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Everything posted by herbacidal

  1. I think that's the fundamental problem. The problem on top of that is whether those who consider it their local rag view its dining section as the only read on dining in the 'hood, or the place to read about fine dining in the 'hood.
  2. I'm used to lobster being served either before or after the chicken. Always stirfried with ginger and scallion, and usually 2 per table. If they're spending enough on the banquet, they'll serve squab instead of chicken.
  3. What's "see gwa"? Not bitter melon, nor winter melon, nor eggplant. Is that the fuzzy melon?
  4. Hey, does TJ's carry any hot chocolate? If so, is it any good? I'm looking for a new one.
  5. I think it's unreasonable to expect most people to be the sole owner of a restaurant business, especially of the caliber that Ya-Roo is trying to build. The successful establishments are that way in large part because the management team works together well. Many restaurants fail because the management team is not deep or strong enough in one or more areas. One of the best ways to ensure that the (hopefully capable) management team stays together is to give everyone some equity. I think it's easier and more appropriate to dilute/modify that vision, in part because no vision is ever fully formed. Inevitably, changes/sacrifices need to be made. The key point is making sure those sacrifices actually improve the final product.
  6. I agree, although Melograno has started to approach Django as far as being hard to get into. Fork and Pasion are still well-liked. From all accounts, Pasion has dropped slightly from its previous status (maybe the equilvalent of half a star, in some people's minds) but I'd probably still prefer it over A LOT of other places.
  7. Yea, Chris and bigjas are right. You're being too general. I could probably crank off 10 different restaurants. That said, let me say that: we have a excellent selection of Bring Your own Bottle of Wine restaurants. Pif would be a good choice, and I would actually put Django first on your list. Given Django's popularity though, I'd also plan to have a backup. Since I don't believe Seattle has a strong Italian tradition, I'll throw my favorite little Italian BYOB on there second, La Baia. I think Philly's strongest in Italian and Italian-American, French bistro, and regional American. Don't go for sushi; you can probably get better 'round your way.
  8. It wasn't safe as of 1997. Aprilmei and HKDave'll have to comment about now.
  9. I know I've had souse at least once, in Lancaster. It's served cold. Pretty tasty, but not as good in scrapple in my mind.
  10. Souse is headcheese, right? I think headcheese is similar. Is headcheese everything on the pig that is otherwise unusable? Or is headcheese perhaps just everything on the pig's head that is otherwise unusable? (My friend considers pig ears tasty, while I prefer pig tongue.)
  11. herbacidal


    Sweet. When we don't have a whole day to spend on an Offal Tour, we can just use a night for the Offal Dinner.
  12. Because you are an event planner, I did have a feeling you knew more and weren't trying to jump that far ahead yet. However, the thread did jump farther ahead. Yea, I was just assuming "worst" case scenario---have to buy/bring everything you'll need. If the event space and the caterer are divisions of the same entity (like a hotel), I suspect you would get the space for free. I agree, most people like the full band better. I expect conference attendees (generalizing here) are the same. Yea, that's what I was thinking as well. A little soon before those details are nailed down. The Constitution Center is likely too far from any hotel. That'll be an interesting twist. Yea, Katie's place might fit your board of directors, and their families. And that's about it. Indoor capacity of 40 or so I'd guess.
  13. $US25000 divided by 500 people = $50 per person cost While that amount is probably adequate for 200 people, 500 people would probably be stretching it, and 750 people would need more money on top of that. Unless I'm mistaken, that money is supposed to account for: event space, assuming not in a hotel or otherwise packaged band, instead of DJ (despite DJ being cheaper, because I'm assuming the crowd is more comfortable with a band) hors d'oeuvres buffet instead of full dinner buffet (I'm assuming there is no additional monies available, since a full dinner buffet would be significantly more) decorations such as flowers, posters, flags, props, etc. Also factor in that should the event space be a distance away from the hotel/primary convention space that you'll likely need a bussing company, which may or may not have to be included in the budget. Additionally, unless you purchase it for them (which I think might be the best option, with the current state regulations), the caterer will have to pay a few thousand more for alcohol, without knowing definitively the guest count. I guess where I'm going with all that is that the attendee count/other factors need to be significantly more specific before I'd really go that much farther. I would try and nail more additional details down before going too much further. Sorry to put the brakes on all the dreaming about what could be. To answer questions posed above, the National Constitution Center has a contracted caterer, Max and Me Catering, out of Doylestown, PA. It sounds like catering in the Reading Terminal Market is different than it used to be, in that there is nominally an in-house caterer. Unless that's just a front office person and name, and they actually use an outside firm. In 1996, I did a Valentine's Day event there for Restaurant Associates. Marlene, if you wait a month or two and nail down more details (including where the rest of the events are going to be) before investigating further, I'd be happy and eager to help you in a non-Egulleteer capacity, since I more than likely will be a salesperson for an area catering firm. Best, Herb Lau
  14. What is their happy hour special? Might have to stop by sometime.
  15. herbacidal


    I'd say both are plausible. I wouldn't say it's normal to fire apps at the same time as mains. But Hearth can run a different way. If it was towards the end of the evening, it's also possible she was afraid you might linger and wanted to prevent that as much as possible. I'd like to believe that wasn't the case at Hearth, but it's possible. And of course it's also possible there was no ulterior motive, and she meant exactly what she said.
  16. Hey Richie, are you implying that you're a real old guy now? My granny just turned a century. You can start thinking you're old when you're within three decades of her age.
  17. Yea, I'm speculating that wineries have replaced the bed and breakfast, as the "dream career change" for mid-life career couples / singles. The idea of charging "large amounts of money" does make a reasonable amount of sense, since I'm assuming wineries spend a lot of money up front to get up and running before they take in a single dollar of revenue, much like restaurants. The goal of bringing in as much money as quickly as possible is fair. That said, making that decision without correctly analyzing the market is folly as well.
  18. While he didn't end up doing that one as kitschy white trash, I imagine that is what morphed into Jones. Jones is a basically a place that serves simple, "down home" kitschy food in a setting reminiscent of the Brady Bunch living room.
  19. Man, and I was hoping to hear about some taco trucks I didn't know about. Oh well. Comment: Exits off I-95 may not refer to the street as Delaware Ave. I don't remember offhand. The other name is Columbus Blvd. From I-95 South, you make a right onto Columbus, Washington is the 2nd light. Can't recall I-95 North directions specifically.
  20. Yea I agree with the comparison to saying "cheese". Chinese kids in Hong Kong do it too.
  21. I'm an East Coastie, and I've always known it as mac 'n cheese.
  22. When were you there? I was there at the end of 1997. Do you mean the most popular restaurant near xi yuan, the foreign students' dorm, or someplace else?
  23. I'd get a second wallet, and kep all the point cards in it, and leave that wallet in the car, and just grab the individual card as you get out of the car to go in the store.
  24. Get a nice cut of beef. Grill it, serve it in little pieces on crostini with good parmesan, arugula, and oil of olives or truffles. Can be eaten at room temperature.
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