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little ms foodie

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Everything posted by little ms foodie

  1. ugh!!! My husband has told me stories about these midwestern concoctions- jello used with salad and fish and what not. Then when my mom passed away we found a Jello Cookbook filled with nasty ideas of things to put in your Jello. Bleck!!!! And Miracle Whip is NASTY! But my husband said that he would rather eat miracle whip than dream whip anyday. Midwest vs. Westcoast I guess!
  2. We talked to one of the chefs at Le Toque, he was pouring our wine at Miner Winery!! He was very interested in our lunch at TFL and said they were doing really great things with foie gras. I'll be really interested in reading your review of them. There were 2 tables empty during our recent lunch at TFL
  3. When we were in the area last month we only made reservations at those that said they were required (Paradigm, Cakebread, Schramsberg) and even then we made most the morning we were heading out. On the north Silverado Trail there is a winery Miner that we really liked. They do an exclusive 1/2 bottle bottling for TFL of Syrah and even though it wasn't on their tasting list that day they opened it for us when we inquired. Really nice wine. The winery is just past Mumm and on the other side of the road. No ressies nessesary. Have fun!!
  4. hmmmm, I think I need to get in on this but the weather is turning so it might have to wait until next week. Will do some burgers on the grill...... hmmm, I really like that hole idea! Must try that!
  5. Elie, I find fromage blanc at Whole Paycheck (Foods) Vermont Butter makes one now.......
  6. Kim, I find pork rind and pork belly at my Asian markets. Pork belly is just raw uncured bacon.
  7. Does this count as a dessert terrine?? Out of The French Laundry Cookbook- strawberry & champagne terrine
  8. A nice night in Seattle so we grilled shrimp and then made a nice lemon dill butter for them. Also grilled WallaWalla Sweet Onions and served everything on a big platter of orzo salad with feta, red onion, kidney beans and olives. JKCarriere 'Glass' in the glass (pinot noir rose)
  9. Robert have a fantastic time, we stayed in Yountville last month and ate at both FL and Bouchon (twice it was so good!) and of course the Bouchon bakery daily for breakfast. We flew home out of Oakland and there is an In & Out burger right off the freeway before you enter the airport grounds- we loved it!
  10. My favorite teas are those made by Fauchon. I love the 'Matin' the best. They are loose but they also make herb teas in sachets.
  11. We took my in laws to Lola on Sunday, hadn't been since the new booths were designed, they are very big and roomy! We had a fantastic meal and the parents loved it! Started with the spreads and pita. Then we shared the cod fritters and the pork cheek- both were delish!!! Skewers of eggplant and dates also lambs tongue with grilled fennel. The lambs tongue was not as flavorful as others I had, the only semi disappointment. We had crafts of Lola Rose with our meal, made for them by Chinook Winery Mains of goat tagine (the best!), steak with romenesco (sp) sauce and roast chicken with morels and peas. And a side of Greek spaghetti (YUM). Dessers of goatmilk icecream with huckleberries and the donuts drizzled with honey. Yes we waddled back to the car, full and happy. Service was good, the noise level was down and the booths were comfy!!
  12. windydaze that looks great!! I must try the trout soon!
  13. Hot here in Seattle so we sat outside and had a bottle of Pinot Gris, St Andre triple creme brie, salami, tapanade, Point Reyes Blue & smoked salmon with Parisian baguette.
  14. Am I the only one who finds it strange that food would not be presented with a "this is fricasse of horse...." or whatever?? I have never served a meal at my house without letting everyone know what was on their plate, in the dish, in the appetizers, etc. I can't image people sitting at my table, eating dinner and not having told them what I made. weird! As for the actual question at hand, I make a point to check in with people before I cook for them, just yesterday I asked a friend if her boyfriend was ok with veal.
  15. little ms foodie

    Mom's 50th

    for my wedding reception we had duck breast served on polenta that had been cut into circles. It had a 'bbq' sauce on it and was divine! Another fav is cucumbers with ahi in them, cubes of cukes hollowed out and filled with ahi.
  16. I agree, but meat and cheese is sold by the pound minimum
  17. although tame and maybe boring we are never without Lillet blanc in our house. It is my go to apero. Friends of mine in paris like Pastis and also vermouth blanc before meals.
  18. Grub, if you want to make your salad in advance I find that by making/putting the dressing all in the bottom of the bowl and then putting the salad on top without tossing keeps everything nice and crisp. Then you just toss at the last minute.
  19. Haven't tried them but a quick google came up with these: http://www.foodreference.com/html/breakfast-pol.html http://brunch.allrecipes.com/az/82031.asp http://www.srar.net/2005/03/breakfast-pole...horizo-and.html
  20. Carp roe cured in salt. edit: Usually mixed with mayonaisse as "taramasalata". ← excellent! thank you!
  21. Sounds like a great blog! Can't wait to hear more about your work environment.
  22. helenas what is tarama??
  23. percy, do you have an egg cutter? how did you get the top off so nicely?
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