17 hours ago, CatIsHungry said:
That is beautiful looking Butter ... I guess Amish Butter beats out (any other Butter every day of the week and twice on Sundays 😁
that's a lump of our home-churned. I keep it in foil because butter does pick up 'off flavors' from the fridge.
with a stand mixer, home-churned is dead duck simple.
2 cups heavy whipping cream (yes, ultra pasteurized does work...)
using the whisk, low speed to develop a foam
high(er) speed to make whipped cream
higher speed until it gets grainy
then slow down a notch - eventually the water comes out of the butter fat in a flash
you go from 'grainy-getting lumpy' to 'butter and buttermilk' in 4-5 seconds.
left on high speed, it splashes and makes a big mess.....
massage the butter mass into a ball, squeezing out the buttermilk.
in some 20 minutes you've got really fresh butter.
and, use it/a portion for the most sublime compound butter(s) on the planet....
and the buttermilk for pancakes / waffles, add bacon & real maple syrup.
be sure to allow time to recover from the euphoria - it's that good a stuff....