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    Napa, CA

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  1. Im not Norm, and his turkey looks beautiful and delicious! But my favorite way to cook turkey is Martha Stewart's (sorry ) method with brining the bird overnite, soaking cheesecloth in melted butter and white wine then covering it with same cheesecloth, and basting with the butter/wine mix every 20 min or so. We've been doing that for several years and it always turns out delicious. You can find the recipe online under Quince Glazed Roasted Turkey. Have never used the quince glaze but it turns out beautifully and is moist and tasty! But I'm interested in Norms method also!
  2. I LOVE yams almost any way, but my favorite way of all, and one that I make as my meal very often, is scrubbed, stuck with a fork several times, and cooked in the oven at 350 deg for an hour and a half (that'a for a large garnet yam)....I love the sweet, soft inside and the crispy, slightly caramelized skin. Sometimes I fancy them up with some butter, but plain is just fine with me!
  3. Oh my gosh is right! I printed this recipe off YEARS ago (I can't believe it took me this long to finally make it!). I thought it sounded good, but not being very familiar with Indian cooking, I didn't know what many of the spices were and didn't have an Indian grocery nearby. I was gifted with a ton of heirloom and yellow tomatoes and was starting to panic trying to think of what to do with them all. I recalled this chutney recipe and had to do a websearch for it; all I ccould recall was Suvir Saran was the author and it starte off with "I have missed this chutney..." . I'm SO thankful for the wonders of search engines, LOL...I don't think I've ever had tomato chutney before and certainly never made it. I had to drive to another town for the ingredients, but it was SO worth it! I was afraid I'd strike out on the fresh curry leaves but I asked and so I received them; they are so fragrant and so yummy that I'm thinking of using curry leaves in everything now . The colors and the fragrances are an experience in and of themselves. I was a little worried that it was going to be way too hot for me or anyone I know, and so when I added the cayenne, after reading Cathy L's review, I used 1 1/2 TB. A little more than she did the first time, but not as much as the recipe cited. It was just perfect for my palate. I got started a little late last night, finishing cooking it just around midnight, so I let it cool and put it in the fridge partially covered overnight. Got to work, put it on the stove to reheat and cook down a bit and then went ahead and canned it. I have to admit to frequent taste tests; it's soooooo delicious! Now I want to make more; I know people are going to love getting this as a gift! Thank you again, Suvir, for posting this recipe and to everyone who contributed their uses of it. It really is a stellar (and yes, FUN) recipe! I can't wait to have some with crackers this afternoon! Seana
  4. Some of my favorite food blogs: Orangette Steamy Kitchen The Wednesday Chef That Skinny Chick Can Bake!!! White On Rice Couple Love this topic; it's always fun to find new blogs to read
  5. You're right; it IS more versatile! And, it's AVAILABLE ! I'm going to order it; it looks like it will hold several tomatoes and facilitate me dipping them into the boiling water and then removing and dumping into cold water. That's all I really want . Some of the baskets that are similar to this one didn't have a moveable handle, so this one will be great. Thanks again; I'm off to order it!
  6. YOU are such a PEACH ! I'll check around here; I can't believe something so simple is so difficult to procure! I'm not desperate for it since I'm using my sisters' at the moment, but I really want to have one on hand. There's an outlet mall near my mom's so will check there first and call the one near you to see if they still have any. If not, I'll bug you! Thanks! Seana
  7. I've been trying to find this collapsible stainless steel blanching basket and my local cookware stores don't have them; I've tried online and they seem to come from only one source (although KitchenKrafts says that they'd bought them in bulk and sold all they had and won't get anymore til next "season"). I see "vintage" ones on ebay, but some say they have some corrosion and I don't really need something with a red plastic coated handle. Does anyone know where I can order one of these? Picture below! Thanks so much for any help.
  8. I picked up a box of The One for red at a seminar Andrea did at Trefethen Winery last weekend and I LOVE them. I'm going back to the winery to purchase The One for whites when I have time to get over there. I think they're classic and classy looking in addition to complementing the wine being drunk from them and since moving to a smaller house with less storage space, this is the perfect solution for me.
  9. I tried an experiment. It turned out a dismal failure, boohoo! I have a recipe that always works for Lime Sponge Pudding; I thought I'd try something a little different and since I had coffee and chocolate, decided to make a "Mocha Sponge Pudding". I followed all other ingredients but instead of 1/3 cup lime juice, I substituted 1/3 cup strong coffee. And instead of 1 Tb lime zest, I used 1 Tb shaved chocolate. The coffee had been in the fridge prior to adding it to the scalded milk/egg yolk/sugar/flour/melted butter. The tops of it turned out just right; raised and cake-y; the bottom wasn't even CLOSE to custard; it was like soup. Is it the acid in the citrus that makes the difference, or was it because maybe the coffee was too cold? Such a disappointment. Would appreciate any ideas/advice.
  10. San Francisco restaurant La Mere Duquesne? Is it still around? I love(d) that place. And I can't remember exactly where it is (or was)....somewhere off Union Square is all I can recall. Has anyone heard of it or remember it?
  11. WHY do I find that hilarious ??? Yet unsurprising .
  12. I'm not sure exactly what his thought process is, but if it's a romantic theme for couples, why not ONE plane and two hearts ? Or maybe a large heart with the plane set on top of it, sort of flying across the heart?
  13. I love pears and Bartlett's are my favorite . I was just recently looking for pear recipes too~ I have a beautiful picture of a pear and custard tart that I made last year; if I can ever figure out how to post photos here I will post it . I found a salad of greens, candied pecans, blue cheese and a roasted pear dressing that sounds good. I made this tart also and it was delicous as well as beautiful~ CLICK
  14. NVNVGirl

    Cream Cheese

    Can you describe what the differences are amongst them? I'm not a big cream cheese fan, but my husband swears by Philly for his clam dip. And I've tried to get by with some reasonable facsimiles (cheaper) and they are very different tasting than his Philly and he won't use them . I wonder if these might make a nice flavor difference? I'm interested b/c I'm also doing dog treats and dog cakes that use cream cheese for frosting and decoration....of course, I guess I'd have to do a tasting with the dogs as judges . As they aren't terribly discriminating, it might be hard.
  15. 127 in the house, 55 in the garage. That's current to this minute. I'm off to Ebay though, there's some books I really need
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