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Everything posted by Ann_T

  1. I would assume since so little is used that it doesn't effect the flavour at all. Rogers actually has this tip on the back of their regular flour bags. They suggest 1 tablespoon for every 4 to 5 cups. (Found this on a post on the Fresh Loaf site.) No, it is used in regular bread dough. Not sure if it is used in Sourdough as well. I haven't tried it myself in any of my doughs. But next time I make two batches at the same time I will add lemon juice to one and report back if there is a noticeable difference.
  2. Can you buy Vital Wheat Gluten? Not something I have ever had the need to buy, but I know that others add a tablespoon to so to flours that are lower in gluten. Another option I have read about is to add lemon juice to the dough. This apparently strengthens the gluten strands.
  3. That is the way I always did it as well. But the problem arose when I was asked for recipes. So I bought a scale and figure out hydration. Using grams is more exact than using cups. My five cups of flour won't be the same as another person's five cups of flour. But a 1000g of flour is a 1000g of flour. Same with water/liquids. I put together a Hydration Chart if you are interested.
  4. Today's bake. Dough made on Sunday November 27th and taken out of the fridge last night. Left on the counter over night and baked this morning. My regular recipe but with about 50g of a seed mixture added.
  5. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2022

    Moe loved his chicken dinner so much that he asked for a chicken sandwich for breakfast. So I made him a hot chicken sandwich topped with leftover dressing, sliced chicken breast and drenched in gravy. He called it "incredible". Love feeding Moe.
  6. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    All the wonderful Thanksgiving meals being share here on all the FB groups, made me hungry for a roast chicken dinner with all the trimmings. Presalted the chicken on Friday. Made the dressing before leaving for work this morning. Chicken went into the oven when I got home from work. Moe had turned it on so it was preheated to 500°F before I got home. While the chicken roasted in the big oven, the dressing was baking in the CSO. Sides were mashed potatoes, gravy, steam rutabaga and fresh green beans. I got home from work about 5:30 and we were having dinner at 6:40.
  7. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2022

    Last time I made my Salisbury steak, I made extra and froze. Pulled from the freezer this morning and made Moe what my dad would have called a hot hamburger sandwich with fries for breakfast. steak, I made extra and froze.
  8. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Dinner was just picky things last night. I had two doughs in the fridge since Monday and Matt took one of them out of the fridge very early yesterday morning so he could make a pizza. The other half of the dough he shaped and baked one beautiful long baguette which we used for dinner. He used one of my pictorials on the blog and did a great job of shaping and scoring the baguette. He also roasted and marinated red, yellow and orange peppers and made a tapenade. So for dinner Moe and I just had slices of the baguette topped with warm goat cheese, and some with roasted peppers, some with tapenade and some topped with a Foie Gras mousse/parfait that I buy in Victoria.
  9. Ann_T

    Thanksgiving, 2022

    Shouldn't have looked at this thread. Now I have a craving for both ham and turkey.
  10. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2022

