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Everything posted by liamsaunt

  1. I cooked them wrong--not long enough. They tasted delicious but we were both terribly ill later that evening. I am thinking of pickling them. Or I might make a recipe I found on Food 52 for a miso sesame fiddlehead. So, the food share arrived. It is a ton of food! I could not fit it all in one picture. I am using the haddock tonight to make moqueca. My nephew does not eat fish unless it is fried so he is having a couple of the burgers. All the other meats are in the freezer for later on. I gave my mother the cauliflower (because I already have one), the carrots (again, because I have lots already), the potatoes, half of the clementines, and the evil green bell pepper you see lurking in the back. None of us eat deli meat, but my brother in law does, so that's in the freezer to give him when I see him next.
  2. Here is this week's CSA box (this is not the food share I referenced earlier, that comes tomorrow). 20 potatoes. 20!!! Good gravy. I already foisted 16 potatoes off on my parents and brother. I might have to start leaving mystery potato baskets on my neighbor's doorsteps 🙂 Bottom left to right: ramps (yay!), apples, Jerusalem artichokes (meh), potatoes, garlic greens, MORE potatoes, dried local cranberries, fiddleheads (I gave my husband and I food poisoning by cooking these wrong many years back so I rise to this challenge), locally made sriracha, fava bean shoots, Iggy bread. And in the middle, two big turnips and a heck of a lot more potatoes.
  3. A local restaurant has started a food share for my town. They charge a $10 fee per week that they use to pay the staff that sorts and packs the shares. They are ordering from their supplier and charging participants the wholesale cost that they pay. Average cost per share is $70-80 a week, and they are delivering to homes. Since there is no obligation to sign on for more than one week at a time, I decided to try it out. My first share comes tomorrow. I'll post what I get here. I figure anything I don't want/cannot use can be given to my brother and parents.
  4. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2020

    They are strangely shaped oven fries. This kind: super crispy dipper fries Last night, miso coconut salmon curry with spinach and shiitake mushrooms
  5. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2020

    Fish sandwich.
  6. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2020

    The weather was lousy yesterday, so I made chicken noodle soup for dinner.
  7. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2020

    The chicken is on the left, the eggplant on the right. They are cooked in separate pans then combined on the plate. I cut the chicken breasts in half before breading to control the portion size.
  8. liamsaunt

    Breakfast 2020!

    Tomatoes, bacon and mayo on Dave's Killer Bread, good seed flavor
  9. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2020

    It is super simple. Just bread the eggplant and chicken in flour followed by beaten egg then seasoned breadcrumbs. Then slick olive oil on a baking sheet and bake the eggplant at 400 for 20 minutes a side. The chicken gets sauteed in olive oil until browned. Then a thin layer of marinara in two baking dishes, top with eggplant and chicken, put fresh mozzarella on top and bake until the cheese is melted. I don't put a lot of sauce on the chicken and eggplant so that it stays crispy. Most of the sauce goes on the pasta. Pizza Friday last night. Pepperoni Leftover eggplant parmesan pizza Carbonara
  10. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2020

    Wow that tart looks great. I have Plenty. I am going to look that recipe up. Last night, chicken and eggplant parmesean
  11. Thanks for the information. I already traded them to my Mom for some other stuff, but I will keep in mind for future shipments. I am sorry for your losses. Here is this week's share. As you can see, I got TWO kinds of beans this week! They are black beans and bumblebee beans. I can work with those. This week's share contains the last of the overwintered carrots, plus many freshly dug parsnips. I see parsnip puree in my future. They also gave me 16 potatoes and another huge sweet potato! I still have eight potatoes and two sweet potatoes left from last week's box! Luckily, I texted my brother and he really wants the potatoes for his house with my parents. He is taking them all in exchange for, well, I am not sure what yet. He'll come up with something that I want. Other stuff included pea shoots, bread, strawberry jam, and jerusalem artichokes. My Whole Foods order got shopped a day early and arrived last night around 8PM. They made meat substitutions without checking with me, which was a little odd. Ground chicken breast was swapped in for ground dark turkey meat, and chicken tenders were swapped in for chicken breast. Oh well, they tried and I will use everything I am sure. No milk, toilet paper, paper towels, mozzarella cheese, or popcorn. I got everything else I asked for including eggs, bacon, corn tortillas, and a flank steak for tacos on Sunday. My Wegmans order is supposed to arrive today between 11-1, but I am guessing it will arrive much later than that. My Mom had an order that was supposed to come yesterday between 9-11AM, and it arrived at 5:30 PM.
  12. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2020

