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And, of course, there's always Peas With Honey?
Personally, diagonal. But for the grandkids, (actually GF's), aged one and four, (who never eat the crust anyway), I cut them into animal shapes with cookie cutters and eat the outside edges myself.
Fire the Cop. Fire the Superviser. Promote the cook.
September is National Honey Month! Just last night, just by chance, I was going to toast some wild rice bread and noticed I was out of jelly/jam. It was Sunday night, and nothing conveniently located would be opened except convenience stores. I did have a jar of honey in the cupboard though, so I buttered the toast and gave it a thin coat of honey. mmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm Does anybody have any favorite honey recipe to share? SB (my regards to the bees )
Then again, perhaps future "old-timers" will amuse themselves sending mind-to-mind-mails about the corner the old 7-11 once stood on where they had their first Slurpee?
Ever since this topic was first posted I just knew I had to have a country store story stored somewhere in my memory. Today I went out to visit my friend Bob at his cabin about twenty miles north of town. On the way I passed an oft-remodeled country store my friends and I used to frequent when we were in high school. Back then it carried a few groceries, minnows and fishing gear, and also served as the area Post Office, so it basicly featured three basic needs of rural living; beer, bait and stamps. The owner was illiterate and innumerate. He could count money, but that was about it. As a result, anybody who could even come close to passing for the legal drinking age of 21 was able to buy 3.2 beer there. Brands like Black Label, Fox Deluxe, and our favorite, White Label (not too bad if it was ice cold) sold for 99 cents a six-pack! My friend John "Luke" Lucas was not only very tall for his age, but had a deep voice and could grow a full beard by the time he was fifteen years old. I can still picture Luke coming out of the store carrying eight six-packs stacked on the tips of his fingers and tucked under his chin! When I went by the store today I noticed a sign advertising the availability of cappuccino! SB (how times change! )
Thanks for all the information. I'm a big fan of KAF, but I'll all out right now. Maybe I'll wait until I replenish my supply to try and make Bolillos. In a bit of cultural cross pollenization, I think they would be very good for locally produced porketta sandwiches!
I've just never been into grilling. When we had people over for a birthday party GF's daughter and her BF brought over their small grill to cook up some home-made sausages and some hot dogs for the kids. The rolls they brought for the sausages were excellent. Light but chewy, with a very thin crust. I looked at the bag they came in .... "Bolillos" .... from Wal-Mart! I figure I can make as good, or better, if I had a recipe. Anybody have a favorite Bolillo recipe, or a few tips?
That's kind of what I was thinking. The KAF recipe may not produce the more artisan-style looking loaf people most people associate with other no-knead bread recipes, but there's no reason all no-knead breads should look or taste the same any more than regular kneaded breads do. The photo referred to may not do the KAF recipe justice, but even if it does produce a somewhat heavier loaf it would probably make good sandwich bread? SB (inclined to give KAF the benefit of the doubt and try the recipe )
Time keeps marching onward, and we all have to get off the trail sooner or later. I've been buying, eating, and recommending, Russ Kendall's smoked fish for over thirty years now . I guess the best I can think of to my respects is to simply say: Russ Kendall's makes the best smoked fish I've ever had!
This is where Bourdain really shines. A lot of tv hosts get by being satirical, cynical, or even snarky. Tony can go toe to toe with them in that regard, but still treat a subject like this with the respect, even reverence, it deserves. SB
Perhaps your name is similar to that of a prominent local food critic? SB (doesn't think he could pass as "Zagats", but it might be worth a try? )
Maybe. What're you offering, sweetie? Minnesota Wild Rice, hand harvested and parched (processed) by genuine Ojibway Tribe members, perhaps? And, before getting into your nicely done "digest" of the current issue of Gastronomica, I'd like to point out that there have been nearly 70 views of this topic over the past 24 hours. (Big Brother is watching ) Even if several have been Carolyn, Karen and I checking on each others replies, that still leaves a awful lot of lurkers? Other than the Bosch illustration, nothing there to entice me. Likewise, except possibly for the "lovely photos" of behinds, assuming the adjective "big" was in reference to the tummies only. No thanks. Perhaps. I've always considered the book reviews to be one of Gastro's strong points, and usually at least skim through them. I have purchased several books based upon these reviews. (btw: CT's post may have set an eGullet record for highlighted double-underscored cites? ) I liked that! SB (has always been partial to felt )
This is the most easily noticed and common manifestation of using a "regular" knife left handed. It's due to the serrations.
What flavor quark did you buy? Up, down, top, bottom, strange or charmed? Seriously: I haven't heard of this outside particle physics before. It looks like a dairy product -- what is it exactly? ← Oddly enough, there is a dairy product connection to the use of the word "quark" in physics. From Wikipedia: The word was originally coined by Murray Gell-Mann as a nonsense word rhyming with "pork". Later, he found the same word in James Joyce's book Finnegans Wake, where seabirds give "three quarks", akin to three cheers (probably onomatopoeically imitating a seabird call, like "quack" for ducks, as well as making a pun on the relationship between Munster and its provincial capital, Cork) in the passage "Three quarks for Muster Mark!/Sure he has not got much of a bark/And sure any he has it's all beside the mark." Note: This is in reference to the City of Munster, where Munster Cheese originated, which is completely different than the American Muenster Cheese. SB (who say physicists have no sense of humor )