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Everything posted by herbacidal

  1. IIRC, Genji is generally considered best sushi in town, but also significantly overpriced. Shiroi Hana was my friend's solid go-to choice, and as long as it has been around (10+years??), I've never heard anything bad about it, and that says something. I've never really heard anything good except for that friend, but that is less of a concern. Kisso, I've always heard has been good, if not a smidgen overpriced. I've always thought that Hikaru, on 2nd south of South St. has always been underappreciated.
  2. All of the staffing requirements were determined by Chef Achatz. In addition, we have Joe Catterson as our GM, and service will be run by Joe and Grant. I am sure that it will be their combined effort that determines our front of house staff. ←
  3. I'm wondering if you got that the site for that price because it's January as opposed to prime wedding season in Spring. Note: most wine shops will take back the unopened alcohol, although you should check on that when you buy it.
  4. I wasn't aware anyone made that distinction when tipping. Tsk tsk. I just tip based on performance and attitude. Pooled vs. individual never matters to me, perhaps because I pretty much assume every place uses individual tips unless I know specifically otherwise.
  5. At the restaurants I worked at, the tips were collected and doled out by the waitstaff.
  6. Yes. Laowai isn't used in Cantonese, although if you wrote the characters down, Cantonese would understand what you meant.
  7. You mean 2 dozen clams cost $16.95 and a 1 1/2 lb lobster cost $16.95, with the pitcher of beer another $8 or so?
  8. I was wondering how long it would take you to find this. You didn't give it all to me, did you? Or you mean that you were waiting for me to do something with it so you could ask me about it? My first thought about it in the last day or so was to add it to some sort of sangria. See, my logic is: Hmm, I remember rosemary mostly as garnish for lamb and beef. Gee, red wine goes with lamb and filet. Problema, rosemary and red wine can't work. Hot damn! Wat 'bout sangria?
  9. I agree with a few others here. No one thus far disputes how good he can be and is in the kitchen. But he did himself a disservice by not building up enough of an organization to help him before expanding to be doing as many restaurants and projects as he is. I would say his decision to price Fifteen where it is is one decision where the right partner / consultant / assistant would've been able to steer him closer to where it needed to be.
  10. I had some ideas for it originally, but I don't remember them now. The more I think about it, I may want to make something non-alcoholic to bring to the PigPickn since I'm already bringing some infused vodka. Any ideas?
  11. I used to work at a place that pooled tips. Most Chinese restaurants do. Actually, the only non-Chinese restaurant (American/Continental food) I've worked at also did. I liked the idea, although I've always been lucky enough to work with good staff and relatively low turnover. I think that all things considered, I like it better because it does create more of a team effort to take care of things. It also means that the stronger waitstaff helps the weaker waitstaff along, and that management has to keep a better eye on things to prevent crappy staff from dragging the bunch down. Also, management has to not be desperate and hire anyone that walks in the door. They have to figure out if someone can pull their own weight, which they should be able to do if they're observant during one training shift.
  12. Yes, I recall that, but hasn't Fleming since left them already?
  13. herbacidal


    You know that I was joking too, right?
  14. Well, there's always Bonk's, too.
  15. herbacidal


    Depends on your definition of very very soon. Someone with such a broad view of history as yourself should know that time is relative. Doesn't mean that they're not lying bastards though. Someone should bring it up with Ali Waks or Jon Myerow. Volunteers?
  16. You know, I still haven't eaten in Collingswood yet. I should, since I'm just over the river and through the woods on the way to gramma's house. (Cooper, not Delaware) If I do and without dining companions to push me on, it's likely to be at Tortilla Press' counter service/quick casual side. I hope I remember your comment about spiciness, although the tendency to err on the side of underspicing is not exactly suprising.
  17. herbacidal


    There used to be a stylish maternity shop in town? A predecessor to Belly? Tell me more about versions 1 and 2 of Holly Moore's Cafe.
  18. Yea, when I first stopped by there in the mid 90s or so, I did think of Manayunk as South St. for 30 year olds. KFC-Taco Bell combo, Haggen Daas, Blockbuster, Rita's, Bain's Deli
  19. Very nicely put. Not just this part, but your entire response was balanced and appropriately organized.
  20. I would expect Cantonese food in Guangzhou and Hong Kong to be about the same. If anything, Cantonese food in Guangzhou may be slightly more varied with more variety in animals. But I would expect there to be enough interchange between staff in restaurants in Hong Kong and Guangzhou (in terms of changing jobs, conversations about cooking, etc.) that they should be very much the same. Or at least that's what I'd expect. I'd be happy to be edumicated otherwise, though. Of course, I have noted Gary's comment about differences between Cantonese food in San Francisco & Montreal vs. in Toronto and Vancouver and this also contrasts with what I would expect. I'd also be happy to learn more.
  21. But has the quality of their potato and kasha knishes stayed high? I think that's the important part. I don't begrudge them their expanding their product line if it helps them be more successful. That's how you compete in a ever more competitive food business environment. The key from a connisseur point of view should be if their key products that he/she enjoys remain of good quality.
  22. How many years ago? I know they haven't since at least 1995.
  23. herbacidal


    That location has a long and proud restaurant heritage. Used to be a wonderful little cafe on the second floor. Really? What else was there, in reverse chronological order from Alaska? What was on the first floor when the cafe was there on the 2nd floor? Can't think of anyone better qualified to edumicate me than you.
  24. Collingswood is okay. It possesses a vague resemblance to urban life. Or what passes for it in suburbia. Just sayin. I like it like I like Narberth, or Jersey City, or Conshohocken.
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