fed starter on the counter overnight and it had tripled by 3:00 AM this morning. I'm going to try and be more attentive to my babies.
  9. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Decided to make Chicken Souvlaki for dinner tonight. Marinated for about 30 minutes in garlic, oregano, olive oil and fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper. Cooked on the grill. Served with rice and a Greek Salad. We were eating in just over one hour after I got home from work.
  10. @PatrickT, my intention is to use 50g of the discard.
  11. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2022

    @blue_dolphin, you make the most interesting spectacular breakfasts. Moe's breakfast. Cheese Omelette with toasted baguette. Aged white cheddar from Wales.
  12. Thanks @PatrickT, look forward to seeing your next bake. I started two batches this morning, that will go into the fridge today and probably not get used until Tuesday or Wednesday. I also fed my neglected sourdough starters this morning and tonight will feed again, and use some of the discard in another batch of dough to go into the fridge.
  13. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    @Kerala, I used the microplane on a couple of cloves of garlic and rubbed over all of the chicken wings. Then tossed them in a combination of flour and cornstarch seasoned with salt and lots of black pepper. Sifted them in a colander to remove excess flour and placed on a cookie sheet lined with parchment , sprinkled with more salt and lots of pepper and roasted in a 475°F oven. Turned once about the half way point. I was out of my favourite homemade TBQ sauce so I went with Franks Hot Sauce mixed with butter.
  14. @PatrickT Yes, I do the stretch and folds with the autolyze rests between each. But if doing a cold fermentation the dough goes immediately into the fridge. It doesn't rise first. And the only time I leave the dough out to triple in volume is if I plan to bake the same day. I will often make a batch at night and leave it out on the counter until 3 or 4 AM and then do a bake. Because I'm, using just a gram of yeast, it is a slow rise. Otherwise, if I don't want to use the dough for a few days, it goes immediately into the fridge after the last stretch and fold and remains there until about 8 hours prior to when I want to bake. It needs that time to warm up and rise until almost triple. Then the dough is divided, preshaped, covered and left to rest for 20 to 30 minutes and then finished shaping, covered and left to proof. Pictorial
  15. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    @Dejah yes, just single bone and just under 3lbs. Wings tonight with a shared Caprese Salad. Tomatoes and basil from our garden.
  16. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Thanks to a recent post by @BonVivant, I made Korean Noodles in Black Bean sauce for dinner. Served over Udon noodles because that was what I had on hand. Plus I love those noodles. I must confess though, as much as we both enjoyed this dish, we both prefer the Chinese fermented black beans more than this black bean paste.
  17. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Thank you @pastameshugana. Prime Rib Dinner. Picked up a Sterling Silver Prime Rib on Tuesday and presalted. Left in the fridge overnight and taken out and left on the counter to warm up two hours prior to roasting. I roast everything on high heat so this roast went into a 500°F oven for approximately 30 minutes. Rested while the Yorkshire Puddings were baking. Made individual puddings, baked in two 6" cast iron skillets. Served with mashed potatoes, steamed peas, au jus and horseradish.
  18. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    @heidih, it is a very simple dressing. The chiles were little Thai chiles. I only used one, minced fine, as they were quite hot. Not home grown. The only thing that we grew this year are tomatoes. Prawn and Avocado Salad ======================= 24 large Prawns/Shrimp 2 Avocados sliced 2 Tablespoons chopped chives 6 leaves of Boston or Butter Lettuce Dressing 1 cup of Mayonnaise (homemade or Hellmans is best) 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 small fresh red chili, finely chopped 1 clove of minced garlic (Note: Sometimes I use just hot red pepper flakes and sometimes I roast a fresh red pepper, finely chop and add to the dressing along with the hot red pepper flakes) Peel and devein shrimp, leaving on tail shell. Cook. Cool and refrigerate. Make dressing by mixing all of the ingredients together. To serve, place one leaf of lettuce on each plate. Place the shrimp on plate and place one slice of avocado between each shrimp. Drizzle with dressing and sprinkle with chopped chives. Source: Australian Women’s Weekly Light and Luscious Summertime Cookbook (1994).
  19. Moe requested burgers for dinner. My favourite burger bun is a Kaiser. So I started a batch this afternoon and they were ready in time for dinner.
  20. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    @Shelby, whine all you want. You are entitled. I hope you are feeling better soon. Moe requested burgers so that is what we had. On homemade Kaiser buns. Baked this afternoon.
  21. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Platter for Two. Avocado and Spot Prawn Salad. I've been making this dish for almost 30 years. Great as a first course when entertaining, as it can be put together at the last minute. Just need to have the prawns cooked and chilled and the dressing made.
  22. Thanks @Smithy. I'm not sure if it is a curse or a blessing to be an earlier riser. But it works for me. And Moe is always awake around the same time. I'm now making a point to have one to three batches of the same dough in the fridge so I can bake when I feel like it. And figured out that if I use very little yeast, just 1 gram that I can leave a batch out overnight and it will be ready to use between 3:00 and 4:00 AM. Or leave it up to 5 days in the fridge with no downside. And when I bake in the morning I can take some to work to share with Claude's dad and two co workers. No one ever turns down homemade bread. The full size baguettes, are 16" (just measured) and Claude's baguette would have been about 7 or 8" and the little boule was probably a 4 to 5" round.
  23. Today's bake. Out of the oven before 7:00 AM. Three regular size baguettes and two "Claude" size breads, one baguette and one boule. Claude is a little four year old who loves my bread.
  24. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    What a wonderful summer dinner. @Dejah, perfectly cooked steak. @Weinoo, hope your hand is better soon. Dinner for Two. Grilled Chicken Breast Club House on homemade Ciabatta. Ciabatta was toasted on the grill. Cut russet potatoes into wedges and roasted in the oven with a little olive oil.
  25. @PatrickT The final bake from the third batch of dough made last Sunday morning. So this batch was in the fridge for 120 hours. Matt took the dough out of the fridge yesterday morning and put his pizza in the oven at 5:00 PM last night. He used half the dough and saved the other dough for me to deal with when I got in from work. I decided that rather than make a boule or a baguette I would just roughly shape into a ciabatta style loaf. Ciabatta doughs are usually very high hydration, up to 100%. This dough was like the others, just 63%. Baked last night. Sliced this morning. Destined for a sandwich. Going to start a couple of more batches this morning for the fridge.
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