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Paris/Suburban Paris accomodations

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Hello community,

I hope this is the appropriate venue. I will be applying for admission to ESCF for entry next fall. If I am successful, it is our intent (myself, my wife and our child) to live in Paris during the 9 months of the training, and to see what happens after. A couple of questions, at this juncture.

Can anyone provide a realistic appraisal of monthly housing costs for a family of three? I have read conflicting information, so if any have actuals, it would be greatly appreciated. We live on futons, now, in the same room - size is not an issue.

Can anyone describe options in suburban Paris accomodations? My family's safety is a primary concern, and I have heard conflicting things here, too, so any information would also be appreciated.

Finally, my wife will shortly hold EU citizenship (Estonia). While I cannot work during the school term, it is my understanding that with her Estonian citizenship, her ability to work will not be hampered - is this true, or are we being naive?

Additionally, one of the things she is considering is au-pair work, in part to secure living quarters for we 3, but from what I have read, au pair work is reserved generally to single men and women. Any thoughts?

Any thoughts on these things, or on doing an ex-pat move for a family of 3, generally?

Thank you,


Edited by paul o' vendange (log)



Remplis ton verre vuide; Vuide ton verre plein. Je ne puis suffrir dans ta main...un verre ni vuide ni plein. ~ Rabelais

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Hi Paul:

What you pay will completely depend on many factors: location, size, length of contract, whether or not you get it through an agency, etc., etc. I pay (well my roomie and I split) 1350 Euros/month for a large, nice by Parisian standards, 2 br apartment with a VERY small kitchen. If size is not an issue, I’m sure you can find something much cheaper.

But price range is really large.

Regarding safety, I'm not sure I would personally raise kids in central Paris, but lots of people do. Again this will depend on which area you look at – something around Pigalle might not be as safe/child-friendly, where something in the 16th, will be quiet and moreso. But, in general families and people of all ages live in Paris and I feel safe here. The other Parisian EGers can correct me if I’m wrong – but if you use common sense Paris seems just as safe to me as any other major American or European city. (I can’t really speak for the other parts of the world.)

I have no idea on the Estonian/work permit question. I’m American and know it was really difficult for myself to work over here.

And, yes, the au pair work is probably going to be reserved to singles – especially if you are looking for something that will provide accommodations as well. But, some place you might want to check for the au pair work (in addition to what I am sure are many other resources) is the fusac online. http://fusac.fr/ But just because it’s generally reserved for singles, doesn’t mean you can’t find the exact thing you are looking for…I’m a big believer in persistence paying off, so if you keep at it, I imagine you’ll find what you need.

I know there’s several other EG-ers on here who live in Paris (and have for much longer than I have) so I imagine they’ll give you some useful information too. But please feel free to PM if you want more detailed information – I’m always happy to help a fellow EGer coming over! Good luck!

52 martinis blog


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Finally, my wife will shortly hold EU citizenship (Estonia). While I cannot work during the school term, it is my understanding that with her Estonian citizenship, her ability to work will not be hampered - is this true, or are we being naive?

I'm afraid that you are being naive. I'm pretty sure that under the transitional arrangements for the new EEC entrants the right to work is restricted. This period can last for up to 7 years from 2004.

France was one of the countries that was very worried about a 'mass' influx of workers from the East.

This does not mean that your wife cannot apply for a work permit in France & get one. It does mean, if I'm right, that she needs to start soon & allow plenty of time for all of the paperwork.

By all means check this out with the French embassy in Washington. I could well be (and I hope I am) wrong.

No matter what allow as much time as possible for paperwork. Bureauocracies work slowly.

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Thank you, great information, Dave and Forest.

Have either you of an opinion on the relative safety of the burbs v. the city proper? From what I have read, the broad-stroke painting is Paris is safe, the burbs are not. Thoughts?

Edited by paul o' vendange (log)



Remplis ton verre vuide; Vuide ton verre plein. Je ne puis suffrir dans ta main...un verre ni vuide ni plein. ~ Rabelais

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Again not much help on that as it probably depends on which area outside of Paris you are talking about. I see that John Talbott is reading this now and I imagine he knows Paris/outlying areas a lot better than me, having spent more time here...maybe he can let you know.

But for what it's worth I live inside the city limits (not in the nicest of areas) and feel completely safe.

52 martinis blog


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As you start making more decisions and have some options, it's probably better to give me a specific area that you are looking at and I could give you my opinion (for whatever it's worth) as could the other Paris EGs. Like I said before, feel free to PM me if you have questions on specific areas as well and I can check with friends or friends with kids to maybe get back to you with better information.

52 martinis blog


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Thank you, Forest. I appreciate your help. Some eye openers this morning, based on your and Dave's posts - among them, France indeed was not one of the signatories to a bilateral employment agreement (recent enlargement as of April, 2006, did not include France). And au pairs are single, under 30.



Remplis ton verre vuide; Vuide ton verre plein. Je ne puis suffrir dans ta main...un verre ni vuide ni plein. ~ Rabelais

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Thank you, great information, Dave and Forest. 

Have either you of an opinion on the relative safety of the burbs v. the city proper?  From what I have read, the broad-stroke painting is Paris is safe, the burbs are not; jowever, the burbs are cheap, whereas Paris is not.  Thoughts?

I'm conflicted about the direction this thread is taking; that is away from food and towards Paris safety.

I wonder if we shouldn't go to PM's for this as Forest has suggested- I do have some thots but think that's a better place.

Thanks John

John Talbott

blog John Talbott's Paris

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OK, John. I'm sorry if what I wrote isn't appropriate. I did think of this, but thought that as "travel" was part of this thread, issues of travelling (or living where travelling) would be appropriate. Apologies.



Remplis ton verre vuide; Vuide ton verre plein. Je ne puis suffrir dans ta main...un verre ni vuide ni plein. ~ Rabelais

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