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little ms foodie

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Everything posted by little ms foodie

  1. Easy quick dinner tonight, chicken stir fry with baby bok choy, onion, sunburst squash and rice. Chateau St Michelle Riesling with the spicy meal. Perfect match!
  2. I understand what your saying but the burger is only $11 at Palace. This is different than say Dick's or Red Mill but it's not that out of the park for a really nice burger - but your right, it's not your "down and dirty" burger joint. But it is GOOD!
  3. add me to the list of Palace for a burger. Why wouldn't you? It's fun, casual, great food, great drinks! Love Palace!
  4. Blue C is very fun but the selections are only ok. It's fresh it's just not that great of fish. Ohana is inexpensive but I've had a few things that were far from fresh, I just think there are better places I like Ototo and haven't found it to be very expensive. I'm not ordering the right things obviously!!
  5. LOL! I agree, if that's the best you can do for lunch in Seattle then I will brown bag it!
  6. Sunday breakfast- a few leftover pancetta, goat cheese and leek tartlets (from our party last night) rewarmed, scrambled eggs (well really 4 egg whites and 2 whole eggs) with Tillamook Extra Sharp White Cheddar, chives and basil....coffee with half and half.
  7. Oh my Jason, that is gorgeous!! I didn't really cook dinner last night, we had a party for about 30 so I made heavy hors d'oevrs: Brie baked in puff pastry with raspberry/rosemary sauce served with crackers and grapes -Oysters on the half shell with mignonette sauce -Roast Beef Tenderloin with Horseradish Sauce -Pancetta, Leek and Goat Cheese Tartlets -Gougeres -Olives, Almonds and Hazelnuts -Gingersnap cookies (made by Dayne!) Dinner tonight will be very simple as we are exhausted! Pumpkin ravioli from a local fresh pasta shop with brown butter and sage sauce, garlic bread, green salad.
  8. The party went great! We didn't get a chance to take many pictures as we were busy toasting! Grabbed a few shots, Beef Tenderloin with Horseradish Sauce And Baked Brie with Raspberry Sauce inside No pictures of the Gougres or the Tartlets as they kept dissappearing! Oysters were passed around with the mignonette.
  9. Oh that makes me think that next time I make this I should mix in some onion confit if I have it!!! Good idea, thanks! jrt- we deep fry them and dip them in spicy ranch sauce.....YUM! very easy to do! and there is a thread on it but I can't seem to find it right now.
  10. It use to be the Depot restaurant. It was the first restaurant my parents and I went to when we moved from LA to Spokane, I was 6. My parents were told there would be a wait so we proceeded into the bar where I ordered a Shirly Temple. The bartender freaked out that my parents had brought me in and gave them a big lecture on WA state liquor laws! haha! Anyway as of 3 years ago it was still open, more of a diner than the nice restuarant it once tried to be. Great drinks! My dad lived behind it until he passed away. Strange and fitting! haha! ok, that was a really long answer, sorry about that! It's called the Depot on Sprauge in the valley.
  11. I almost just spit tea through my nose! That is a riot. Lord I can picture everything!! Thanks for warning!!
  12. Please tell me more!! My husband loves Guiness and Ginger! Recipe?? A friend stopped by afterwork so we munched on some Spanish almonds and had a kir. Dinner after was Penne with Pumpkin and Sausage- a really tasty winter pasta dish we fell in love with last year. (thanks to Rachel Ray ) Served with a Columbia Winery Sangiovese (not to be confused with Columbia Crest) and a green salad with craisons and cucumbers.
  13. When I take sandwiches with the fixings I bag them seperatly so things don't sog my bread! eww I hate that! or use really crusty bread that benefits from a bit of juice!
  14. I made it in for a trial first because although I love butternut and sage I don't generally like flan. It was fantastic. Recipe is on epicurious if that is the same you were looking for. I made it one day in advance and then warmed it up, it's better warm than cool. I made the sauce right before serving. Very unusual for most people which is nice too.
