I usually have De Cecco, Rustichella d'Abruzzo, Garofalo dry pastas always around, as well as Cipriani (dried egg pastas). Some other odd-and-end or interesting brands (including Middle Eastern and Greek) are also around.** The "everyday" one I use tends to be De Cecco (rather than Garofalo which can be a bit more al dente than I like); R d'A & Cipriani when I feel fancier or want higher quality, but it also depends on the dish, of course. I like their taste and texture, which are different in their own way.
I used to cook Barilla pastas but stopped a few years ago and threw them out and never bought any more on principle. However, in recent years they seem to have corrected a particular situation - perhaps I might try them again. In any case I didn't think their pasta was *that* great but - for myself, speaking personally - was way better than stuff like Muellers or Creamette, which turned out much too soft for Italian-style dishes for my taste.
** I presume E/SE Asian "pastas" are NOT included in the discussion, although I think they should be.