Soon, we received reports that my youngest brother was pulling into the car park with my mother aboard. We had a long table like the Last Supper, but with the narrow end nearest the door. I was sitting to the left of Christ's empty seat.
My mother came in and was immediately surprised at the size of the crowd, but didn't really register who was there and who wasn't. She headed to the narrow end nearest her, but was soon redirected to her alloted position at the table centre.
She walked down the long edge of the table saying hello to family who live near her, then stopped, saw me, pointed in utter surprise, but I like to think, delighted. Here, captured by my daughter, is the moment she saw me.
and here is the gathering.
My family (almost - 6 were unable to come)
I suppose I should mention food, but in the excitement I only photographed my meal.
Fish and chips. Very good!
Hours passed in seconds and then people started to disperse. I returned to my hotel and had a pint of
and to bed, tired but happy.