This Isi spatula is especially good at getting goo out of the bottom of a Vitamix. It's great for other things too.
I don't use the Vitamix as often as our friends who think smoothies are a lifestyle, but I depend on it for quite a few things. In no particular order:
-Nut butters (people say you can't get them perfectly smooth in a blender, but I find it makes them as smooth as anything from the store. Just make sure the nuts are oily enough ... 60% plus)
-Ice cream
-Some sauces (anything you want velvety smooth, and don't want to have to strain; anything you need to disperse hydrocolloids into but have more more than your stick blender can handle)
-Vegetable purees (almost anything besides potatoes)
-Things that will be foamed in a whipping siphon
-Frozen drinks