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Everything posted by lesfen

  1. Oh dear lord, no. She's on right now making bread pudding with boxed custard mix. Why would you go through the trouble of toasting nuts and separating eggs (both called for in the recipe), only to use a custard mix? I don't understand this woman!!!!
  2. lesfen

    Dinner! 2005

    Yum. Yum yum yum!!!! I need a panini press!!
  3. lesfen

    Dinner! 2005

    Oh my. Oh my! That is stunning. That bread looks phenomenal as well.
  4. This reminds me... we're having our annual cook out at work next Friday and they always get 2 kinds of potato salad. Grandma's and Grandpa's. Anyone familiar with this? They look the same to me, but I refuse to eat it because they don't mix the dressing very well and there are big globs of "mayo" in it. What's the difference?
  5. "full fat food" was also the "personal trademark" of the "Two Fat Ladies" from England on Food Network ... remember them? Clarissa and Jennifer ← Mmm... bubble and squeak.
  6. Woah. Now that's just crazy talk.
  7. Fruit cocktail? Really? I don't know how I feel about that...
  8. To-may-to, to-mah-to... it's yummy!
  9. lesfen, when you sub the mayo for the oil, do you still use the same amount of eggs? ← You betcha.
  10. This is coming from a dedicated mayo-phobe... My mom always used mayo and so do I. I really like it. We substitute the mayo for whatever amount of oil is suggested. It does make for an extremely moist cake and, perhaps it's simply the power of suggestion, but I always think that I detect a little tanginess. If you haven't tried it, just do it. I think you'll really be surprised.
  11. Eggs in potato salad? I say yes, but I really only notice the whites. I like the texture contrast. Firm potato, crunchy onion/celery/pepper, bouncy egg white. Mmmm. I want some potato salad now. Must... call... mom... Macaroni salad? Nooooo. Too much slip and slime. Blegh.
  12. No kidding. You know, I can think of a lot of people that I don't want to hear tell me I'm fat... my husband, my mother, my father, my sister, my skinny sister-in-law, my skinny friends, etc. I'm pretty sure that my doctor is the one person that I wouldn't balk at. ALL of my doctors (PCP, OB, and Dentist) used to bitch at me for smoking, but I didn't walk out of the office like "that guy's an a--hole... he doesn't know what he's talking about." I walked out thinking "God, I really need to stop smoking or I'm going to die/my teeth are going to turn yellow and fall out." I'd be curious to know exactly what he said to her... it would be a whole different ball of wax if he said something not only insulting, but unprofessional to boot. Like if he would have actually said, "hey tubby, lose some weight."
  13. This always chaps my ass. I have a friend that works in a food bank and she said that they can't GIVE away the fresh veggies that are brough in. The people say that their kids won't eat 'em and that they wouldn't know what to do with them anyway... and you know that's the case in a lot of communities, not just poor ones. We're LAZY!! It's not easier to FIND a burger and fries, it's more CONVENIENT. Big difference.
  14. Hey Tubby I'm gonna throw this into the mix as well...
  15. It's... it's... stunning. Just stunning. Oh, and the cocktail... there are few things in this world that I love more than beverages that containg corn syrup, sugar, AND booze!
  16. Hm... not really a "duh" thing, but around here there's a local market chain (Acme) that has a "Meat Sale" a couple of times a year. I'd be curious to know if this happens with other chains around the country. Around here, you'll start to hear about it through the proverbial grapevine a few weeks prior. Your co-workers... "I'm gonna be late on the 11th. Acme's having their meat sale!" Your aunt or mother-in-law... "Dee Dee just called! Acme's having their meat sale on the 11th!" Rock bottom prices on all things meat! LOL. Anyway... the point is that it's a madhouse. I think there are 16 locations in the area and it doesn't matter which one you go to... the word has already spread and you'd better be ready to fight for some meat. People recruit friends and family members for assistance in their meat-seaking missions. Someone has to stay with the car while the other does battle with the slipper and curler set. Husbands are drug, kicking and screaming, into the stores to guard the precious cargo that has made it back to the carts. The masses press forward towards the meat cases, people pushing and shoving, bellies pressing against backfat. Don't be picky. Don't dig through the piles, looking for the best piece. Just grab the quantity you need and get the hell out of there! Friends turn to enemies over bargain priced hams. Women in housedresses wait like Stones groupies outside the swinging doors; waiting for the man in the white jacket to appear with another armload of prime rib roasts. He has the eye of the tiger, but you can sense his fear when the women start clawing and tearing at eachother to snatch those paper wrapped treasures from his arms. When it comes right to it, it's like a bloody feeding frenzy, only with mid-westerners instead of sharks. I have a small household and little freezer storage, but I still go to the meat sale... just to watch, and maybe to snag a $7 four pound bag of raw frozen shrimp.
  17. You are the coolest. It looks so much nicer on egullet! Looks like they got a semi-homemade website as a tribute.
  18. Any connection to him becoming the ex? So here I am, counting down the dwindling moments til c-section on Friday. First trimester seems a long time ago! I thought I'd note that hubby started the low carb thing somewhere in my first trimester. I sort-of joined him -- still ate fruit and an occasional bagel, but cut way back on refined carbs (bread, crackers, pasta, rice). I actually felt better after doing this -- energy levels seem to be more even, less roller-coasterish. May be worth trying for those of you in the early weeks. Of course, somewhere into third trimester I shifted into dessert mode. Ate healthfully for meals in general, but have had plenty of ice cream and cookies and such. Trying to ignore the number on the scale...ugh. Good luck to everyone! ← Best wishes!!
  19. Done and done. Over 200 Fans Strong, baby. I missed the Star of David Cake... I'd be curious to know what kind of bitchin' cocktail she whipped up to wash that bad boy down. Woof.
  20. I didn't really have morning sickness with my pregnancy, but I could not tolerate the smell of flavored coffee. The hard stuff... no problem. French vanilla and the like... Houston, we have a problem. I work in a small office and my co-workers were kind enough to switch to the instant stuff for a while. Love them. I craved anything hot and spicy. Mexican, Thai, and anything with wasabi that our local sushi could come up with while respecting the "no raw" rule. Sure enough, my little monster loves spicy food. Oh, and guacamole. I couldn't get a good avocado to save my life (Ohio... sheesh) so I made due with the giant bag-o-guac from Sam's. It was a fine substitute. I'm actually looking forward to a second pregnancy. I love the idea of being FORCED to eat three squares a day, plus snacks! (Within reason, of course... I think I'll try and avoid the 55 lb. weight gain this time.)
  21. Jesus... look at the glowing reviews. I didn't realize that making mashed potatoes was such a hassle.
  22. Hot Dog Rotisserie You know... in case you want your kitchen to look like a 7-11. Altho' when they come out with the home Slushee machine, I'm totally getting one.
  23. You know... aside from having to choke down her food, I think I would like to attend one of her little parties. I think she'd be hilarious. She'd get all tanked up on her "beer margaritas" (woof) and then eventually demolish her precious tablescape attempting a keg stand. She could probably pull it off... wait for it... but when inverted, her pendulous boobs break free of their waistband prison and knock her out.
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