" restaurant copper " pan, tinned or steel/nickel are historical items
I doubt any restaurant in this century has equipped itself with 2.5 or 3.5 pans
if there was a 'made in " date on all the pans we see, that would tell the story nicely.
this picture is interesting. most of the copper is on the shelf or hanging up
BTW most of the pans you see in this series of pics radiate a lot of heat from the sides into the kitchen
anyway Im very lucky. I have over 15 different pots and pans. from dehilerins. mid- 80's the FF was 11 to the dollar.
a 200 $$ identical pan in NYC at the time was one $ 20 traveler's check away. I had to go to the bank to get it changed into
real money. FF.
I love them all, but its not for today. OK, a few if you can get the prices I got way back then