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What wine goes with prime rib?


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Prime Rib as we serve it in the U.S. is really derivitive of British roast beef. And the Brits drink claret (Bordeaux) Old claret for that matter which I happen to think is the perfect match for prime rib.

Steve, I agree. Of course you have to be very old to have old claret. :biggrin: We enjoyed one with our Christmas rib roast. It was a perfect compliment to the beefy, rich, aged meat with a pungent jus.

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You wouldn't believe it but the Host/Hostess has decided, that since children will be at the party, it will be non-alcoholic. You'd think that they would have figured that out before hand. :hmmm:

If there's no alcohol, I hope there's a helluva a lot of horseradish.

I'm hollywood and I approve this message.

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I'm beginning to think that my Mother was the one who decided against the booze, for what I have no idea. :huh:

The Host/Hostess greeted us at the door with glasses of wine and shots of Raspberry di Amori-which was very delightful! I had never heard of it before and it tasted divine. I must get some for myself!

We had a wonderful time, just wonderful and were home in time to ring in the New Year with just our 4 year old daughter.

Cheers everyone! :laugh:

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