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  1. I know this has been discussed, but rather than rehash old threads I thought it was time to revisit. Having recently moved my usual rotation of restaurants has moved as well. In addition, places change. So, my usual sojurn to Jersey City to Casa Dante has now become a longer trip, but this place to me has always been worth the drive. I just can't seem to get it into my usual rotation due to the distance, drive, friends, etc. I always liked Cafe Italiano (Englewood Cliffs), but I haven't been there in a good couple of years -- and I really have to try the Cliffs Steakhouse next door before a return trip to Cafe Italiano. I was going there both pre and post liquor license. The chef, and I think there might have been a change somewhere along the line, always had some nice specials that were well implemented. I specifically remember a seafood risotto with a very nice sauce that was excellent. I haven't been there in quite some time, but David's (Cliffside Park) was a place I always enjoyed -- small, always packed, but excellent food. I lived around the corner when I first moved to the area, and then after moving it will still a "neighborhood" place. This is another place I really want to get back to. E & V -- guilty again, haven't been since a business lunch a while back, and another "really need to get back to" place. A bit of a sleeper for me has been Granita Grill (Westwood) -- BYO, quiet, nothing super-fancy, but good, tasty, quality food. A few have fallen off my list as well -- changes, for the bad, ownership, management, chef, etc. (don't need to go there, LOL). Anyone been to LuNello's in the new location (not so new anymore)? So, what about some other places? Neighborhood kind of places? Even the big names in your area. I think many know about the big names, that seem to be all over. What about some of the neighborhood places -- all over -- Northwest Bergen, Passaic, Essex, etc. If enough people post we could have a ton of neigborhood places all over the place. Thanks. Eric
  2. For a variety of reasons I've found myself on airplanes a lot recently, and as light airplane fare have been reading some detective books by Sicilian author Andrea Camilleri. One thing that is very interesting about Italian popular fiction is that the authors often spend significant time describing what the characters are eating, and the characters are often great lovers of food. Camilleri's stories are set in the Sicilian town of Vigàta, and his protagonist, commissario Montalbano, eats fish and seafood almost exclusively (one gets the impression this is true of most everyone there). Many wonderful dishes have been described, and I find myself in serious need of guidance and inspiration in making these dishes and others like them for myself. Ideally what I'd like is a Southern Italian fish and seafood cookbook. Failing that, a comprehensive Italian fish/seafood cookbook or a fish-heavy Sicilian cookbook would be just the thing. Recommendations?
  3. This needs to be read:The Times online Any comments? By the way, GLIS GLIS is known as GHIRO in Italian
  4. Hi, I am hosting a dinner party this coming Saturday. One of the dishes planned includes home-made bowtie pasta. The dough is just all purpose flour and eggs. I did a test run last week and the bowties turned out great. I made them at night and left them out, under a tent of plastic wrap, for about 18 hours, before they went into the boiling water. But here's what I'm worried about: for the actual dinner, I'm probably going to need to make a couple hundred or more bowties. It's a fairly time-intensive process (hand shaping each one) so I'd rather do a third Wednesday, a third Thursday, and a third Friday, or something along those lines. I have no idea, however, how the already shaped bowties will hold up if I make them as early as Wednesday, and don't drop them in water until Saturday afternoon. Thoughts? Can I just refrigerate in covered container for 3+ days? Will the shape hold? Is there anything I should do to prevent it from drying out, or turning to slime? I don't have much experience refrigerating pasta dough; every other time I've used my pasta machine I've cooked the pasta within a day and a half of making it. Also, alternatively, would it make sense to cook it before Saturday, and just refrigerate the cooked-product? Par-cooked, maybe? Sorry if this is a simple question, over-complicated. I just don't want to find out on Saturday that Wednesday's bowties have turned to brittle, or to slime.
