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Everything posted by Ann_T

  1. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2022

    Sliced one of yesterday's baguettes for breakfast today. Toasted and topped with Canadian back bacon and sliced tomatoes. Breakfast for two.
  2. Linda, yes. If a dough isn't going to be baked same day, then it goes right into the fridge immediately after the last stretch and fold. It still rises in the fridge and will continue to rise once it is out of the fridge and after it warms up. Because I have started to use just 1g or yeast in 500g of flour, it takes 7 to 8 hours before it is ready to divide and shape into loaves or use for pizza.
  3. @JoNorvelleWalker, I always love the colour you get on your loaves. Decided to bake cheddar cheese baguettes this morning. Dough had been in the fridge for two days and taken out last night and left on the counter overnight. Baked three cheddar and one regular. Moe had to sample with a "little" butter.
  4. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    For dinner last night. Escargot in Mushroom caps. Ready for the oven. Baguette for dipping in the garlic butter.
  5. Started 3 batches of dough Thursday night. All at 500g of flour, 1g of yeast, 14g of salt and 315g of water for 63% hydration. Two batches went into the fridge and will get used for baguettes and pizza in the next day or two and one batch I left out on the counter overnight and baked four baguettes yesterday morning. Started another batch Friday morning to replace the one I baked so I'll have three batches on the go. Going to try and keep at least two batches in the fridge at all times so I can bake whenever I feel like it.
  6. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Whine all you want @Shelby. I'd be whining too if I was dealing with poison Ivy. Hope the meds help and you are feeling better. Tonight for dinner I made Beef Burgundy. A recipe I have been making for years. Adapted from a Julia Child recipe. It is a wonderful celebration dinner. I've made it more than once to celebrate our Anniversary. But it is also a great dinner party recipe because most of it can be made a few hours ahead of time, and the beef tenderloin steaks just seared at the last minute or even seared early and then warmed up in the sauce. Since we were out most of the day, I didn't do anything ahead of time, but the dinner still came together easily. Stopped at a farm store and picked up locally grown vegetables.
  7. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Homemade Italian sausage patties with Rigatoni for dinner tonight. Made the sausage mix earlier in the day so the flavours had time to meld.
  8. Thanks @DesertTinker. @Captain, here is another link with options. The recipe is basically the same - just flour, water, salt and yeast OR instead of yeast sourdough starter. You can vary the hydration. Lately I've been using just 63% hydration with great results. Especially like the lower hydration for pizzas. In the past I thought that I needed higher hydration for a pizza dough. Not the case. There is also a hydration chart at the end of this blog post........ Artisan Breads Another option is using the Charles Van Over food processor method (The Best Bread Ever) when making smaller 500g batches. I'd forgotten about this method until @Dave R posted about it a couple of months ago. I still do two to three stretch and folds with the autolyze rests between, even when I use the FP. Food Processor Batches.
  9. Linda, I use Canadian flour. My favourite and the one I have used now for years is one of Roger's flours. The one I buy is Silver Star which is one of their commercial flours. Protein is 13.4%. My local Costco carries it in 20K bags (44lbs). I don't run out often, but if I did, I would buy their regular bread flour or all purpose flour at the grocery store. Also makes wonderful bread.
  10. @Kayb, I must confess to not having a scientific bone in my body, so I don't know the scientific explanation. In fact, even reading up on it , there seems to be a number of views, including higher hydration. But I consistently get the shine with both higher and lower hydrations. Recently all my breads have been at 63% instead of 70% or higher and I'm still getting a really good shine on the crumb. I believe it has more to do with gluten development. I also think that the flour I use is a big contributing factor. And a longer fermentation contributes, which will also play a part in the development of the gluten.
  11. I'm glad that you like that recipe. It is very versatile. Been too hot the last week or two to bake. Thankfully the weather cooled off enough to bake before we ran out of the baguettes in the freezer. I made two 500g batches of dough Thursday morning before leaving for work and they both went into the fridge after the last stretch and fold. Both were 63% hydration. Matt took one of them out around noon on Friday so the dough would be ready to use by the time I got home from work. Enough for two pizzas. (posted on the Dinner thread). I took the second batch out before going to bed and left it on the counter until 4:00 AM this morning. It was ready to go. Shaped three baguettes. Started each one in the CSO on the Bread Steam setting and transferred to the big oven to finish. I'm really liking the 63% hydration. Perfect for pizza dough and the baguette crumb is nice and airy with lots of shine.
  12. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Pizza night. Dough was made early yesterday morning and went into the fridge for a cold fermentation and Matt took it out around noon today. Ready to use by the time I got home from work. Divided into two balls , one slightly larger for Matt's pizza. I made some homemade Italian sausage and fried some up for a sausage and mushroom pizza. Baked in the Ooni. Matt is a vegetarian so he made his own, topped with three cheeses, vegetarian pepperoni and bacon, jalapeno peppers and green olives. He baked his at 550°F on the stone in the conventional oven.
  13. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Love the idea of mini calzones. Monday night's dinner. Thai red curry chicken over rice noodles.
  14. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2022

