Now that my favorite Dr. Pepper Ten has become impossible to find here, I'm on the hunt for something else. Diet Dr. Pepper is what I've switched to, but I don't like it nearly as much (due to the lack of the small amount of sugar in Ten, I suppose.) Diet A&W Root Beer is good, but root beer is something I only like to drink infrequently.
I haven't tried a lot of diet sodas, but I'm looking for something better than Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Diet Pepsi, Diet Rite Cola or Diet Dr. Pepper. I haven't had much beyond those. The caffeine free varieties seem especially weak. It's been so many years since I've tried the "flavored" versions of Coke or Pepsi such as Vanilla Coke or Cherry Pepsi that I can't even remember what I've tried and they would have been the sugared versions anyway.
i know preferences for this sort of thing are going to be rather personal, but does anyone have any diet favorites or suggestions?
(Maybe I should just go to the quick stop and try one of everything, but I thought I'd ask here first.)