  5. Having read about how delicious the tromboncino is and having failed at growing them in my garden, I have now acquired one from a neighbor. I'd love to hear about traditional ways of preparing this wacky-looking squash. (My neighbor calls it by the Italian nickname which I can't begin to spell but which I suspect is rather off-color.)
  6. I need some technical help with making "Fonduta." Fontina Val d'Aosta, milk, butter, egg yolks, white truffle love... Sometimes the cheese behaves badly. It gets tight, it gets grainy, its too thin... And then... how do you eat the Fonduta? Sorry if the topic has already been covered
  7. I'd like to make pasta totally by hand- I'll have a decent chunk of time for a weekend project. (I don't have a mixer or food processor.) Which flour do you think will be better as a novice with just hands, a rolling pin and a strong will ? Durum flour or semolina flour are the 2 options I'm thinking are best, though of course I have access to AP, whole wheat, pastry flours, etc. I'd like to pick up the flour from a great bulk foods store tomorrow on the way home from work, so any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
  8. We were at the Moncalvo Truffle Fair today so I thought I would share some pictures. The price we heard today was €3,300 per kilo so thats $4750/kilo or $2160/lb This group weighs 1500 grams and because of the large sizes the market value is about $10,000
  9. Hey, I have a batch of braised beef I want to turn into Cannelloni (making them into ravioli is more work than I'm willing to put in this weekend). For cannelloni from fresh pasta: Do I wrap the meat in the uncooked pasta square? How thick should the pasta be, ie to which notch on the pasta roller should I go? Cooking it: I won't drown it in tomato sauce, how do I make it warm? I figure: wrap in aluminum foil, and throw in the oven. Thanks, all.
  10. very bitter leaves? Is there a way to remove or mask the bitterness I grew up with radicchio o radicheta along with other Mediterranean vegies growing wild in the paddocks so many good memories even thistle, cardo or cardune simply delicious. But coming back to this vegie I have never consider eating the outer leathery leaves. I tried with melting cheese and oven baked not my cup of tea. Any other suggestions.Thanks
  11. jende

    Fresh pasta

    Every year I bah-humbug about the materialism of Christmas, so this year I'm finally taking action by giving homemade gifts to nearly all (I'm counting on my niece and nephew to take care of me in my old age, so they're still getting toys). One idea I have is to make fresh fettucine and homemade sauce. Usually I either eat or freeze my pasta the same day I make it, so I'm not sure how to keep it for about a week until I give it away. My initial plan is to allow the pasta to dry in nests for a couple of hours, then package it in plastic bags and refrigerate it. Any thoughts?
  12. I just took home a bottle of a really unique liqueur, one which I don't think is readily available in the US. It's called Finnet, a fennel infused liqueur in the style of limoncello. First, a description: weighing in at 30% abv and pouring a pale pea green, Finnet has a flavor that is exactly like raw fennel. In fact, without having a piece of fennel to crunch along side my glass, I can't really discern a difference. It's sweet, but not overwhelmingly so, the sugar offset by the green herbal and anise like flavors of the fennel. I'm really enjoying it's light and refreshing flavor, and I suspect it would be excellent as an served as an aperitif, or a palate cleanser between courses. I think it could make a excellent cocktail, but I can't find any mentions of it online, and nothing readily appears to me. I've been racking my brain to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm tempted to try it in place of an anissette in traditional recipes, but the flavor difference is as distinct as fennel is from black licorice. Any ideas would be more than welcome. I did try one recipe, an improvised bastardization of a negroni, combining one part plymouth gin with one part vya dry vermouth and one part Finett, garnished with a lemon twist. It was one of those mystical mixological occasions where quality ingredients combine to create something truly horrid. Salty, stale, and musky at the same time. Just nasty, basically. I can't remember the last time I poured out one of my own creations, so I beg the wisdom of cocktalians everywhere.
  13. We want to cater a party at work, and the cuisine of choice for the party is Italian. Any suggestions of restaurants that cater? My office manager wants to call Maggiano's and I am sure we can do better than that for food and price.
