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Ms Neato

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Everything posted by Ms Neato

  1. I'm not sure if they are what you're looking for; but at Capitol at Jean Talon Market, there are anchovies of some description hanging out in a refrigerated unit. I don't really dig on anchovies, so I didn't pay too much attention to what they were. (Capitol has so many delicious things. You should go there any way. You walk in, and it smells overwhelmingly of amazing.) Having helped, I'm looking for something, myself. I'm after some aromatic bitters; but I'd like something a little more exotic than the standard Angostura Bitters. Any ideas?
  2. I have a.. friend.. who is in Melbourne, who has a thing for gherkins. And I am on a very important quest to find somewhere he can get his little paws on some amazing gherkins. It's a surreal thing to be asking about, for sure; but if anyone could point me (and by extension, him) in the direction of amazing pickles, that would be utterly marvellous. Thanks!
  3. The two salt pigs by my stove have Sel de Guerende and Maldon sea salt; there are jars of smoked sea salt and black salt lurking on the spice rack; and there's a bag of iodised table salt which gets used for soaking achy-feet (: Don't have any kosher salt, though - it's something that I haven't ever seen for sale over here, in New Zealand.
  4. Ms Neato


    I make it with limoncello instead of Marsala. (No specific recipe (: )
  5. Heh. Valrhona is my favourite also; which I guess isn't that useful to you But sometimes, just sometimes, sacrifices must be made!
  6. Mmm. I'm especially fond of Valrhona Ivoire.. I like it for its delicate flavour. Not to mention the joy of cleaving chunks of chocolate off a large block. (And yes, that is two 1kg blocks of sweet, delicious Valrhona.)
  7. My instinct would be to go for something like fish pie, where having the fish turn to mush isn't really a problem.
  8. Cuisine, from New Zealand is good, in my experience. (And for the curious; most, if not all, of the recipes are on their website)
  9. Ms Neato


    Caramel sauce, with whipped cream (gotta be whipped to the edge of turning into butter)... at Chez Neato edit: fixed the image.. (:
  10. Ms Neato


    I have been thinking about the sorts of things I might cook over Easter weekend, and rabbit is something that seemed just perfect, in a perverse sort of way (don't hit me!). I had a poke around some recipe books to see what I could see; and nothing I saw was compelling. I thought some more. Stroked my chin; and pondered. Then it struck me: I could prepare rabbit loins using a tried and true method that I devised for chicken! First: Create a marinade using a combination of verjus and honey with salt, and marinate the loins for an hour or so, stirring occasionally. I used two heaped teaspoons of honey and about 1/4 c of verjus making this dish for two people; but by all means vary this as you see fit. Second: After the loins have finished marinading, heat up a cast iron fry pan. Once the pan is hot, take each of the loins out of the marinade, and place in the pan. Hold on to the rest of the marinade! Brown each of the loins. Then: Once all of the loins are nice and brown; and the honey is starting to caramelise, add the rest of the marinade back into the pan, and continue to cook until the marinade is all caramelised and the rabbit is coated in a delicious sticky glaze. That, is all there is to it. Of course, every dish needs a name. With this dish, however, the name came first. This, will be forever known as.... Honey Bunny.
  11. Ms Neato

    Cocoa Nibs

    I've used cocoa nibs in toffee before. It was... delicious.
  12. On a warmed hamburger bun (toasting isn't a big deal; sesame seeds I can take or leave).. With either scotch or fillet steak (What is this ground chuck you speak of ).. A couple of slices of camembert.. A slice of proscuitto or parma ham, depending on what's in the fridge.. a few lettuce leaves.. And tomato chutney to round it out. [And as an interesting co-incidence, I'm having burgers with scotch steak tonight. Mmm.]
  13. I've got an 8 3/4 inch Global bread knife (G-9 is the model number) which I love. I sorta wave it menacingly at bread, and the bread falls into slices... it's magic! I couldn't go back to an expendible knife.
  14. Carolyn / bloviatrix Consider for a moment, that it (at least, the most recent one) contains 360-odd recipes; so really, you're paying less than a dollar for each recipe. [At least, it doesn't seem quite so expensive that way ]
  15. *blush* I want to figure out poaching eggs. (I've only tried twice-ish; and I suspect the major impediment to my poaching joy is not using eggs that are fresh enough, which is an easy enough thing to fix)
  16. You're a materialistic bunch
  17. Well you can put just about anything into vodka (: The oddest that I've seen is Olives in vodka. (42 below is a NZ vodka which comes in passionfruit, feijoa and manuka honey infused varieties, which I guess are also a little on the unusual side (Oh, and all three are still clear.. very clever (: ))
  18. Ms Neato


    I don't eat a lot of honey, but manuka claims to have magical powers. (Okay, maybe not magical powers; but certainly it seems to be a good anti-bacterial/make things heal better type of thing.)
  19. Ms Neato

    Maple syrup...

    Arrr. I'd like maple syrup more if it wasn't so expensive over here (in New Zealand..). That said, there's a world of difference between it, and the maple/corn syrup blends I can snag at the supermarket. [i have a 500ml tin can of the real stuff which cost me about NZ$40...] Oh. As for what I do with it (which I completely forgot to address when I first posted this...) Aside from the obvious accompaniment to pancakes, crepes and french toast... I'm rather fond of chicken marinaded in a combination of maple syrup and verjuice (Preferably a cabernet sauvignon verjuice.. so pink (: ).
  20. Ms Neato


    The recipe I usually use for chocolate fudge, at least, is 2 cups sugar + 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder (I use dutch processed cocoa; normal works just as well); which get combined; then add about 2 tablespoons of butter and a half cup of milk. That gets heated to softball; then about a teaspoon of vanilla essence gets added before beating.
  21. If I'm having a takeout burger (like tonight.. Mmmmm.).. I usually have chicken with apricot sauce, cream cheese, garlic mayo, onion, tomato and lettuce. If I'm making burgers at home; usually it's a nice piece of beef or pork fillet with camembert, proscuitto and tomato chutney. When spring rolls around again (I'm in New Zealand, so the seasons are all backwards); I'm looking forward to throwing lamb into the mix (:
  22. I haven't seen any of these surface in New Zealand yet; but when (and if!) they do, it will be interesting to see if the ingredient lists are the same - HFCS isn't something that we see a lot of over here (even Coca Cola is made with *actual* sugar, for example); so it would be interesting to see if it is included.
  23. Ms Neato

    Pop or Soda

    I'm in New Zealand; and usually they're called "Soft Drinks"... sometimes "Fizzy Drinks"... otherwise by brand name.
  24. Ms Neato

    Ethnic Pop

    This is the ingredients list for the cola: Carbonated water, honey (16%), natural cola flavour (colour: caramel 150d), lemon juice concentrate. So yeah, it's probably just sweetened by honey (depending on how sweet "natural cola flavour" is (: ) NZ does quite a bit of agricultural exporting, of all sorts of things - you've got things like lamb, beef and seafood; fruit (like, well.. the kiwi fruit of course (: ), and other more processed things like dairy products and wine.
  25. I've got a flour sifter which would have cost all of a couple dollars from a supermarket.. ..to replace a WMF one which wore out after a few months. (It was one with a squeezey handle and several layers of mesh; and the part which made the different mesh layers spin broke. The replacement sifter has no moving parts (: ) I'm also rather fond of my wok, which cost all of a couple dollars from an asian store.
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