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elBulli, imitations?


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Obviously the restaurant elBulli in Spain is doing some things other restaurants aren't. Something like, their mango "caviar". Anyone know of any spin off restaurants or immitations on elBulli? I've heard of Trio, and their menu does look pretty interesting, but not as "can-i-really-call-this-food" as elBulli's. Someone, somewhere has got to be trying to copy Mr. Adria.

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Harry, Hello....

Chefs from the world over, including Japan, Hong Kong Jordan, Israel, the USA, Canada, France, Turkey and Greece (among others) are running diligently to do mini-stages at El Bulli and then coming back to their own restaurants, tins of El Bulli's patented products in hand to do what they think is "their own thing". Some are doing it in full meals, others simply using molecular gastronomy as an add-on to their regular dishes.

For my thoughts on some of these shenanegans see my related post in the Middle-East section at http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?showtopic=104886

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alinea in Chicago is a VERY "avant garde" restaurant in the

Style of el bulli. Grant, the chef, is doing some amazing things.

- Chef Johnny

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- Inside The Alinea Food Lab

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- Alinea Kitchen Design

- Alinea - The Business Plan

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  • 2 weeks later...
Obviously the restaurant elBulli in Spain is doing some things other restaurants aren't. Something like, their mango "caviar". Anyone know of any spin off restaurants or immitations on elBulli? I've heard of Trio, and their menu does look pretty interesting, but not as "can-i-really-call-this-food" as elBulli's. Someone, somewhere has got to be trying to copy Mr. Adria.

I assume you're talking about Trio in Evanston where Grant Achatz was doing molecular cuisine. Almost three years ago Achatz left Trio and opened Alinea which is full fledged avant-garde.

WD-50 in New York is molecular.

so is Moto in Chicago.

FoodBar in D.C.

the Fat Duck in the UK...Sidney Blumenthal's place.

indeed, restaurants all over Europe are working in the El Bulli milieu. some successfully, some not so.

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The closest thing to elBulli in the US, though it is so much more than a clone, is Jose Andres' minibar in DC, which is what I believe Nathan was referring to when he mentioned "Foodbar" :wink: The spirit is very similar to that at elBulli, while the dishes, ambiance and style are different. It is a fun and intimate experience with only six seats (at present) at a bar in front of an open kitchen.

John Sconzo, M.D. aka "docsconz"

"Remember that a very good sardine is always preferable to a not that good lobster."

- Ferran Adria on eGullet 12/16/2004.

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Wow thanks for all the pointers here, I will be reading more about this in the other threads.

I watched Tony Bourdain's DVD on Ferran Adria and have become very intrigued. Not to cook this wierd and interesting stuff myself, but to try to understand what he is doing, and wonder what this might mean to the future of cuisine.


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