  14. Nonna This guy has quite the pedigree. How exciting for Dallas. Brief review from a blog
  15. I'm looking for different pasta recipes to try out for a small article. More than anything I want to try to see the differences that more eggs and different flours contribute to the final product. Also i'm interested in trying pasta doughs that incorporate other flavors and the challenges that extra moisture adds to the equation. Ill post pictures when done TIA
  16. Hello, I recently bought a sausage I think is called cottechino without acquainting myself with it beforehand. I think I remember seeing somewhere that it is made with... pork trotters? That would concur with my first impression, which was that it smelled and tasted very porky, and not necessarily in a way I like. - Is this sausage normally very porky, and is this caused by the pig trotters? - Are there any recipes you recommend for this sausage that go well with/ mute its porky nature? - What is this sausage usually purchased for? Thanks for any help you can give to an annoyingly curious person.
  17. I just got home from a cycling trip to Tuscany. While I was there, I ate two kinds of "rustici" cookies. I had never heard of these cookies before. They were delicious. I bought one bag at a grocery store and they were commercially made by Corsini. The ingredients listed are just hazelnuts, sugar, egg whites and salt. The other kind was from a specialty store and also was flavored with chocolate and a hint of cinnamon, I think. The cookies are small drop type cookies that are basically finely chopped hazelnuts held together by a cross between biscotti and meringue. I am assuming that some of the hazelnuts listed in the ingredients are actually ground hazelnuts. I could not find a recipe on the internet. Does anyone have a recipe or an idea of the rough proportions I should start experimenting with? Thanks.
  18. When in Italy, what's your favorite brand of Italian coffee? I'm asking because we are in the throes of deciding what brand to use in our new restaurant, and would love to hear some biased opinions! Grazie mille!
  19. A couple of us are heading to Piedmonte in November and we are looking to do some truffle hunting. Anyone know of a guide we can hire? Any assistance is appreciated. Best Regards, Mark
  20. Having read a lot about guanciale (cured pork jowl), yesterday I finally bought some. There's one cheek, currently sitting in the fridge, vacuum sealed as it came. I'm planning to crack it open tomorrow night for carbonara, but I'll have a fair bit left over. Any suggestions on how best to store it, and for how long?
