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Everything posted by Ann_T

  1. Ann_T

    Dinner 2023

    OMG!!! Great photo. Those tacos look amazing. Wasn't hungry last night and Moe didn't want too much so I made him one of the Prawn Cocktails that he loves.
  2. Ann_T

    Dinner 2023

    Great looking wings. That is the way I like them too. Sauce has to be on the side. The best reason to roast a turkey. Hot turkey sandwiches with twice fried fries and peas. AND it has to be canned peas. Tradition.
  3. Ann_T

    Dinner 2023

    Not sure if these will work for you , but I order a small red bean that they call Chili Beans from Organic Matters. They are in Nelson, BC. I also order their black beans and pinto beans and herbs and spices from this company . https://www.omfoods.com/collections/legume/products/legumes-organic-chili-beans-small-red I had a small turkey in the freezer so I decided to roast it tonight. Served with our traditional sides. I still have the better part of a litre of turkey gravy leftover so I see hot turkey sandwiches in the near future.
  4. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2023

    It is really good with bacon too.
  5. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2023

    @blue_dolphin, I never think to cook sweet potatoes. Not for breakfast or dinner. But every time I see it reminds me that I really should cook them more often. Yours look so good. Thanks Kim. Pretty simple. I buttered the coddler, cracked in the egg, salt and peppered. And I buttered inside the lid. You could just put a dollop of butter on top of the egg. Placed in a pot of simmering water that comes just below the lid. Simmer for 7 to 9 minutes depending on how you like your eggs. Sliced one of last night's baguettes for breakfast. Toasted and topped with Cheese whiz and then run under the broiler. I don't even care that much for cheese, but as a kid I loved cheese whiz. My guilty pleasure.
  6. Sliced this morning for breakfast. and a baby bunny.
  7. Last of the two levain batches made on Saturday. This was the one made with the discard from my rye starter. Dough was taken out of the fridge around 7:30 AM this morning and the dough was ready to shape around 4:00. I shaped two larger loaves, and three shorter fatter baguettes. The larger loaves were started under the Spun Iron Cloche and then moved over on the stone uncovered. The three baguettes were started in the CSO on a stone using the Bread Steam setting and after 10 minutes transferred to the stone in the big oven. The two larger loaves were scored lengthwise and one of the baguettes was scored the traditional way. But the other two I decided to score them lengthwise as well, because I really like the ears.
  8. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2023

    This is why I bake bread.
  9. Way better than just not bad. I love this idea. I need to make something like this and have them in the freezer for Moe to have for lunch on the days I work. Plus I could take one for lunch. I fed both my starters Friday night and made two levains, ( Pictorial Blog Post ) One from the discard of the rye starter and one from the white discard. Two doughs were made on Saturday and put into the fridge. Took the dough made with the white levain out this morning around 4:00 AM and left it on the counter to warm up and finish rising. Matt used 500g to make a pizza and I used the remaining in three loaves. One large and two small.
  10. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2023

    Thanks @Dejah Thanks @blue_dolphin I had leftover roast beef, gravy and Yorkshire puddings. Sliced the roast thin using the slicing blade on the small Breville FP , warmed the meat up in the gravy and served over a split Yorkshire Pudding for Moe's breakfast.
  11. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2023

    Don't know what happened to the Egg Coddlers I use to have. But I recently found three Royal Worcester egg coddlers for sale on the local Facebook Market Place and I couldn't resist. Used two this morning to make Moe Coddled Eggs for breakfasts. With toasted sourdough baguette cut into fingers.
  12. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2023

    We were out of town for a few days and came home yesterday. Moe was craving "comfort food". I am working today so decided to make individual Shepherds Pies this morning and gave Moe the option of having one for dinner or for breakfast. He chose breakfast. I'll take one to work and freeze two.
  13. Actually 500g of flour with 500ml of water is 100% hydration.
  14. @Tropicalsenior, well they all look good to me. And I bet they taste as good as well. Moe and I are going away for a couple of days so I had to get this dough baked this morning. This batch of sourdough was started with a Levain on Thursday. Took it out of the fridge before bed last night and it was ready to go around 4:30 this morning. Baked four fatter baguettes for the freezer. Out of the oven before 7:30. Will go into the freezer.
  15. @Tropicalsenior, that is the most perfect shaped roll. Our house is usually around 19 to 20C so never hot. I actually like a slower rise. Well tonight's bake was a pleasant surprise. I put two 500g doughs in the fridge on Monday. Matt took one of them out Wednesday and we both made pizza. For breakfast. Since then I had made a couple of more doughs and still had one of the Levain doughs in the fridge. I had totally forgotten about Monday's dough. Took it out this morning before I left for work. Matt let me know that it was quite active and was getting close to the top of the container by 12:30 PM. So I had him put it in a back room that isn't heated so that it would slow down. I didn't want it back in the fridge. He brought it back in around 3:00 and by the time I got home around 5:30 it was touching the lid. Divided it in half and shaped one loaf and three smaller rolls. Really wasn't expecting much as the dough was really soft and after the preshape, it kind of spread out. I went ahead and finished the finally shaping and it seemed to be holding its shape better. Anyway, after it had proofed I went ahead and baked it. It was difficult to score as the dough was just really soft. Just out of the oven. And considering this dough had a 140 hour cold fermentation it actually looks pretty good. Not sure what the crumb will be like but I guess I'll find out in the morning. EDITED to add picture of crumb. EDITED to add sliced loaf
  16. Yesterday morning before leaving for work, I made two levains. One from my rye starter and one from the white. Small firm balls that came up to just under the 200ml line on the measuring cups. By the time I got home from work they had risen beyond the top of the cups. Started two 1000g batches of sourdough last night. One went into the fridge after the last stretch and fold and the other was left out from 8:30 PM until 4:00 AM this morning. Baked five baguettes and three "Claude" size baguettes.
  17. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2023

