I'm baffled.
This 'ingredients for dinner' selection consists of a chicken breast and a choice of "carb".
"Carbs" on offer are 紫薯 (zǐ shǔ), purple potato;
南瓜 (nán guā), pumpkin;
S: 黄瓜; T: 黃瓜 (huáng guā), cucumber;
or 玉米 (yù mǐ), porn spelled with an initial 'c' instead of the 'p'.
Remarkably, the choice you make has no effect on the price, except in the case of the last one I listed. The other chicken and "carb" combos are 19.90元 / $2.77 each but the last is a mere 9.90元 / $1.38.
In all probability, they have come to their senses and want rid of the damnable stuff as quickly as possible.