  21. DUEMALLEVINI (THE ASSOCIATION OF ITALIAN SOMMELIERS) 2007 TOP RESTAURANT PICKS IN PIEDMONT (Listed according to town) RISTORANTE I CAFFI ACQUI TERME (AL) Via Verdi ang.Via del Voltone, 1 Tel. 0144 325206 - www.icaffi.it RISTORANTE PISTERNA ACQUI TERME (AL) Via Scatilazzi, 15 - Tel. 0144 325114 - www.pistema.it RISTORANTE DULCIS VITIS ALBA (CN) Via Rattazzi, 7 Tel. 0173 364633 - www.dulcisvitis.it RISTORANTE LOCANDA DEL PILONE ALBA (CN) Fraz. Madonna di Corno, 34 Tel. 0 173 366616 - www.locandadeipilone.com RISTORANTE PIAZZA DUOMO Alba (CN) P.zza Risorgimento, 4 Tel. 0173 366167 - www.piazzaduomoalba.it RISTORANTE L'ARCIMBOLDO Alessandria Via Legnano, 2 Tel. 0131 52022 - www.RISTORANTEarcimboldo.it RISTORANTE LA FERMATA ALESSANDRIA - Fraz. Spinetta Marengo Via Bolla, 2 Tel. 0131251350 - www.lafermata-al.it RISTORANTE IL GRAPPOLO ALESSANDRIA - Via Casale, 28 - Tel. 0131 253217 - www.RISTORANTEiigrappolo.it RISTORANTE VECCHIA ARONA ARONA (NO) Lungolago Marconi, 17 Tel. 0322 242469 RISTORANTE L'ANGOLO DEL BEATO ASTI Via Guttuari, 12 Tel. 0141531668 - www.angolodelbeato.it RISTORANTE GENER NEUV ASTI Lungo Tanaro dei Pescatori, 4 Tel. 0141 557270 - www.generneuv.it OSTERIA Al BINARI ASTI - S.S. Asti-Chivasso Fraz. Mombarone, 145 Tel. 0141294228 OSTERIA DEL DIAVOLO ASTI P.zza San Martino, 6 Tel. 0 141 30221 - 339 4286857 - www.osteriadeldiavolo.it TACABANDA ASTI Via al Teatro Alfieri, 5 Tel. 0141 530999 RISTORANTE ANTINÉ BARBARESCO (CN) Via Torino, 16 Tel. 0 173 635294 - www.antine.it RISTORANTE AL VECCHIO TRE STELLE BARBARESCO (CN) Fraz. Tre Stelle Tel. 0173 638192 - www.vecchiotrestelle.it RISTORANTE D'LA PICOCARDA BARGE (CN) Loc. Crocera Via Cardè, 71 Tel. 0175 30300 RISTORANTE LOCANDA NEL BORGO ANTICO BAROLO (CN) Via Boschetti, 4 Tel. 0173 56355 - www.locandanelborgo,it RISTORANTE OSTERIA LA CANTINELLA BAROLO (CN) Via Acqua Gelata, 4/a Tel. 0173 56267 RISTORANTE VILLA D'AMELIA BENEVELLO (CN) Fraz. Manera Loc. Bonelli Bianchi, 1 Tel. 0173 529225 - www.villadamelia.com RISTORANTE BUNET BERGOLO (CN) Via Roma, 24 Tel. 0173 87013 - www.lbunet.it RISTORANTE PRINZ GRILL BIELLA Via Torino, 14 Tel. 015 30302 RISTORANTE PINOCCHIO BORGOMANERO (NO) Via Matteotti, 147 Tel. 0322 82273 - www.RISTORANTEpinocchio.it RISTORANTE TRATTORIA DEI COMMERCIANTI BORGOMANERO (NO) Via Cornice, 35 Tel. 0322 841392 - www.trattoriadeicommercianti.it RESTORANTE OSTERIA CASCINA DEI FIORI BORGOVERCELLI (VC) Reg. Forte Cascina dei Fiori Tel. 0161 32827 RISTORANTE AL RODODENDRO BOVES (CN) Via San Giacomo, 73 Tel. 0171380372 RISTORANTE LA CORTE ALBERTINA BRA (CN) Fraz. Pollenzo P.zza Vittorio Emanuele 3 Tel. 0172 458189 - www.lacortealbertina.it RISTORANTE GUIDO A POLLENZO BRA (CN) - Fraz. Pollenzo Via Fossano, 19 Tel. 0172 458422 - www.guidoRISTORANTE.it RISTORANTE OSTERIA DEL BOCCONDIVINO BRA (CN) Via Mendicità Istruita, 14 Tel. 0172 425674 - www.boccondivinoslow.it RISTORANTE MARSUPINO