    @pastameshugana, The recipe is called Waffles of Insane Greatness by Aretha Frankensteins. The recipe is here on my blog...https://thibeaultstable.com/2013/04/25/waffles-two-ways-new-waffle-maker/ Hadn't made waffles in a while. Forgot how quick and easy this recipe is. Need to make them for Moe more often.
  15. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    We have been having a heat wave here the last few days. And it is suppose to continue for a couple of more days. Temperature when I got home from work was 35°C. I had planned on making a steak dinner with a number of vegetables done on the grill. Lost my motivation so scaled dinner down to just steak and potatoes. Started potato slices on the grill first and when almost done, grilled a 1 lb. 2oz New York strip for Moe and I to share. I forgot how good potatoes on the grill are. I would have been happy with just the potatoes.
  16. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2022

    I made Moe waffles for breakfast. Topped with blueberries warmed up in the maple syrup. I think he like them.
  17. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    @Kim Shook, yes, dressing, baked separately. Another traditional side.
  18. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Pizza Night!! This dough was made on Tuesday and was in the fridge until around 11:30 AM today. Sat on the counter to warm up and continue to rise. Divided into three balls. One larger and two at just 200g each. Dough was ready to use by the time I got home from work around 5:30. Made two mini pizzas, baked in the Ooni. Pepperoni, Olives and green peppers for Moe and Pepperoni and mushroom for me. Matt used the larger ball to make an Artichoke and Pesto pizza, which he baked at 550°F on a stone in the conventional oven. He also made the pesto. Harvest the basil from our herb garden. This is the same dough that I use in my baguettes. I've tried many different pizza dough recipes and haven't found one I like better than this one.
  19. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2022

    Moe's breakfast. Per request. Local blueberries in milk with toasted baguette.
  20. @PatrickT, Your rye loaves look amazing. @JoNorvelleWalker That boule is a thing of beauty. I don't think I have ever baked one that big. I hadn't fed my starters again since towards the end of May. Fed them both Tuesday morning and both doubled quicker than expected. One is always fed with organic rye and my spinoff is fed with the same white flour I use in my breads. Fed the white one again before bed, and used 50g of discard in a 500g batch of dough at 63%. Made two other 500g batches same hydration, but each with 1g of yeast. All three batches went into the fridge Tuesday night. Matt took the sourdough batch out on Thursday, divided it in half and put one back in the fridge and used the other to make one of his pizzas for dinner. He used the other half yesterday for two sourdough baguettes. No pics of the sourdough batch. But the crumb on it was amazing. Lots of holes and shine. I took one of the remaining batches out of the fridge last night at 9:00 and left it on the counter. At 4:00 AM I preshaped four baguettes and final shaped and left to proof at 4:30. Sliced one while still warm. The last batch will be used to make pizza for dinner tonight.
  21. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    @Weinoo, I don't remember a holiday dinner which was Turkey, without rutabaga or turnip as my family called it. Brussels sprouts, were often on the menu but , it might also be broccoli or asparagus or some other vegetable. But always rutabaga. And since I tend to roast chickens more than turkey, I almost always have rutabaga. It is a favourite vegetable so it gets served with other meats too. Especially love it with lamb or in stews.
  22. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    I've had a craving for a roast chicken dinner and had been thinking about it for the last week. I presalted a chicken on Wednesday with the intention of roasting it yesterday. But by the time I got home from work, all I wanted to do was watch the Jan 6th hearing and since neither of us was hungry for a big dinner I postponed dinner until this morning when Moe said he would be very happy with a roast chicken dinner for breakfast. I had actually made the dressing before leaving for work yesterday morning and it was in a casserole and just had to be baked. All the traditional sides. Mashed potatoes, gravy, Brussels sprouts, and rutabaga. I think this will keep Moe going until tonight.
  23. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Makes my mouth water. I like that you added zucchini. Love it in soups and stews. We went into Victoria yesterday and ended up having Halibut fish and chips for lunch. So decided to postpone the roasted chicken dinner I had planned to make last night until today. Instead, I made the yeast dough for Tarte au Sucre, one of Anne Willan's recipes that I haven't made in years. Doubled the recipe to make two. One baked in a springform pan and the other in a tart pan. I froze one. We had some while still warm last night and then another piece this morning with our early morning cappuccinos. This is a very rich brioche style dough. And the texture is very light and airy.
  24. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    I did it!!! Smoked my first steaks on the Masterbuilt smoker. Two beef tenderloin filets. Smoked quicker than I expected so next time I will lower the temperature from 250° to 225°F. Internal temp reached 108°F in less than 30 minutes. Steaks were at room temperature. I really didn't think that the steaks had enough time to pick up much mesquite smoke flavour in such a short period of time, but was pleasantly surprised. Finished on a very hot gas grill. Served with roasted potatoes cubes.
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