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jess mebane

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Posts posted by jess mebane

  1. My dear spouse can rip it 'n grip it with a Bic with what I've observed to be Olympic time trial speed. I'd add he's done the same with the left shoulder clasp of my overalls, but this isn't the "You Might be Trailer Trash If . . " thread.

  2. not to split hairs, but corona is totally skunky, like Pearl beercap haiku skunky. My grandparents lived in the Rio Grande valley, and used to come back from weekend daytrips with crates of the stuff that maybe cost them a nickel a bottle in the '70s. My dad always gets a laugh out of seeing twelvers on sale for $10.99 in the summertime.

  3. you folks are missing the larger point. Clint Eastwood and the Celis fellow created a lovely beer, Pale Rider, after the movie of the same name. When Celis was sold, Pale Rider disappeared from coolers faster than Sandra Locke's career, so what I wanna know is, will the folks from Michigan dare revive Mr. Eastwood's recipe?

  4. A lil' brewery in Houston named St. Arnold's puts out a summer pilsner that's nice, and the label is tie-dyed to catch a girl's eye, I reckon.

  5. freshly fried beignets whenever you go there (without having to wait for a certain neon sign to be turned on).  Most of us don't have anything like that at home.

    dang! thank heavens for klever marketing, or I might've felt like pavlov's dog, pulling into the drive-thru that last time...... The head kremesters should've done some tie-in advertising with that Ring movie last year.

  6. My dad, being Rio Grande Valley raised, made what was probably a gringo version, but we ate it at the table and then again, taking turns at the refrigerator door two hours later.

    Think it went something along the lines of: Pound the skirt, S&P, lime juice, then marinade whilst you start the other, way more labor intensive sides, like Mexican rice, nopalitos and beans. And the world's most heavenly guacamole you have evah had. This is the rice recipe he sent me a few years back; though you didn't ask, trust me that no asada meal is compleat without it. I post it here for no particular reason, so enjoy with my compliments:

    Hola Conchita

    For next time, it goes something like this...

    You need a medium-size skillet that you can cover. Put in a cup of rice (Texmati is best by far.) Add about 1/3 cup of veg oil and cook (stir) on low-med heat until the rice is light brown. Pour off the excess oil. Wipe the bottom of the skillet with a paper towel so the oil drips don't get burned on. Put back on low heat and add about 1/4 cup each of chopped onion and bell pepper and cook for 5 min. Add about 1/3 to 1/2 cup chopped Rotels, 1-3/4 cup water, salt, pepper (and a little cumin if you want - I've been leaving it out). Raise heat to med. and stir till it starts to boil. Reduce heat to low/low (an East Texas term) and cover. Cook covered for about 20 min. Like all rice recipes, if you remove the lid while it's cooking you will be struck by lightening and turned into a lame crawfish at the feet of a blue heron.

    Love you and good luck,


  7. Nathan's is the best? This conclusion can only be attributed to nostalgia.

    Riiight? It's so sad to be on one of the Fla. turnpikes, exit for a pitstop and see all the senior ex-NYC natives coming out of a Nathan's with some sort of bathtub-wrinkled toe on a bun in their hands. You can practically see their childhood memory banks explode. Give me Gray's Papaya or give me death!

  8. Anyone else read the Chronicle's 2003 Restaurant Poll?

    I noticed that I seem to have much more in common with the "Critics' Choice" list, rather than the poll results.

    Shug, they should only hope to have your hah-tuned sense of taste... :biggrin:

    Steebles, the b. alley on Grover is Dart Bowl.

  9. BTW:  Have you tried Smitty's?  I haven't, because I took the "brother's side" in the feud, but I hear I'm missing out.  What's your opinion?

    FWIW, Smitty's is better, and the Lockhart buzz is Miz Sells' more hands-on approach to the business is the what-for behind that. There are also those who will point to Kreuz' addition of beans (gasp!) to the menu as the first sign of decline. Like they's takin' on airs and such. I yield the sawdust floor to Jaymes......

  10. Dear old Dad, weighing 140 lbs. dripping wet and as self-possessed as Fred Astaire on downers, used to take the bone out of Mother's pot roast after dinner was over and shmear the grey marrow on a buttered bit of monkeybread/roll/biscuit, to the utter horror of my sister and myself. Now after the dining room is emptied out from a similar meal and I've finished swabbing down the kitchen, I stand next to the sink in the semi-dark and repeat this bizarre ritual. Only I look much more like Ginger in her later, pineapple-blond* portly years.

    *hair color term lifted from this month's Vanity Fair.

  11. Boy, did I get took yesterday. I have no recollection if the four-banger I bought from Central Mkt was Canadian, Australian or local, but they wanted $21.99/lb, and it was good, but golly! I cobbled together a technique from a Plotnicki thread and Emeril recipe, with honey, dijon and pistachios, but next time I will pan sear rather than crank up the oven for the first crusting--nuts didn't quite toast up evenly.

    And I will have to invite a friend who actually enjoys lamb, since it turns out spouse was being polite the last time he had some at a restaurant. (sigh). All in all, an expensive experiment.

  12. thick bacon is pretentious and far too time-consuming for the baby birds. Take a paper towel, dust with peppered flour and dredge and shake out your favorite brand. Keeps 'em from crinkling up too much 'afore the fatty ends are done.

  13. And the greens? Did anyone try the greens? Maybe I just need a decent, less than 4-hrs to simmer receipt so dear spouse doesn't have to harangue the folks at Hoovers and Sally's and Luby's and Cracker Barrel . . .

  14. 1. I may just change my screen name to dull Henckel, because it makes me giggle.

    2. Emeril didn't ink a 5yr deal so much as take a sweaty forefinger, dip into a banana cream pie and make his mark on the bald head of FTV. Face it, spatula fans, he be the backbone of that channel.

  15. If you REALLY "don't mind driving" you should consider driving up to Austin to go to Fonda San Miguel.

    girl, they owe you a PR fee by now; we should do an egullet thingy there once. I've been craving some mojo de ajo for weeks now, and loved ones won't sit at the same table wit me when I order it......

  16. Chilaquiles at Trudy's on mornings after nights in which my son slept allll the way thru; coffee at Jo's because I love the red thermos and lo-lo-key atmo, Clay pit with the rest of you rogues, and al fresco at El Sol y La Luna--rockin' aguas frescas.

  17. We've just left Caldwell County for schools with textbooks mentioning all 50 states, but I can tell you this some authority: Kreuz has the best prime, Smitty's the best chops, and either can be hit or miss on the fatty and the lean, but as reliable as the sun on their hot and cold rings. I mentioned on the Austin thread that Nina Sells' boy made the cover of Texas Monthly, which should provoke quick tempers for days among the Sells/Kreuz families.

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