BRIAGLIA (CN) Via Roma, 20 Tel. 0174 563888 - www.trattoriamarsupino.it RISTORANTE VIOLETTA CALAMANDRANA (AT) Via Valle San Giovanni, 1 Tel. 0 141 769011 OSTERIA DELLA GALLINA SVERSA CALOSSO (AT) - Fraz. Piana del Salto Via Battibò, 9 Tel. 0141853483 - www.gallinasversa.com RISTORANTE GARDENIA CALUSO (TO) C.so Torino, 9 Tel. 011 9832249 - www.gardeniacaluso.it RISTORANTE TAVERNA DI CAMPAGNA DAL 1997 CAMAGNA MONFERRATO (AL) Vicolo Sallina, 20 Tel. 0142 925645 RISTORANTE AL CAMINETTO CAMERI (NO) Via Cavour, 30 Tel. 0321 518780 RISTORANTE ALL ENOTECA L CANALE (CN) Via Roma, 57 Tel. 0173 95857 RISTORANTE VILLA TIBOLDI CANELLI (CN) - Loc. Tiboldi Case Sparse, 127 Tel. 0173 970388 - www.villatiboldi.it RISTORANTE SAN MARCO CANELLI (AT) Via Alba, 136 Tel. 0141 823544 - www.sanmarcoRISTORANTE.it RISTORANTE LOCANDA MALPASSUTI CARBONARA SCRIVIA (AL) Vicolo A. Cantù, 11 Tel. 0131 892643 - www.locandamalpassuti.it RISTORANTE OSTERIA DEL BORGO CARRÙ (CN) Via Garibaldi, 19 Tel. 0173 759184 - www.osteriaborgo.it RISTORANTE CACCIATORI CARTOSIO (AL) Via Moreno, 30 Tel. 0 144 40123 RISTORANTE LA TORRE CASALE MONFERRATO (AL) Via Candiani d'Olivola, 36 Tel. 0142 70295 - www.RISTORANTE-latorre.it RISTORANTE LA FIORAIA CASTELLO DI ANNONE (AT) Via Mondo, 26 Tel. 0141401106 RISTORANTE ARIANNA CAVAGLIETTO (NO) Via Umberto, 4 Tel. 0322 806l34 - www.jre.it RISTORANTE ANTICA CORONA REALE CERVERE (CN) Via Fossano, 13 Tel. 0 172 474132 RISTORANTE OPERTI 1772 DA FAUSTO CHERASCO (CN) Via Vittorio Emanuele, 103 Tel. 0172 487048 - www.opertil772.it RISTORANTE OSTERIA DELLA ROSA ROSSA CHERASCO (CN) Via San Pietro, 31 Tel. 0172 488133 RISTORANTE SAN DOMENICO CHIERI (TO) Via San Domenico, 2/b Tel. 0 11 9411864 RISTORANTE DOLCE STIL NOVO CIRIÈ (TO) - Loc. Devesi Via San Pietro, 71 Tel. 011 9211110 - www.dolcestilnovo.com RISTORANTE LOCANDA DELL 'ARCO CISSONE (CN) Pzza dell'Olmo, 1 Tel. 0 173 748200 - www.locandadellarco.com RISTORANTE VILLA SAN CARLO CORTEMILIA (CN) C.so Divisioni Alpine, 41 Tel. 0173 81546 - www.hotelsancarlo.it ENOTECA CAFFÈ ROMA COSTIGLIOLE D'ASTI (AT) Pzza Umberto 1, 14 Tel. 0141 966544 - www.enotecafferoma.com RISTORANTE COLLAVINI COSTIGLIOLE D'ASTI (AT) S.da Traniera 24 Tel. 0141966440 - www.fistorantecollavini.it RISTORANTE DA MAURIZIO CRAVANZANA (CN) - Via San Rocco, 16 Tel. 0173 855019 - www.RISTORANTEdamaurizio.it RISTORANTE BEL SOGGIORNO CREMOLINO (AL) Via Umberto 1, 69 Tel. 0143 879012 - www.RISTORANTEbelsoggiorno.it RISTORANTE DELLE ANTICHE CONTRADE CUNEO Via Savigliano, 11 Tel. 0171 690429 - www.antichecontrade.it RISTORANTE OSTERIA DELLA CHIOCCIOLA CUNEO Via Fossano, 1 Tel. 0 171 66277 RISTORANTE TRATTORIA DEI TACCONOTTI FRASCARO (AL) - Fraz. Tacconotti, 17 Tel. 0131278488 RISTORANTE NUOVO IMPERO GATTINARA (NO) Via E