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Megan Blocker

eGullet Society staff emeritus
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    New York, NY

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  1. Like so many other folks, it's been ages since I posted on eG with any regularity, but I had to come by today to say how sorry I am to hear about Steven's death. He (along with so many others) created a wonderful community for all of us, and I am so grateful to him for helping me find so many wonderful friends.
  2. Hey, guys! I'm (finally) heading to Italy for the first time in May. We'll be in Florence for five or six days, and I can't wait to sample all the culinary delights. Any more up to date recommendations for can't-miss lunches, dinners, gelato, cafes, pastry, etc.?
  3. Thanks, guys! This is excellent info! As per usual, when family is involved, things are shifting in terms of the plan. I'm still hoping for Chinatown, though! Will keep you posted on the outcome.
  4. My family and friends are descending en (sort of) masse - 10 people for Christmas dinner, and neither my brother nor I can really fit that many for dinner in either of our apartments. So, we were thinking of doing cocktails and nibbles at my place, and then heading down to Chinatown for dinner. Can anyone recommend a place that 1) they know will be open for Christmas dinner and 2) they like?
  5. Yeah, $200 sounds like a LOT for Lupa...
  6. My cousin graduated from Tufts (med school!) last May, and we did a dinner at Toscano (in Beacon Hill, on Charles Street). It was great - good food, pretty room, very good service.
  7. Thanks, guys!!!
  8. Hey, guys! I'm hoping the good people of the Kitchen Consumer forum can help me help my Aunt Cathi. She's thinking of opening a specialty foods shop, either in Dallas or in Rhode Island (she splits her time between the two), and is a newbie to the business. She's curious as to where to start sourcing products - any thoughts about industry exhibitions or shows she could attend to start building relationships and exploring possibilities? Obviously, things in the Southwest or Northeast would be the most convenient, but she'd love to hear any ideas you all have! Many thanks in advance.
  9. I did not! We never made it out of Strasbourg, sadly, though I am thinking of doing an Alsace trip for the big 3-0 next year. I can't wait to hear all about your Christmastime trip to Alsace...talk about a fantasy.
  10. Megan Blocker

    Dinner! 2008

    Kim, that scampi looks great - really peppery, and the shrimp look so juicy. What method/recipe did you use?
  11. Megan Blocker

    Dinner! 2008

    Marlene, that lamb looks incredible. Wow. Shelby, I have to agree - the macaroni and cheese in the pepper looks positively crave-able. I've been on something of a Greenmarket tear recently - I made a Knoll Crest chicken on Sunday night and ate it all week - except for the night when I had Knoll Crest egg fettucine with beets and green beans. Too-licious, as my mother used to say.
  12. Because you're elbow to elbow with other patrons. That's my assumption, anyway. I didn't get the impression, from what I read about it, that it's at all an intellectual property issue or anything (which is supported by the fact that, as Fat Guy points out above, Chang has not banned photography at his other restaurants).
  13. Megan Blocker

    Dinner! 2008

    Bruce, those cucumbers are calling to me! Susan, that potato with caviar is truly over the top. How did you come up with the idea? And what are your plans for the rest of the caviar you bought (if you had any left after that - again, wow!)? Tonight I had a light dinner after a day of grazing...roasted beet salad with green beans, dill and Greek yogurt. Made a dressing with some sherry vinegar, mustard, honey and minced white onion. Totally refreshing and easy.
  14. Megan Blocker

    Dinner! 2008

    Hey, Kim! Yes, the pickled ramps are something I did myself - got the recipe from this Serious Eats post. I pickled about four pounds' worth back in May/early June. I gave one jar away, but kept two for myself and am currently working through the last jar. They're great cooked or just chopped up in salads or salsas.
  15. Megan Blocker

    Dinner! 2008

    Is that some balsamic drizzled over the top of the steak, Chufi? Looks great.
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