16 minutes ago, TdeV said:Thanks, Shai. My comment seems to have disappeared.
Different pasta shapes are to provide different textures? Have you chosen shapes which require the same cooking time?
FWIW, I pasted your comments about texture into my copy of your recipe to give my failing memory the ability to understand WHY you fried the pasta, so you might want to put that explanation on recipe gullet too.
Such talent you have!
Yes, the mixture of shapes adds some texture variation. I rarely cook such pasta mista, but I had some odds and ends of pastas to use up
I took the suggested cooking times in order to decide how long to cook one before adding the rest, then prayed to the gods of pasta (flying spaghetti monster?). Endded up pretty good. But I would have cooked the shells a minute more, if I could.
Will update the recipe with reasoning.