    Ham that I vacuum sealed after New Year's Day and stored in the standing freezer, mashed potatoes, cauliflower gratin, spinach, and the purple stuff in the back that looks like beets is actually a deep purple variety of carrot that I got in my delivery from a local farm stand. It took a lot of persuasion to get my nephew to eat them. My sister and I don't eat ham so we just ate the vegetables.
  13. The stars aligned last night and I was able to get delivery slots for both Wegmans and Whole Foods for tomorrow. Whether I will actually get anything I put in my cart delivered is up for debate.
  14. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2020

    Salmon larb and mango rice
  15. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2020

    My husband and I like that wine but we tend to drink it on its own while cooking dinner. In fact I have a case coming Thursday from Wegmans. They sell it for $10/less a bottle than direct from the winery. Tonight, spicy Korean style fish stew from the new cookbook Milk Street: the New Rules. Everyone really liked this. I did cut the gujouchang back a bit so my niece would eat it.
  16. My quarantine crew has quickly become obsessed with scali bread for breakfast. Here is the first loaf I made That one is gone, so I baked another one today. The ends untucked a bit. I baked a third without sesame seeds for my brother and parents. My brother picked it up tonight from my garage and left me two pounds of Kerrygold butter as thanks. I think I came out better in that trade 🙂
  17. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2020

    Grilled D'Artagnan poussin with mango salsa, roasted curried sweet potatoes, smothered summer squash and peas.
  18. I was able to snag a delivery slot from Wegman's for Thursday morning. I had to select the "flexible, unattended delivery" option, so could not add any wine to my order. That's OK. There's a relatively new to this area app called Drizly that delivers on the same day that you order. I'll just use them. My brother has used them with success. I'm not too optimistic that I am going to get a lot of the items on my list since it is mostly cleaning supplies and paper products. We are approaching the expected peak for my area, so there is no way I am going out. These are strange times indeed. My father in law died yesterday (not from Covid-19, he had a brain injury from a bad fall back in November which led to months in the ICU and all sorts of other problems and infections). We have no idea when we will be able to hold a service for him.
  19. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2020

    chicken broccoli rigatoni
  20. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2020

    We had sandwiches from the Easter leftovers. Beef, parmesan, arugula and truffle butter Chicken, mozzarella, tomato, arugula, truffle mustard, pesto
  21. No, they are massive sweet potatoes. I still have the massive sweet potato they delivered last week too. I am making them into curried roasted sweet potatoes on Saturday to serve with grilled D'Artagan poussins with mango salsa.
  22. So I found out that they are Maine farfax beans. Used to make baked beans. I loathe baked beans. I am going to see if my Mom wants them. We have a grocery trade thing going on. Today I swapped her pea shoots, panko breadcrumbs, sharp provolone cheese and grapefruit juice for four packages of Kerrygold butter.
  23. Here is today’s vegetable share. The bag is pea shoots. I am getting overrun with potatoes! Pierogis are on the menu on Friday so that should help a bit. i do not know what kind of beans they gave me. Can anyone ID them for me? I do not really cook with dried beans other than the black and cannellini varieties.
  24. Yesterday I searched for kosher salt on Amazon pantry and they suggested Spam as an alternative. I got a delivery from a local farm yesterday. They have a store that sells both things they grow (which right now is basically only greens and herbs), and vegetables brought in from elsewhere. I got everything I asked for except for watermelon radishes, and they only gave me one package of pirogies instead of the two I requested. Conversely, I asked for one hand sanitizer produced by a local distillery as that was the limit, and they gave me two for some reason.
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