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  1. This week, May 17-22, we have in the eGullet Q&A Forum, the abovementioned Corey and McCoy, ready to answer any and all questions regarding thier quest for individual titles as Beerdrinkers of the Year, as well as their thoughts on beer styles, beer travel (and they've done a TON of travel, worldwide), beer food and many of their most memorable beer adventures. Load up your best questions for Cornelia (beergirl) and Ray (alekeep), and get ready for some great beer give and take! Q&A with McCoy and Corey
  2. Lisa1349

    Brewfest 2004

    The Brandywine Valley Craft brewers festival will be held, rain or shine in the parking lot of the Iron Hill Brewery in Media, PA. Over 25 all you can drink beers will be available from Victory, Yards, Dogfish Head, Troegs, Wayerbacher and more. $25 (a portion goes to charity) gets you an afternoon of adventures. $5 for designated drivers. Comcast will provide large TVs for Flyers game watching because God forbid Philadelphia holds an event during a sports playoff game and some people can't watch it. Tickets/Info
  3. Full press release can be found here. Anyone of the eG home brewers/enthusiasts going? Sounds like great fun.
  4. I've been reading/posting to various threads picking up info for a July trip to SF. Several microbreweries have come up & I would appreciate any thoughts on these or any others folks think are worth a stop: Anchor Steam Brewery Gordon Biersch Microbrewery Thirsty Bear Brewery San Francisco Brewing Co. Thanks!
  5. What's that song? "If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere!" But seriously now.... Full press release can be read here. Cheers!
  6. I was having a cold one today on my patio (unfortunately, from a LONG NECK bottle ), and was thinking of the good old days when all beer came in those nice, rounded stubby bottles . I thought to myself "if someone came out with beer in stubby bottles again, they would make a killing". Have any Canadian breweries tried going back to stubbies, or are the logistics involved too much to overcome? Or was there a law passed, banning them forever, that I don't know about?
  7. i love beer and think i have a very good beer palate, but i am not by any means an authority on it; hence this question: what exactly makes a porter a porter? how does it differ from stout? and what is everyone's favorite porter?
  8. two colleagues and i drank three pitchers of something called annapurna amber ale at the southern sun microbrewery/bar on thursday night. we selected it after sampling two other brews (one rye, i forget now what the other was). the others were good too, and we'll probably hit one of them the next time out, but the amber was really, really good. it was great by itself and also as an accompaniment to a fairly decent mushroom-swiss burger and fries. i always like to try the porter if a microbrewery brews one, but the one on the night (i don't know if their selections are fixed or change--everything was written on a chalkboard) was infused with an unholy amount of coffee, and i wasn't in the mood to stay up all night. i'll probably go through everything southern sun has on tap before moving to the next brewery--if there is interest i can report my findings here.
  9. There is something special that unites those who love beer, and in my experience it is different than the bond among wine officiandos, food enthusiasts in general, and other communities of people sharing interests. Several years ago I met a bunch of great beer friends online, met some of them in person, and have since kept in touch with many online and a few in person. What fine people they are, and so generous when it comes to sharing sought-after beers. Several weeks ago my husband and I sent one of these beer friends a check for two cases of beer that we might have missed if he had not bought it and held it for us. We planned to pick them up when we traveled to Delaware for closing on the sale of our house up there. Last week was settlement, and on the way home we met Lloyd to pick up our cases of Old Dominion Millenium and their spring brew, an Imperial Pilsner. We appreciated that, and knowing Lloyd, imagined that he would throw in a couple bottles of something else as a treat. Wow! Imagine our surprise and joy when this was his gift of beer to us... A 750 ml bottle of Deus Belgian Ale!! A pint of 2003 Alaskan Brewing Co. Smoked Porter 2 bottles of: Clipper City Small Craft Warning Uber Pils 2003 Anchor Brewing Co. Merry Christmas Happy New Year OSA Troegs Mad Elf Holiday Ale Victory Storm King Stout 2003-04 Brooklyn Brewery Black Chocolate Stout Old Dominion Oak Barrel Stout Dogfish Head Aprihop Heavyweight Brewing Old Salty 2003 Barleywine Allagash Grand Cru This is truly an awesome selection of beers. Thank you so much, Lloyd!
  10. scott123

    Low Carb Beer

    After about an hour of calculations I was able to reverse engineer an approximate carb count for my favorite beer, Anchor Steam: 15g +/- 1g. No wonder why I love the stuff! If my daily goal for carb consumption is 30g, then 2 beers is all I get to consume for the day. Obviously, that's not going to happen. I'm not going anywhere near Michelob Ultra or any light macro swill and Guiness doesn't thrill me all that much. Where else can I turn?
  11. mongo_jones

    black and tan

    is there a specific combination of stout and lager/ale that makes up the "original" black and tan?
  12. cdh