Mattai, 4 Tel. 0 163 833234 RISTORANTE CANTINE DEL GAVI GAVI (AL) Via G. Manneli, 69 Tel. 0 143 642458 RISTORANTE OSTERIA LA MADERNASSA GUARENE (CN) Fraz. Castelrotto Loc. Lora, 2 Tel: 0 173 611716 - www.osterialamadernassa.it RISTORANTE IL CASCINALENUOVO ISOLA D'ASTI (AT) Statale Asti-Alba, 15 Tel. 0141958166 - www.ilcascinalenuovo.it RISTORANTE DA MANUELA ISOLA SANT' ANTONI0 (AL) Via Po, 31 Tel. 0131857177 RESTORANTE BELVEDERE LA MORRA (CN) Pzza Castello, 5 Tel: 017350190 - www.belvederelamorra.it RISTORANTE OSTERIA VEGLIO LA MORRA (CN) - Fraz. Annunziata, 9 - Tel. 0173 509341 RISTORANTE LA PIOLA DEL BARBON MANTA (CN) Via Garibaldi, 190 Tel. 0175 88088 RISTORANTE NOVECENTO MEINA (NO) Via Ing. Bonomi, 13 Tel. 0322 669600 - www.nov-ece-nto.it RISTORANTE MACALLÉ Momo (NO) Via Boniperti, 2 Tel. 0321926064 - www.macalle.it RISTORANTE AMETISTA MONCALVO (AT) P.zza Antico Castello, 15 Tel. 0 141 917423 RISTORANTE GIARDINO DA FELICIN MONFORTE D'ALBA (CN) Via Vallada, 18 Tel. 0 173 78225 - www.felicin.it OSTERIA LA SALITA MONFORTE D'ALBA (CN) Via Marconi, 2/a Tel. 0 173 787196 RISTORANTE TRATTORIA DELLA POSTA MONFORTE D'ALBA (CN) Loc. Sant'Anna, 87 Tel. 0 173 78120 - www.trattoriadellaposta.it RISTORANTE LA BRAJA MONTEMAGNO (AT) Via San Giovanni Bosco, 11 Tel. 0141653925 - www.labraja.it RISTORANTE CONTI ROERO MONTICELLO D'ALBA (CN) Pzza San Ponzio, 3 Tel. 0173 64155 - www.contiroero.com RISTORANTE CASCINA MARTINI MURISENGO (AL) - Fraz. Corteranzo Via Gianoli, 15 Tel. 0 141693015 - www.cascinamartini.com RISTORANTE LA CONTEA NEIVE (CN) Pzza Cocito, 8 Tel. 0173 67126-677558 - www.la-contea.it CANTINA DEL RONDÒ NIEVE (CN) Loc. Fausoni, 7 Tel. 0173 679808 - www.cantinadelrondo.it LA SIGNORA IN ROSSO NIZZA MONFERRATO (AT) Via Crova, 2 Tel: 0141 793350 - www.signorainrosso.com RISTORANTE TANTRIS NOVARA C.so Risorgimento, 384 Tel. 0321657343 RISTORANTE VILLA CRESPI ORTA SAN GIULIO (NO) Via G. Fava, 18 Tel. 0322 911902 - www.hotelvillacrespi.it RISTORANTE OSTERIA DEL BRUTTO ANATROCCOLO PEZZOLO VALLE UZZONE (CN) Via Roma, 31 Tel. 0173 827505 RISTORANTE LE CLIVIE PIOBESI D'ALBA (CN) - Loc. Carretta, 2 Tel. 0173 619261 RISTORANTE AI NOVE MERLI PIOSSASCO (TO) Via Rapida ai Castelli, 10 Tel:. 011 90413 8 8 - www.novemerli.it RISTORANTE IL PATIO POLLONE (BI) Via Oremo, 14 Tel. 0 15 61568 RISTORANTE IL CENTRO PRIOCCA (CN) - Via Uimberto 1, 5 Tel. 0173 616112 - www.RISTORANTEilcentro.com RISTORANTE COMBAL.ZERO RIVOLI (TO) - Pzza Mafalda di Savoia Tel. 011 9565225 - www.combal.org VINERIA TASCHET ROCCHETTA TANARO (AT) P.zza Piacentino, 11 Tel. 0 141 644424 RISTORANTE L’OSTU DIJ BALOSS SALUZZO (CN) - Via Gualtieri 38 Tel. 0175 248618 - www.ostudijbaloss.it RISTORANTE MALAN LOCANDA DEL POSTALE SAN GERMANO CHISONE (TO) Via Ponte Palestro, 25 Tel. 