  15. It wasn't at my costco (but the Zin was) so I'll be hitting my local store tonight. If that is a bust I will order online!
  16. jscarbor I think you have some really good ideas going there. regarding the mushroom soup- yum! I love soup and I love poached eggs, but I don't know about together with the cream. When I've had poached eggs in soup it has been more of a broth. But you could do something like crispy onions or leeks on the soup, adding a nice texture or I think seared scallops on the soup would be really fantastic too. If you do go with a poached egg I've been using quail eggs lately and they are so darling and special!! The tenderloin sounds awesome! I've never had sweet potato gallete, yum! Bread pudding might be a bit heavy after all that good hearty fare. I like the pumpkin ice cream, maybe with ginger cookies? Here is the menu from the last dinner party I gave (It was a wine tasting party hense the varietals mentioned): CA sparkling served at the door Amuse of vanilla foam with potatoes Menu Chardonnay Shrimp Ceviche with Fennel and Pomegranate Frisee Salad with Lardon and Quail Egg Pinot Noir Garlic Soup with Gruyere Crouton Butternut Squash Flan with Parmesan Sage Sauce Merlot Dijon Crusted Rack of Lamb with Potatoes Joel Robuchon Cheese Plate (Brie, P'tit Basque, New Amsterdam) Wine Poached Pears Filled with Mascarpone in Caramel Sauce McCrea Late Harvest Viognier 02’
  17. Hi Sean, WELCOME!! I live on the west side so I'm not very good at restaurants in your area. I did just eat at Barking Frog with an eGullet party and thought it was great! I have always liked the pub food at Redhook Brewery but I haven't been there in about a year. In Juanita I think Cafe Juanita is sooooo fantastic! I hope you can give this place a try! yum.........
  18. hmmm...some of those ideas I question for both time and money. I don't like to do fried things at my parties unless I know I can keep everyone out of the kitchen (say as in a dinner party). When I'm all dressed up the last thing I want to do is to fry anything. Also I don't want to have hot oil cooling before it can be put away around my guests. What are other's thoughts on this? As far as some of the prices for things I really don't think that buying things like procsiutto, scallops, mussles, etc is going to work in a $100 budget. Although this article is about a party for 12. I do like some of the ideas though. I'm interested in others take on the article!
  19. So in our weekly produce delivery last night we got this great purple cauliflower that supposedly is best raw and a bunch of carrots. I guess I just need to pick up some celery and make a dip!
  20. Lemon pepper is great on grilled, broiled or baked white fish. Yum!!!
  21. Very simple dinner tonight, we are trying to empty our freezer as we have a large turkey on the way! pate with baguette, mustard and cornichons. Out of Cassis! grrrr tried some Lillet rouge with a bit of white wine, don't try this...it's nasty! Glass of O'Reillys Merlot from last night. Dayne is off alcohol this week so it's up to me to drink the bottle. Dinner was leftover sausage and leek soup from the freezer with a simple green salad with red onions and craisons.
  22. Della, as you have stated that you don't like the texture of raw oysters for years now we have not counted you for any! Hands off lady!! Decided to pick up a beef tenderloin tonight to add to the menu. I will roast this med rare, slice thinly, place on skewers and serve with a horseradish mayo. hmmm...crudites...gee I always just assume people can get celery and carrots at home! haha! It's a good suggestion, will consider this!! Thank you! mignonette sauce made and in the fridge! One down.........
  23. marie-louise my husband has volunteered his shucking abilities! Your thoughts were my thoughts! but now I just have to have a few oysters and freshen up the other plates! haha! We know that not all of our friends do the raw oysters so we are probably going to get 4 or 5 dozen. Just enought for a few each. 2 years ago I did the cold shrimp with sauce. I served it very retro in a big glass bowl filled with ice- the shrimp hanging over the top, sauce in a bowl in the middle. Very easy and good!!!
  24. great advise johnnyd! I'll whip it up tonight, that will save me even more time on Sat!
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