    Unibroue Has Sold Out

    Bad news for all lovers of Blanche de Chambley, Maudite, La Fin Du Monde, Trois Pistoles and the rest of the Unibroue lineup. The brewery was purchased yesterday by Canadian megabrewer Sleeman. No word on what changes will be made, but my bet is that they're on the way. Stock up on the classics while you can get them! Link to article
  13. (this is my first post ever, so please forgive and gently guide me if I make mistakes) So here I am, eight weeks pregnant, and two of my hometown teams are in playoff mode right now, which likely means some evenings with the sports-fan spouse at our local watering holes to watch both games. Fine with me, but I get tired of drinking water at the bar and wonder if you have suggestions for good nonalcoholic beers? Or, more accurately, ones that don't taste like gym socks. I have tried: Haake Beck St. Pauli NA (both not bad) O Doul's (eh) Coors Cutter (so bad the memory of it is triggering nausea...must eat some saltines) None of these are decent enough to have more than one, and most are pretty foul. Also, I would love to hear either fact or opinion on this: why do more micro/craft breweries not set to making a decent nonalcoholic beer? Is it just too difficult to dealcoholize decent beer, or do they figure there's not enough of a market? I went to several wonderful micros while I was in Colorado a few weeks ago and most looked at me like I was crazy for even asking if there was anything they made that I could drink.
  14. Since the Chef's Beer thread worked out so well last time around as an educational resource for homebrewers, I thought I'd let everybody know that I'm brewing again, and anybody who cares to is welcome to join in the recipe and ask any questions along the way. This time, since it is spring and and sunny and beautiful, I've decided to brew a Belgian Blonde, which should be a great late spring and early summer beer. Recipe follows, largely inspired by something over at the homebrew digest, a great homebrewing resource on the web (hbd.org), but trweaked to fit what my homebrew shop had handy: 4 oz Belgian Biscuit malt 4 oz Belgian aromatic malt 2 oz Caravienne 4 oz Munich malt all steeped in 2 gallons of water at 150 F for 30 minutes and sparged with a half gallon at the same temperature. After removing the grain, bring it to a boil, and add 8 lbs of Munton & Fison extra light dry malt extract, 8 oz of clear candy sugar and 1 oz Pride of Ringwood hops (6.5% AA) and let boil for 45 minutes. add 1/2 oz Stytian Goldings for the last 15 minutes of the boil. pitch with Wyeast belgian abbey type yeast, or ardennes. allow to ferment a couple of weeks, and when yeast activity has subsided rack and prime with 1/2 cup corn sugar and 1/3 cup clear candy sugar. Have fun brewing, and feel free to ask any questions you like.
  15. Excuse me if this has been covered before: Mmmm, chicken hearts... Yikes
  16. I very rarely buy carry out beer but we ordered a pizza the other night and my wife said she would like a beer. I got the pie and told the guy I wanted beer to go. Did not want a six pack and a quart would have been to much. I was flummoxed to discover they had several beers in 22oz. bottles. I had never seen this before and wondering if any of you beer sharpies could clue me in. is it marketing or a good idea. For the brewers it may be a profit thing as the 22oz Yuengling was the same price as a quart, which my math tells me is 10oz more. Anyone else observed this? Just wondering about this as I am no longer in the biz and am WAY behind the curve on these issues
  17. Reuter's April 7 article from CBS MarketWatch here. Now I wonder if he is elected, will there be a Senatorial sort of name for a commemorative brew? Cheers!
  18. Craig Camp

    European "Bud"

    I have so far resisted trying the Budweiser they sell in Italy. Should I give it a try or am I just wasting my time? What are the differences?
  19. pete ganz

    "Day Fresh" Bud

    I've been hearing radio ads for this lately. Supposedly in stores the same day it's bottled. Anyone tried it yet?
  20. Old Dominion has just bottled their oak barrel stout. I'll be picking some up later today (It's about 2AM Sunday), to see how it compares to the tap version.
  21. Susan in FL

    Dogfish Head

    Holy shit, Sam was a Hagar Slacks model?? I'm not sure what is the bigger news, that, or the beer. Also of interest in these beer news items sent to me by a very good friend was the notion of Lew Bryson mud wrestling. Let's see... Lew, mud wrestling... Sam, modeling Hagar slacks... That's a tough call. But I'll say given the choice, I would be eternally grateful to anyone who can link me to a Hagar Slacks ad featuring Sam.
  22. ledervin

    Home Brew Rookie

    I brewed beer a few times in college. I have begun again and this time I am force carbonating the beer into a homemade kegerator system. Draft beer is so much easier than cleaning all those bottles. The last couple of batches I made (english pale ale, american pale ale) have been lackluster in results. It just doesn't taste as crisp and hoppy as I am used to in say a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Any suggestions on what I could be doing wrong. I purchased kits with liquid yeast from http://www.morebeer.com Please Help!
  23. Well as the title reads, I have finally developed an Irish Carbomb Ice Cream. I was sitting at home the other day stare-ing at my Cuisinart Duel Qt maker and the tiny little light bulb above my head went off. I bet I could make some ice cream. So I run to the liquor store and get some Guinness, Baileys, and a bottle of Jameson. Well 7 hours and three qts later I figures it out. I did a Guinness Base, a Baileys base and a Jameson Caramel swirl through them both. I also added chocolate chunks for some other texture. MMMMMMMMM,MMMMMMMM
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