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jess mebane

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Posts posted by jess mebane

  1. They oughtta be. They spent mucho dinero suing the pantalones offa anyone who came close to borrowing their theme--anybody remember Two Pesos (or Pu Tesos, depending on how late your car full of degenerates were careening towards their drive-thru sombrero)?

  2. hee-hee! Welcome to sin city, brother!

    don't go near our eastern border, if you're easily dismayed by your fellow man. There once was a drive-thru in Shreveport famous for their daiquiris, somehow legal because the genial woman handing them out made quite a show of taping the lid with gift tape.

  3. I don't mind drinking at Outback, and they seemed to endure our dear toddler spawn with equanimity, even as he flung a cocktail menu, Ninja-star fashion, across the dining room. Much better, in fact, than said toddler's father, who double-time marched him to the car for the remainder of the meal. My mother-in-law loves the salmon, go figure.

  4. What a wonderful post.

    You are too kind. Especially when I re-read it and discover I've made a rather lengthy rip-off of that old salt about time in New Orleans by that old, dead, drunken Southern writer. Know the one I mean? What's a good link for famous quotations?

  5. what is it about the Big Easy that leads us all into endless ruminations about the best restaurant? Besides keeping this thread alive, I mean? It seems as if the best place in New Orleans is the spot where you and a loved one, perhaps yourself, stumble across the ancient magic of the place, and modern hurlyburly time slows to a beat that better matches the romance in your soul as well as the liquor curling around your belly and brain. Just go, and find a spot to sit for a spell. You may not hit upon it the first time, but that's why you return, because it's a pilgrimage for sheer human enjoyment.

    And I personally love Galatoire's, not because I've eaten there, but my schoolmarm mother did, and when she asked for fried shrimp, the waiter sighed, and said, "Ah, no, chere. I cannot let that happen today."

  6. is he preternaturally shiny, or do I need to adjust the contrast on the tube? And to think he's achieved such vaunted status without once slobbering over his own fingers or dusting his cleavage with flour, a la Nigella Bites.

  7. aah, but in a truly byzantine twist of food reality meets ring-dings, those Lighten Up cook(ies) are actually refugee producers from Rosie O'Donnell, as are a few of the mugging cameramen. Check the font on the supers and color scheme in set design; it's so 1998 afternoon TV my teeth began to ache just in the brief scramble to find the remote. I'm for running back to PBS. As long as the America's Test Kitchen host promises to never again mangle the word "margarita", I'll be okay.

  8. I like to stockpile butter and bacon in the freezer as if they'll start handing out ration books again, and good canned tomatoes. And then we go through all three items in a matter of weeks; who was the guy that had to push the boulder up the mountain for eternity?

  9. hj, he's 2.75, thanks for asking (and parked on my lap just now). Bribes don't currently make a dent, but I'm open to anything at this point. Doc says he's healthy and proportional, height and weight-wise, but I grew up living timidly and eating adventurously, so this has been a real struggle for all of us. Dear spouse and I are at the the tail-end of the "clean-platers" generation, and this is foreign territory.

    But then, just to throw us a curve, he'll eat a handful of black olives and whole croissant. It's maddening. I have dim hopes that the spirit of competition will kick in once his sib is unleashed on table food--now, that cat came to EAT.

  10. The elder toddler in my house subsists largely on goldfish crackers and good luck. I tried starving him out for what I thought would be 2-3 meals at most, and wound up dragging out the lil' orange bastards after a day and a half. I would love any suggestions. As for me, my fave simple food is sliced homegrown tomatoes with salt and pepper.

  11. Last year I had corn, peppers and eighteen tomato plants, putting my tribe into lycopene overdrive. This year we move to the suburban wasteland and my yard will be roughly the size of your largest closet, but I shall take a page from Jaymes' book and container up--on the roof, if I must. (sigh) The things we sacrifice for better schools and one day drycleaning........

  12. admit it. You've gastronomically profiled your SBowl party guests and put sour cream in your guacamole. This year, in the spirit of American ingenuity, my foodie bretheren, I say unto you, "JUMP THE SHARK"! Break out the ramekins, European butter pats and let the devil take the hindmost!

  13. Oooh!! How fortunate to have stumbled across this thread today! Jaymes or Soba, can you break down the elementals of pancit for me, once and for all? My best friend's mom made KILLER pancit when we were kids, but now she only breaks it out if somebody's pregnant and has cravings... And she won't tell us how to make it either, wench.

  14. To Lockhart.  But, if you're only going to be there a "few days" it probably wouldn't be worth it.

    Girl, quit sending folks out this way....soon we'll start takin' on airs, mowing the grass beneath the hoopty parked on the lawn, etcetera, etcetera.

    And L'hart is not worth it. Take a big half-day if you jes have to have smoked meat & follow your nose to the church in H'ville. Natives don't make the mistake of telling you that from the square, though, on account of some days you could wind up at the Green Mile Motel, get me?

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