0121 58822 - www.RISTORANTErnalan.it RISTORANTE CASTELLO DI SAN GIORGIO SAN GIORGIO MONFERRATO (AL) Via Cavalli d'Olivola, 3 Tel. 0142 806203 - www.castellodisangiorgio.it RISTORANTE DEL BELBO DA BARDON SAN MARZANO OLIVETO (AT) Loc. Valle Asinari, 25 Tel. 0 141 831340 RISTORANTE LA CREDENZA SAN MAURIZIO CANAVESE (TO) Via Cavour, 22 Tel: 0 11 9278014 - www.fistorantelacredenza.it RISTORANTE IL RISTORANTE DI GUIDO DA COSTIGLIOLE SANTO STEFANO BELBO (CN) Loc. San Maurizio, 39 Tel: 0 141 844455 - www.relaissanmaurizio.it RISTORANTE LA ROSA DEI VINI SERRALUNGA D'ALBA (CN) Loc. Parafada, 4 Tel. 0 173 613219 - www.larosadeivini.com RISTORANTE LA COCCINELLA SERRAVALLE LANGHE (CN) Via Provinciale, 5 Tel: 0173 748220 - www.the-weber.com/coccinella RISTORANTE AL SORRISO SORRISO (NO) Via Roma, 18 Tel: 0322 983228 - www.alsorriso.com RISTORANTE PIEMONTESE STRESA (VB) Via Mazzini, 25 Tel. 0323 30235 - www.stresa.org RISTORANTE OSTERIA IL MELOGRANO TERRUGGIA (AL) Pzza Vittorio Emanuele III, 9 Tel. 0142 401531 - www.osteriailmelograno.com RISTORANTE VITTORIA TIGLIOLE (AT) Via Roma, 14 Tel. 0141667713 - www.RISTORANTEvittoria.it RISTORANTE AB+ TORINO Via della Basilica 13 Tel. 0114390618 - www.progettocluster.com RISTORANTE LA BARRIQUE TORINO C.so Dante, 53/a Tel. 011 657900 RISTORANTE CASA VICINA TORINO Via A. Massena, 66 Tel. 0 11 590949 - www.casavicina.it RISTORANTE CUBICO TORINO Via Saluzzo, 86 bis Tel. 011 19714546 - www.cubicoRISTORANTE.it RISTORANTE DEL CAMBIO TORINO P.zza Carignano, 2 Tel. 0 11 546690 - www.thi.it RISTORANTE AL GARAMOND TORINO Via Pomba, 14 Tel. 011 8122781 - www.algaramond.it RISTORANTE AL GATTO NERO TORINO C.so Filippo Turati, 14 Tel. 011 590477-590414 - www.gattonero.it RISTORANTE LOCANDA MONGRENO TORINO S.da comunale Mongreno, 50 Tel. 011 8980417 RISTORANTE LA PISTA TORINO Via Nizza, 262 Tel. 0116313523 - www.lapista.to.it RISTORANTE TRE GALLINE TORINO Via G. Bellezia, 37 Tel. 0114366553 - www.3galline.it OSTERIA ANTICHE SERE TORINO Via Cenischia, 9 Tel. 0 11 3 854347 RISTORANTE VINTAGE 1997 TORINO P.zza Solferino, 16/h Tel. 011 535948 - www.vintagel997.com LE VITEL ETONNÉ TORINO Via San Francesco da Paola, 4 Tel. 011 8124621 - www.leviteletonne.com RISTORANTE FLIPOT TORRE PELLICE (TO) C.so A. Gramsci 17 Tel. 0121 953465 - www.flipot.com RISTORANTE CAFFÉ GROPPI TRECATE (NO) V.le G. Mameli, 20 Tel. 0321 71154 - www.caffegroppi.it RISTORANTE LA CIAU DEL TORNAVENTO TREISO (CN) P.zza Baracco, 7 Tel. 0173 638333 - www.lacialadeltornavento.it RISTORANTE PICCOLO LAGO VERBANIA Fraz. Fondotoce Via E Turati, 87 Tel. 0323 586792 - www.piccololago.it RISTORANTE GIARDINETTO VERCELLI Via L. Sereno, 3 Tel. 0161 257230 - www.hrgiardinetto.com RISTORANTE REAL CASTELLO VERDUNO (CN) Via Umberto 1, 9 Tel. 0172 470125 - www.castellodiverduno.com RISTORANTE LA PERGOLA VEZZA D'ALBA (CN) Loc. Borgonuovo P.zza San Carlo, 1 Tel. 0173 65178 VINERIA OSTERIA PERBACCO VILLA SAN SECONDO (AT) - Fraz. San Secondo Via Montechiaro, 26 Tel. 0141 905525 - www.osteriaperbacco.it
