Yesterday I made the Pork Shoulder Steaks in Red Curry-Braised Watermelon located on page 95.
@blue_dolphin made the same dish earlier. And, her pictures are better than mine.
Ya'll, this is GOOD stuff. Like blue_dolphin, I would have never guessed watermelon. Vivian compares it to tomatoes and I guess that's probably the closest thing...but it's not tomatoes. My watermelon was very very very sweet...but it was balanced out nicely by the vinegar and the red curry paste.
I thawed out a 9.5 lb pork shoulder roast and cut about 2" slabs off of it and then trimmed them up so they looked like country ribs.
I didn't get a picture of the browned meat--but Vivian says to brown the heck out of them at high heat to get a lot of caramelization so that's what I aimed for.
Here is our garden watermelon. I think it weighed about 35-40 lbs.
One of the best melons I've ever had
Here is the red curry paste I was able to find--it will last me the rest of my life . It's a large container. I need to google recipes for other uses.
I was kind of worried because the recipe calls for 5 cups of diced melon and it seemed like a lot, but it cooks down very nicely
Before the oven
And, the finished product served over rice
The pork is rich and tender and melty and the sauce.....I could just eat with a spoon. A+ grade from us