Returned yesterday from a five day fishing trip of which four were spent in pouring rain and to put icing on the cake not a single fish caught. Still have lots in the freezer from the last outing.
The garden is thriving:
Fall plantings of kohlrabi, lettuce, daikon and watermelon radish.
More lettuces, cilantro and dill.
And finally this morning's pickage.
Cocozelle zucchini, beet greens, jalapenos, dill, parsley, garlic chives, tomatoes, watermelon radishes, daikon, mouse melons, beets and in the center hot peppers (aji limo, habaneros, cherry bombs, hot portugals and a lone red jalapeno).
Those are the end of my beets and I have to admit I'm not a big fan of beetroot and grow them for their greens.
Over the next few days I'm going to start doing some serious preserving.