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yes indeed


a warm tomato , perfectly ripe, picked from your own garden 


is a true delight.


I used to grow 24 tomato plants, in home made wire cages , soaker-hose watered , under a black plastic sheet


8 per row.  that's what a ' snaked 'soaker hose would cover well.


I started the seeds indoor in late jan.   moved the seedlings to 1 liter plastic jugs that had been band-sawed top to bottom and


re-sealed w clear packing tape.  the tomats when planted had a packed 1 liter ' root-ball '  and were 3 ft tall


they were plated on their sides w just the tip showing , as tomatoes root from their stem


i could hear them grow !


those were the days !


the local squirrels thought the same thing.


but there was enough to go around.



yes indeed


a warm tomato , perfectly ripe, picked from your own garden 


is a true delight.


I used to grow 24 tomato plants, in home made wire cages , soaker-hose watered , under a black plastic sheet


those were the days !


the local squirrels thought the same thing.


but there was enough to go around.

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