    Made two batches of dough on Monday which went into the fridge for a cold fermentation. Matt took one out early this morning for pizza. There was enough for two pizzas. Dough was ready to use by 9:00 AM so I made Moe and I an Italian sausage, mushroom and olive pizza for breakfast.
  18. Mine resides in the fridge. Once it has been fed and given time to double it goes immediately back into the fridge. And doesn't get taken out of the fridge until I'm ready to feed it again. Since I'm baking bread often enough, the starter is getting fed on a more regular basis. Usually between one and two times a week and with the discard being used in one or two batches of bread. But I have many times let the starter go a month to three without feeding and it bounces back with one or two feeds. What I like about this starter, besides that fact that is a pure starter with just rye and water to start is that there is very little waste. I only need 50 to 80g of discard to make a batch of dough. I've seen some starters that are left out on the counter and get fed daily with lots of discard getting thrown out. Today's bake. Started with a Levain. Left out on the counter last night and baked this morning. Boule and 7 mini baguette buns.
  19. @Maison Rustique, do you leave your starter out on the counter or do you keep it in the fridge until you are ready to feed it again?
  20. The formula from Amy's Bread recipe for feeding and maintaining is to weigh out 6 ounces of the starter and feed with equal parts flour and water (3 ounces of flour and 3 ounces of bottled water). After my rye starter was established I spun off a white starter and I maintain both. After they at least double they go into the fridge until I feed them again. The discard can be used to make a preferment like a biga or levain, or more often than not, I just toss 50 to 80g of discard into a batch of dough. Last night's dough was started with a Levain using 2 ounces of white starter, 2 ounces of warm water, 5 ounces of bread flour and 1/4 tsp of salt. Kneaded until smooth and covered and left to rise until doubled. This is the only starter I've ever used. In the past I've neglected it for months at a time and with just two feedings it bounces right back. The two I am using now, I started new February 3rd, 2019 so it is now four years old. Temperature in the house is between 20 to 22°C. Amy's Bread Sourdough Starter
  21. Thanks Patrick. Happy Valentine's Day to you as well. I've only ever used Amy Scherber's (Amy's Bread) instructions for making my sourdough starter but I have never actually used any of her recipes. So today I decided that I would make her Country Sourdough. It starts with a Levain so I fed my White Starter again and used 2 oz of the discard to make the Levain. The Levain is suppose to double in size in 8 hours. So I figured I wouldn't get around to making the dough until tomorrow morning. But both the starter and the Levain had doubled in 5 hours so I am making the dough tonight and will leave it out on the counter for an early morning bake.
  22. @Pete Fred, your tarts look amazing. Love cream fillings. @Kerry Beal, a powdered donut cake. Definitely have to make this. I had a craving for Date and Nut loaf. And I like it spread with a little cream cheese. Which I don't have, but will pick up tomorrow.
  23. Ann_T

    Breakfast 2023

    @Anna N, that looks and sounds very interesting. @blue_dolphin posted another dish from that cookbook on the Super Bowl thread that I'm very tempted to make. Baked bread this morning and sliced for breakfast. Made Moe baked side pork (pork belly) with easy over eggs.
  24. @PatrickT, you make the most interesting beautiful loaves. I need to branch out. But to be honest, I think I'm boring because I mostly like the plain baguettes. I only make sourdough because I love being able to use my own starter plus both Moe and Matt like sourdough. Today's bake. Just out of the oven. Started yesterday with 800g of bread flour and 200g of organic Spelt, 80g of discard, 2g of yeast, 30g of salt and 630g of water. Leftout until 4:30 AM this morning, shaped and baked. One baked under the spun iron cloche and the other in a Dutch Oven.
  25. Ann_T

    Superbowl 2023 Food

    I worked today but got home in time to watch the second half with Moe. We had wings and a salad that we shared.
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