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  1. I'm wondering if anyone knows of a structured chinese cooking school for professionals, in China or Hong Kong perhaps? There's Le Cordon Bleu for French cooking, and the CIA for America, what about Chinese cooking? I know of many cooking schools for non-professionals (read: housewives) in Hong Kong, but nothing for professionals. Wouldn't it be nice if there is an institution like that in China so that more people around the world can learn about this wonderful cuisine? (which I think is the best).
  2. Crescent Dragonwagon's Passionate Vegetarian. Now it seems that many posters on eGullet tend to dismiss "vegetarian" cookbooks. Myself, I'm no vegetarian; however, this book has already paid for itself this summer. Wonderful recipes that are helping me take advantage of farmer's market produce & other freshness. Anyone cooking from this? Thoughts? Comments?
  3. I was raised vegetarian, although we (my siblings and I) were never forced to be vegetarian. My siblings are not, I am. I suppose it just didn't take. Now, as I get more and more interested in cooking, I feel limited by being a vegetarian. However, I can only conjecture about the limitations. There are probably obvious limitations associated with ingredients and cooking techniques (can't quite marinate and slowly cook zucchini for three days like you could lamb!) but what else am I missing? Recently, I was agonizing over a tomato curry spiced with cumin, ajwain and ginger and thought, as I was sniffing it to decide what to add next - ah! a piece of pork would be perfect and then I wondered where did that thought even came from? And that led to a bunch of other questions .... So here's two: 1. Is this true? Is this just a half life? Or am I just losing my mind? 2. Has anyone ever gone from being a vegetarian to a non-vegetarian? How did you start?
  4. How does the fact that Indian cooking in homes is largely vegetarian affect the restaurants serving Indian food? What effect does it have on the sales in a restaurant? Do people go to them primarily to eat meats and sate their cravings thereof? Any thoughts?
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