    OOOOH I would love one of these. Or two. Moe wanted something sweet to go with with cappuccino this morning. So.......Red Currant Scones. In the oven at 4:30. I was out of heavy cream so I made the scones with 18% sour cream with a little bit of whole milk to thin it out a bit. I had red currants in the freezer.
  11. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Chicken Perigord (a Lucy Waverman recipe). I have been making this dish for over 30 years. Moe said tonight, that this recipe is special and it is his favourite chicken recipe. It isn't that difficult and it is a wonderful dinner party dish because everything can be made early . Even the sauce. The chicken just needs to go into the oven about 45 to 50 minutes before serving. That also allows for a rest while the vegetables are finishing up. The chicken breasts are boned out , with the skin left on and a mushroom duxelles is stuffed under the skin.
  12. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Just a regular electric conventional oven. LG. I think 550 is common. The last ovens I've had all went to 550.
  13. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Love that pool of butter in your mashed potatoes.
  14. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Tonight's dinner. Cabbage rolls with sour cream and mashed potatoes.
  15. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Working today, but got a head start on dinner. Had a craving for cabbage rolls, so picked up the ingredients yesterday and got them made and into the oven this morning. They need about an 90 minutes or so, in the oven. Moe is hoping to have a couple for breakfast.
  16. I use a regular two sided razor blade. I don't bother putting into the lame. @Kerry Beal, it isn't very heavy. Bottom and top weight just 5 lbs. Thanks @Smithy. I know. I love their cookware. Did you see the set that comes with the hanging shelf? Unfortunately I really do not need more cookware. But Moe is as much of an enabler as everyone here on eGullet. His suggestion was I would just get rid of the pots I don't need. I'm really not in the market for a full set, but I do think maybe after Christmas I will order the Prospector roasting tray and maybe one of the woks. I really wanted the Challenger, and although it was heavy, it was really the price that put me off. By the time I paid for the pan, the shipping and the duty and taxes, with the exchange I was looking at $700.00. I could have purchased the Netherton Cloche from Breadtopia in the US and a retailer in Canada, but it was less expensive to order directly from the Foundry.
  17. Baked in my new toy the Netherton Foundry Spun Iron Cloche this morning. Made two 500g loaves, one Boule and One Oval/Batard. 63% hydration. Edited to add picture sliced. Not bad considering it was still a tiny bit warm.
  18. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    @Marlene, I'll pass on the carrots, but I'll have some of everything else. That beef looks amazing. Perfectly cooked. And the Béarnaise sauce just takes it over the top.
  19. Oh MY!!!, I can just imagine how good that tastes. Moe and I spent a couple of nights in Victoria. Tied a mini vacation into a doctors appointment. My new toy arrived while we were gone. Was mailed on Tuesday from England and was through Customs in Vancouver on Wednesday and delivered on Thursday. Going to start a batch of dough tonight and bake early tomorrow morning.
  20. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    Roasting is the only way I do one now. Never cared for the boiled version. https://thibeaultstable.com/2014/03/19/st-patricks-day-dinner-corned-brisket-and-leftovers/
  21. That is what is good about bread. Even if you aren't quite satisfied, it still looks and tastes good. I would be happy with any of your loaves. Today's baguette bake. Not a long cold fermentation. Dough made last night and left out on the counter from 8:00 PM until 4:30 AM this morning. 600g flour, 1.5g of yeast, 15g of salt, 378g of water (63%).
  22. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    @Smithy, I cooked the pork in the morning, so it just needed to be reheated. We were eating in less than an hour after i got home. And that was because the tortilla dough needs to rest for 20 to 30 minutes. Last night's dinner. Grilled a NY Strip steak big enough for two to share. With roasted potato wedges and steamed green beans. Simple, quick work night dinner.
  23. Ann_T

    Dinner 2022

    @Duvel great looking crust. @Steve Irby, love the way you served your fish cake. Great photo. Last night's dinner. Pork Chili Verde. Served over cheese filled tortillas. Made the chili before leaving for work yesterday morning. Matt cooked the black beans for me in the Breville PC. So dinner didn't take long to put together after I got home from work. Just had to make the dough for the flour tortillas and let it rest for 30 minutes, and make the salsa and the guacamole.
  24. I tend to use more flour than I need for the loaves to rest on. But I do brush most off from under the loaves as I'm shaping. I didn't bother with a preferment, I just added discard to the batch.
  25. Today's bake. The Boule was from a 600g batch of sourdough. 500g of my regular bread flour and 100g of organic stone ground spelt. In the fridge since Monday. I used just over 400g of dough in this loaf and the remainder Matt is using to make a pizza. The baguettes were from a 500g batch of dough. Baguettes were started in the CSO and transferred to the conventional oven after 10 minutes. The Boule was baked on a stone in the conventional oven under a stainless steel bowl for the first 25 minutes. Finished uncovered.
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