  22. I live in the Boston area and today I went on a very cool culinary tour of the North End (Boston's Little Italy). A few of the shops there sell what they call "Artisan Pasta", which as I understand it is pasta that is not made in big factories (like Barilla), but rather are made by smaller producers who dry the pasta longer and use different extrusion equipment. QUESTION: Is buying artisan pasta worth it? Will I notice the difference? By the way, our guide also told us that about 5 years ago Barilla setup factories in the US and the Barilla we're now buying is now made in the US not Italy (except for a few pasta shapes/types sold in specialty stores). He says that it just hasn't been the same since the switch. Anyone else hear this? Agree with this?? -Mark-
  23. Italian Wine Tasting Vin Classic Wines 5717 Legacy Drive Suite 120 Plano, TX (Map) Thursday June 28, 2007 6:30 - 8:00 pm Free, with a paltry $5 contribution per person to the eGullet Society Wines tasted: Frescobaldi Brut Millisimato 2000 Attems Pinot Grigio 2005 Nipozzano Chiant Reserva 2003 Castelgiocondo Brunello 2002 Tenuta di Castglioni Rosso Toscana 2004 Ornellaia 2004 Pomino Vin Santo 2001 Thanks to Darrell Gibson at Vin Classic for arranging this special tasting, and to Gina della Vedova from the distributor, Folio, for the interesting background on each wine poured. This was the most extensive free tasting I have been to -- from the $12 Attens Pinot Grigio 2005 to the $175 Tenuta dell' Ornellaia 2004.
  24. I was just introduced to a FANTASTIC Italian market yesterday in Boston's North End. For those not near Boston, they do mail order. The stuff I tasted (proscuitto and cheese) was amazing. And, they also sell a balsamic vinegar that is quite interesting. They made a deal with the producer to basically sell his production. So, the guy does not go through the hoops and expense to get a DOP or similar label. Result: for about $35 you get a bottle that would otherwise be maybe $90. Their site is here: Salumeria Italiana Other great sources for Italian high quality products??? Please add to the thread. -Mark-
  25. Hi guys, We are planning to attend the US open next week in flushing and was wondering if any egulleter's can recommend an italian American restaurant in Queens ? So far I'm pondering Don Peppe's on lefferts BLVD , but I have no inkling of where the restaurant is in relation to the US open. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks. --Pat
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