A pectin question was asked over on the Pate de Fruit thread in the Pastry and Baking forum - that led me to search out an old post of mine where I had made a gelee with NH pectin - in an effort to explain the texture.
Well - that then took me back to the beginning of that particular series of threads - the Supreme eG Pastry and Baking Challenge. It started over an incident where one of the regulars back then made a snarky comment about a dessert that someone had posted (called it a little homey I seem to recall) and that got my back up a bit.
So I started the challenge and it went for quite a while, each participant challenging the next to create a pastry or baked item within certain constraints.
I managed to spend far too much time over the last couple of days down the rabbit hole going back over a number of the challenges - and it occurred to me that perhaps others, who had nothing better to do, might want to do the same.
So I present to you - the first installment of the The Supreme eG Pastry and Baking Challenge for your time wasting enjoyment - here.
If you have discovered other older eG content that has dragged you down that rabbit hole - why not post a link on this thread so we can all enjoy.